Additional Fitting models

The Stoner package contains several pre-build fitting models that are provided as individual functions for use with Stoner.Data.curve_fit() and lmfit.Model classes.Additional The latter also support the ability to determine an initial value of the parameters from the Data and so can simplify the fitting code considerably. Many of the models come with an example function.

Generic Modles

Stoner.analysis.fitting.models.generic Module

lmfit.Model model classes and functions for various generic models.


linear(x, intercept, slope)

Calculate a linear function.

lorentzian_diff(x, A, sigma, mu)

Implement a differential form of a Lorentzian peak.

powerLaw(x, A, k)

Power Law Fitting Equation.

quadratic(x, a, b, c)

Calculate a simple quadratic fitting function.

stretchedExp(x, A, beta, x_0)

Calculate a stretched exponential fuinction.


Linear([independent_vars, prefix, nan_policy])

Simple linear fit class.

Lorentzian_diff(*args, **kwargs)

Provides a lmfit Model rerprenting the differential form of a Lorentzian Peak.

Model(func[, independent_vars, param_names, ...])

Create a model from a user-supplied model function.

PowerLaw([independent_vars, prefix, nan_policy])

Power Law Fitting Equation.

Quadratic([independent_vars, prefix, nan_policy])

A Simple quadratic fitting function.

StretchedExp(*args, **kwargs)

A stretched exponential fuinction.

Thermal Physics models

Stoner.analysis.fitting.models.thermal Module

lmfit.Model model classes and functions for various thermal physics models.


arrhenius(x, A, DE)

Arrhenius Equation without T dependent prefactor.

modArrhenius(x, A, DE, n)

Arrhenius Equation with a variable T power dependent prefactor.

nDimArrhenius(x, A, DE, n)

Arrhenius Equation without T dependent prefactor for various dimensions.

vftEquation(x, A, DE, x_0)

Vogel-Flucher-Tammann (VFT) Equation without T dependent prefactor.


Arrhenius(*args, **kwargs)

Arrhenius Equation without T dependent prefactor.

ModArrhenius(*args, **kwargs)

Arrhenius Equation with a variable T power dependent prefactor.

Model(func[, independent_vars, param_names, ...])

Create a model from a user-supplied model function.

NDimArrhenius(*args, **kwargs)

Arrhenius Equation without T dependent prefactor for various dimensions.

VFTEquation(*args, **kwargs)

Vogel-Flucher-Tammann (VFT) Equation without T dependent prefactor.

Electron Tunnelling models

Stoner.analysis.fitting.models.tunnelling Module

lmfit.Model model classes and functions for various models of electron tunnelling.


bdr(V, A, phi, dphi, d, mass)

BDR model tunnelling.

fowlerNordheim(V, A, phi, d)

Fowler Nordhiem Model of electron tunnelling.

simmons(V, A, phi, d)

Simmons model of electron tunnelling.

tersoffHammann(V, A)

Tersoff-Hamman model for tunnelling through STM tip.


BDR(*args, **kwargs)

BDR model tunnelling.

FowlerNordheim(*args, **kwargs)

Fowler Nordhiem Model of electron tunnelling.

Model(func[, independent_vars, param_names, ...])

Create a model from a user-supplied model function.

Simmons(*args, **kwargs)

Simmons model of electron tunnelling.

TersoffHammann(*args, **kwargs)

Tersoff-Hamman model for tunnelling through STM tip.

Other Electron Transpoort models

Stoner.analysis.fitting.models.e_transport Module

Model classes and functions for various models of electron transport (other than tunnelling processes).


blochGrueneisen(T, thetaD, rho0, A, n)

Calculate the BlochGrueneiseen Function for fitting R(T).

fluchsSondheimer(t, l, p, sigma_0)

Evaluate a Fluchs-Sondheumer model function for conductivity.

wlfit(B, s0, DS, B1, B2)

Implement the Weak localisation fitting function.


BlochGrueneisen(*args, **kwargs)

BlochGrueneiseen Function for fitting R(T).

FluchsSondheimer(*args, **kwargs)

Evaluate a Fluchs-Sondheumer model function for conductivity.

WLfit(*args, **kwargs)

Weak localisation model class.

Magnetism and Magnetic Materials models

Stoner.analysis.fitting.models.magnetism Module

lmfit.Model model classes and functions for various magnetism and magnetic materials models.


blochLaw(T, Ms, Tc)

Bloch's law for spontaneous magnetism at low temperatures.

fmr_power(H, H_res, Delta_H, K_1, K_2)

Combine a Lorentzian and differential Lorenztion peak as measured in an FMR experiment.

inverse_kittel(f, g, M_s, H_k)

Rewritten Kittel equation for finding ferromagnetic resonsance in field with frequency.

kittelEquation(H, g, M_s, H_k)

Kittel Equation for finding ferromagnetic resonance peak in frequency with field.

langevin(H, M_s, m, T)

Langevin function for paramagnetic M-H loops.


BlochLaw(*args, **kwargs)

Bloch's law for spontaneous magnetism at low temperatures.

FMR_Power(*args, **kwargs)

Combine a Lorentzian and differential Lorenztion peak as measured in an FMR experiment.

Inverse_Kittel(*args, **kwargs)

Kittel Equation for finding ferromagnetic resonance peak in frequency with field.

KittelEquation(*args, **kwargs)

Kittel Equation for finding ferromagnetic resonance peak in frequency with field.

Langevin(*args, **kwargs)

The Langevin function for paramagnetic M-H loops.

superconductivity models

Stoner.analysis.fitting.models.superconductivity Module

lmfit.Model model classes and functions for various superconductivity related models.


rsj_noiseless(I, Ic_p, Ic_n, Rn, V_offset)

Implement a simple noiseless RSJ model.

rsj_simple(I, Ic, Rn, V_offset)

Implement a simple noiseless symmetric RSJ model.

strijkers(V, omega, delta, P, Z)

Strijkers Model for point-contact Andreev Reflection Spectroscopy.

ic_B_airy(B, Ic0, B_offset, A)

Calculate Critical Current for a round Josepshon Junction wrt to Field.


RSJ_Noiseless(*args, **kwargs)

Implement a simple noiseless RSJ model.

RSJ_Simple(*args, **kwargs)

Implements a simple noiseless symmetric RSJ model.

Strijkers(*args, **kwargs)

strijkers Model for point-contact Andreev Reflection Spectroscopy.

Ic_B_Airy(*args, **kwargs)

Critical Current for a round Josepshon Junction wrt to Field.