
class Stoner.analysis.fitting.models.e_transport.FluchsSondheimer(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: Model

Evaluate a Fluchs-Sondheumer model function for conductivity.

  • t (array) – Thickness values

  • l (float) – mean-free-path

  • p (float) – reflection co-efficient

  • sigma_0 (float) – intrinsic conductivity


Reduced Resistivity


Expression used from: G.N.Gould and L.A. Moraga, Thin Solid Films 10 (2), 1972 pp 327-330


"""Test Weak-localisation fitting."""
from numpy import logspace, ones_like, log10
from numpy.random import normal

from Stoner import Data
from Stoner.analysis.fitting.models.e_transport import (

B = logspace(log10(2), 2, 26)
params = [12.5, 0.75, 1e3]
G = fluchsSondheimer(B, *params) + normal(size=len(B), scale=5e-5)
dG = ones_like(B) * 5e-5
d = Data(
    column_headers=["Thickness (nm)", "Conductance", "dConductance"],

d.curve_fit(fluchsSondheimer, p0=params, result=True, header="curve_fit")

d.setas = "xye"
d.lmfit(FluchsSondheimer, result=True, header="lmfit")

d.setas = "xyeyy"
d.plot(fmt=["r.", "b-", "g-"])

    fontdict={"size": "x-small", "color": "blue"},
    fontdict={"size": "x-small", "color": "green"},
d.title = "Fluchs-Sondheimer Fit"

(png, hires.png, pdf)


Attributes Summary


Return components for composite model.



Return Model name.


Return the parameter names of the Model.


Return Model prefix.



Methods Summary



dump(fp, **kws)

Dump serialization of Model to a file.


Dump serialization of Model as a JSON string.


Evaluate the model with supplied parameters and keyword arguments.


Evaluate the model with the supplied parameters.

fit(data[, params, weights, method, ...])

Fit the model to the data using the supplied Parameters.

guess(data[, t])

Guess some starting values - not very clever.

load(fp[, funcdefs])

Load JSON representation of Model from a file-like object.

loads(s[, funcdefs])

Load Model from a JSON string.

make_funcargs([params, kwargs, strip])

Convert parameter values and keywords to function arguments.


Create a Parameters object for a Model.


function that is called just after fit, can be overloaded by subclasses to add non-fitting 'calculated parameters'


Print a nicely aligned text-table of parameter hints.

set_param_hint(name, **kwargs)

Set hints to use when creating parameters with make_params().

Attributes Documentation


Return components for composite model.

display_names = ['\\lambda_{mfp}', 'p_{refl}', '\\sigma_0']

Return Model name.


Return the parameter names of the Model.


Return Model prefix.

units = ['nm', '', '\\Omega^{-1}m^{-1}']
valid_forms = ()

Methods Documentation



dump(fp, **kws)

Dump serialization of Model to a file.

fpfile-like object

An open and .write()-supporting file-like object.


Keyword arguments that are passed to json.dumps.


Return value from fp.write(): the number of characters written.

dumps, load, json.dump


Dump serialization of Model as a JSON string.


Keyword arguments that are passed to json.dumps.


JSON string representation of Model.

loads, json.dumps

eval(params=None, **kwargs)

Evaluate the model with supplied parameters and keyword arguments.

paramsParameters, optional

Parameters to use in Model.


Additional keyword arguments to pass to model function.

numpy.ndarray, float, int or complex

Value of model given the parameters and other arguments.

1. if params is None, the values for all parameters are expected to be provided as keyword arguments.

2. If params is given, and a keyword argument for a parameter value is also given, the keyword argument will be used in place of the value in the value in params.

3. all non-parameter arguments for the model function, including all the independent variables will need to be passed in using keyword arguments.

4. The return types are generally numpy.ndarray, but may depends on the model function and input independent variables. That is, return values may be Python float, int, or complex values.

eval_components(params=None, **kwargs)

Evaluate the model with the supplied parameters.

paramsParameters, optional

Parameters to use in Model.


Additional keyword arguments to pass to model function.


Keys are prefixes for component model, values are value of each component.

fit(data, params=None, weights=None, method='leastsq', iter_cb=None, scale_covar=True, verbose=False, fit_kws=None, nan_policy=None, calc_covar=True, max_nfev=None, coerce_farray=True, **kwargs)

Fit the model to the data using the supplied Parameters.


Array of data to be fit.

paramsParameters, optional

Parameters to use in fit (default is None).

weightsarray_like, optional

Weights to use for the calculation of the fit residual [i.e., weights*(data-fit)]. Default is None; must have the same size as data.

methodstr, optional

Name of fitting method to use (default is ‘leastsq’).

iter_cbcallable, optional

Callback function to call at each iteration (default is None).

scale_covarbool, optional

Whether to automatically scale the covariance matrix when calculating uncertainties (default is True).

verbosebool, optional

Whether to print a message when a new parameter is added because of a hint (default is True).

fit_kwsdict, optional

Options to pass to the minimizer being used.

nan_policy{‘raise’, ‘propagate’, ‘omit’}, optional

What to do when encountering NaNs when fitting Model.

calc_covarbool, optional

Whether to calculate the covariance matrix (default is True) for solvers other than ‘leastsq’ and ‘least_squares’. Requires the numdifftools package to be installed.

max_nfevint or None, optional

Maximum number of function evaluations (default is None). The default value depends on the fitting method.

coerce_farraybool, optional

Whether to coerce data and independent data to be ndarrays with dtype of float64 (or complex128). If set to False, data and independent data are not coerced at all, but the output of the model function will be. (default is True)


Arguments to pass to the model function, possibly overriding parameters.


1. if params is None, the values for all parameters are expected to be provided as keyword arguments. Mixing params and keyword arguments is deprecated (see Model.eval).

2. all non-parameter arguments for the model function, including all the independent variables will need to be passed in using keyword arguments.

3. Parameters are copied on input, so that the original Parameter objects are unchanged, and the updated values are in the returned ModelResult.

Take t to be the independent variable and data to be the curve we will fit. Use keyword arguments to set initial guesses:

>>> result = my_model.fit(data, tau=5, N=3, t=t)

Or, for more control, pass a Parameters object.

>>> result = my_model.fit(data, params, t=t)
guess(data, t=None, **kwargs)[source]

Guess some starting values - not very clever.

load(fp, funcdefs=None, **kws)

Load JSON representation of Model from a file-like object.

fpfile-like object

An open and .read()-supporting file-like object.

funcdefsdict, optional

Dictionary of function definitions to use to construct Model.


Keyword arguments that are passed to loads.


Model created from fp.

dump, loads, json.load

loads(s, funcdefs=None, **kws)

Load Model from a JSON string.


Input JSON string containing serialized Model.

funcdefsdict, optional

Dictionary of function definitions to use to construct Model.


Keyword arguments that are passed to json.loads.


Model created from JSON string.

dump, dumps, load, json.loads

make_funcargs(params=None, kwargs=None, strip=True)

Convert parameter values and keywords to function arguments.

make_params(verbose=False, **kwargs)

Create a Parameters object for a Model.

verbosebool, optional

Whether to print out messages (default is False).

Parameter names and initial values or dictionaries of

values and attributes.


Parameters object for the Model.

  1. Parameter values can be numbers (floats or ints) to set the parameter value, or dictionaries with any of the following keywords: value, vary, min, max, expr, brute_step, is_init_value to set those parameter attributes.

  2. This method will also apply any default values or parameter hints that may have been defined for the model.

>>> gmodel = GaussianModel(prefix='peak_') + LinearModel(prefix='bkg_')
>>> gmodel.make_params(peak_center=3200, bkg_offset=0, bkg_slope=0,
...                    peak_amplitdue=dict(value=100, min=2),
...                    peak_sigma=dict(value=25, min=0, max=1000))

function that is called just after fit, can be overloaded by subclasses to add non-fitting ‘calculated parameters’


Print a nicely aligned text-table of parameter hints.

colwidthint, optional

Width of each column, except for first and last columns.

set_param_hint(name, **kwargs)

Set hints to use when creating parameters with make_params().

The given hint can include optional bounds and constraints (value, vary, min, max, expr), which will be used by Model.make_params() when building default parameters.

While this can be used to set initial values, Model.make_params or the function create_params should be preferred for creating parameters with initial values.

The intended use here is to control how a Model should create parameters, such as setting bounds that are required by the mathematics of the model (for example, that a peak width cannot be negative), or to define common constrained parameters.


Parameter name, can include the models prefix or not.


Arbitrary keyword arguments, needs to be a Parameter attribute. Can be any of the following:

  • valuefloat, optional

    Numerical Parameter value.

  • varybool, optional

    Whether the Parameter is varied during a fit (default is True).

  • minfloat, optional

    Lower bound for value (default is -numpy.inf, no lower bound).

  • maxfloat, optional

    Upper bound for value (default is numpy.inf, no upper bound).

  • exprstr, optional

    Mathematical expression used to constrain the value during the fit.

>>> model = GaussianModel()
>>> model.set_param_hint('sigma', min=0)