Source code for Stoner.HDF5

"""Stoner.HDF5 - Defines classes that use the hdf5 file format to store data on disc.

Classes include

* HDF5File - A :py:class:`Stoner.Code.DataFile` subclass that can save and load data from hdf5 files
* HDF5Folder - A :py:class:`Stoner.Folders.DataFolder` subclass that can save and load data from a single hdf5 file

It is only necessary to import this module for the subclasses of :py:class:`Stoner.Core.DataFile` to become available
to :py:class:`Stoner.Core.Data`.

__all__ = ["HDF5File", "HDF5Folder", "HGXFile", "SLS_STXMFile", "STXMImage", "HDFFileManager"]
import importlib
import os.path as path
import os
from copy import deepcopy

import h5py
import numpy as np

from .compat import string_types, bytes2str, get_filedialog, path_types, str2bytes
from .Core import StonerLoadError, DataFile
from .folders import DataFolder
from .Image.core import ImageFile, ImageArray
from .core.utils import copy_into
from .formats.decorators import register_loader, register_saver

def get_hdf_loader(f, default_loader=lambda *args, **kargs: None):
    """Look inside the open hdf file for details of what class to use to read this group.

        f (h5py.File, h5py.Group):
            Open hdf file to look for a type attribute that gives the class to use to read this group.

            Callable function that can produce an object of an appropriate class.
    if "type" not in f.attrs:
        raise StonerLoadError("HDF5 Group does not specify the type attribute used to check we can load it.")
    typ = bytes2str(f.attrs.get("type", ""))
    if (typ not in globals() or not isinstance(globals()[typ], type)) and "module" not in f.attrs:
        raise StonerLoadError(
            "HDF5 Group does not specify a recognized type and does not specify a module to use to load."

    if "module" in f.attrs:
        mod = importlib.import_module(bytes2str(f.attrs["module"]))
        cls = getattr(mod, typ)
        return getattr(cls, "read_hdf5", default_loader)
    return getattr(globals()[typ], "read_hdf5", default_loader)

[docs]class HDFFileManager: """Context manager for HDF5 files.""" def __init__(self, filename, mode="r"): """Initialise context handler. Works out the filename and group in cases the input flename includes a path to a sub group. Checks the file is actually an h4py file that is openable with the given mode. """ self.mode = mode self.handle = None self.file = None self.close = True = "" # Handle the case we're passed an already open h5py object if not isinstance(filename, path_types) or mode == "w": # passed an already open h5py object self.filename = filename return # Here we deal with a string or path filename parts = str(filename).split(os.path.sep) bits = len(parts) for ix in range(bits): testname = "/".join(parts[: bits - ix]) if path.exists(testname): filename = testname break try: if not mode.startswith("w"): with h5py.File(filename, "r"): pass except (IOError, OSError) as err: raise StonerLoadError(f"{filename} not at HDF5 File") from err self.filename = filename def __enter__(self): """Open the hdf file with given mode and navigate to the group.""" if isinstance(self.filename, (h5py.File, h5py.Group)): # passed an already open h5py object self.handle = self.filename if isinstance(self.filename, h5py.Group): self.file = self.filename.file else: self.file = self.filename self.close = False elif isinstance(self.filename, path_types): # Passed something to open handle = h5py.File(self.filename, self.mode) self.file = handle for grp in"/"): if grp.strip() != "": handle = handle[grp] self.handle = handle else: raise StonerLoadError("Note a resource that can be handled with HDF") return self.handle def __exit__(self, _type, _value, _traceback): """Ensure we close the hdf file no matter what.""" if self.file is not None and self.close: self.file.close()
@register_loader( patterns=[(".hdf", 16), (".hf5", 16)], mime_types=[("application/x-hdf", 16), ("application/x-hdf5", 16)], name="HDF5File", what="Data", ) def load_hdf(new_data, filename, *args, **kargs): # pylint: disable=unused-argument """Create a new HDF5File from an actual HDF file.""" with HDFFileManager(filename, "r") as f: data = f["data"] if > 0: = data[...] else: = [[]] metadata = f.require_group("metadata") typehints = f.get("typehints", None) if not isinstance(typehints, h5py.Group): typehints = {} else: typehints = typehints.attrs if "column_headers" in f.attrs: new_data.column_headers = [bytes2str(x) for x in f.attrs["column_headers"]] if isinstance(new_data.column_headers, string_types): new_data.column_headers = new_data.metadata.string_to_type(new_data.column_headers) new_data.column_headers = [bytes2str(x) for x in new_data.column_headers] else: raise StonerLoadError("Couldn't work out where my column headers were !") for i in sorted(metadata.attrs): v = metadata.attrs[i] t = typehints.get(i, "Detect") if isinstance(v, string_types) and t != "Detect": # We have typehints and this looks like it got exported new_data.metadata[f"{i}{{{t}}}".strip()] = f"{v}".strip() else: new_data[i] = metadata.attrs[i] if isinstance(f, h5py.Group): if != "/": new_data.filename = os.path.join(f.file.filename, else: new_data.filename = os.path.realpath(f.file.filename) else: new_data.filename = os.path.realpath(f.filename) return new_data @register_saver(patterns=[(".hdf", 16), (".hf5", 16)], name="HDF5File", what="Data") def save_hdf(save_data, filename=None, **kargs): # pylint: disable=unused-argument """Write the current object into an hdf5 file or group within a file. Writes the data in afashion that is compatible with being loaded in again. Args: filename (string or h5py.Group): Either a string, of h5py.File or h5py.Group object into which to save the file. If this is a string, the corresponding file is opened for writing, written to and save again. Returns A copy of the object """ if filename is None: filename = save_data.filename if filename is None or (isinstance(filename, bool) and not filename): # now go and ask for one filename = save_data.__file_dialog("w") save_data.filename = filename if isinstance(filename, path_types): mode = "r+" if os.path.exists(filename) else "w" else: mode = "" compression = "gzip" compression_opts = 6 with HDFFileManager(filename, mode) as f: f.require_dataset( "data",,,, ) metadata = f.require_group("metadata") typehints = f.require_group("typehints") for k in save_data.metadata: try: typehints.attrs[k] = save_data.metadata._typehints[k] metadata.attrs[k] = save_data[k] except TypeError: # We get this for trying to store a bad data type - fallback to metadata export to string parts = save_data.metadata.export(k).split("=") metadata.attrs[k] = "=".join(parts[1:]) f.attrs["column_headers"] = [str2bytes(x) for x in save_data.column_headers] f.attrs["filename"] = save_data.filename f.attrs["type"] = type(save_data).__name__ f.attrs["module"] = type(save_data).__module__ return save_data def _scan_SLS_meta(new_data, group): """Scan the HDF5 Group for attributes and datasets and sub groups and recursively add them to the metadata.""" root = ".".join("/")[2:]) for name, thing in group.items(): parts ="/") name = ".".join(parts[2:]) if isinstance(thing, h5py.Group): _scan_SLS_meta(new_data, thing) elif isinstance(thing, h5py.Dataset): if thing.ndim > 1: continue if == 1: new_data.metadata[name] = thing[0] else: new_data.metadata[name] = thing[...] for attr in group.attrs: new_data.metadata[f"{root}.{attr}"] = group.attrs[attr] @register_loader( patterns=[(".hdf", 16), (".hdf5", 16)], mime_types=[("application/x-hdf", 16), ("application/x-hdf5", 16)], name="SLS_STXMFile", what="Data", ) def load_sls_stxm(new_data, filename, *args, **kargs): """Load data from the hdf5 file produced by Pollux. Args: h5file (string or h5py.Group): Either a string or an h5py Group object to load data from Returns: itnew_data after having loaded the data """ new_data.filename = filename if isinstance(filename, path_types): # We got a string, so we'll treat it like a file... try: f = h5py.File(filename, "r") except IOError as err: raise StonerLoadError(f"Failed to open {filename} as a n hdf5 file") from err elif isinstance(filename, h5py.File) or isinstance(filename, h5py.Group): f = filename else: raise StonerLoadError(f"Couldn't interpret {filename} as a valid HDF5 file or group or filename") items = [x for x in f.items()] if len(items) == 1 and items[0][0] == "entry1": group1 = [x for x in f["entry1"]] if "definition" in group1 and bytes2str(f["entry1"]["definition"][0]) == "NXstxm": # Good HDF5 pass else: raise StonerLoadError("HDF5 file lacks single top level group called entry1") else: raise StonerLoadError("HDF5 file lacks single top level group called entry1") root = f["entry1"] data = root["counter0"]["data"] if > 0: = data[...] else: = [[]] _scan_SLS_meta(new_data, root) if "file_name" in f.attrs: new_data["original filename"] = f.attrs["file_name"] elif isinstance(f, h5py.Group): new_data["original filename"] = else: new_data["original filename"] = f.file.filename if isinstance(filename, path_types): f.file.close() new_data["Loaded from"] = new_data.filename if "" in new_data.metadata: new_data.metadata["actual_x"] = new_data.metadata[""].reshape(new_data.shape) if "" in new_data.metadata: new_data.metadata["actual_y"] = new_data.metadata[""].reshape(new_data.shape) new_data.metadata["sample_x"], new_data.metadata["sample_y"] = np.meshgrid( new_data.metadata["counter0.sample_x"], new_data.metadata["counter0.sample_y"] ) if "" in new_data.metadata: new_data.metadata["beam current"] = ImageArray(new_data.metadata[""].reshape( new_data.metadata["beam current"].metadata = new_data.metadata =[::-1] return new_data @register_loader( patterns=[(".hdf5", 16), (".hdf", 16)], mime_types=[("application/x-hdf", 16), ("application/x-hdf5", 16)], name="STXMImage", what="Image", ) def load_stxm_image(new_data, filename, *args, **kargs): """Initialise and load a STXM image produced by Pollux. Keyword Args: regrid (bool): If set True, the gridimage() method is automatically called to re-grid the image to known coordinates. """ regrid = kargs.pop("regrid", False) bcn = kargs.pop("bcn", False) d = DataFile() d = load_sls_stxm(d, filename, *args, **kargs) new_data.image = new_data.metadata = deepcopy(d.metadata) new_data.filename = d.filename if isinstance(regrid, tuple): new_data.gridimage(*regrid) elif isinstance(regrid, dict): new_data.gridimage(**regrid) elif regrid: new_data.gridimage() if bcn: if regrid: new_data.metadata["beam current"] = new_data.metadata["beam current"].gridimage() new_data.image /= new_data["beam current"] new_data.polarization = np.sign(new_data.get("collection.polarization.value", 0)) return new_data def _hgx_scan_group(new_data, grp, pth): """Recursively list HDF5 Groups.""" if pth in new_data.seen: return None new_data.seen.append(pth) if not isinstance(grp, h5py.Group): return None if new_data.debug: if new_data.debug: print(f"Scanning in {pth}") for x in grp: if pth == "": new_pth = x else: new_pth = pth + "." + x if pth == "" and x == "data": # Special case for main data continue if isinstance(grp[x], type(grp)): _hgx_scan_group(new_data, grp[x], new_pth) elif isinstance(grp[x], h5py.Dataset): y = grp[x][...] new_data[new_pth] = y return None def _hgx_main_data(new_data, data_grp): """Work through the main data group and build something that looks like a numpy 2D array.""" if not isinstance(data_grp, h5py.Group) or != "/current/data": raise StonerLoadError("HDF5 file not in expected format") root = data_grp["datasets"] for ix in root: # Hack - iterate over all items in root, but actually data is in Groups not DataSets dataset = root[ix] if isinstance(dataset, h5py.Dataset): continue x = dataset["x"][...] y = dataset["y"][...] e = dataset["error"][...] new_data &= x new_data &= y new_data &= e new_data.column_headers[-3] = bytes2str(dataset["x_command"][()]) new_data.column_headers[-2] = bytes2str(dataset["y_command"][()]) new_data.column_headers[-1] = bytes2str(dataset["error_command"][()]) new_data.column_headers = [str(ix) for ix in new_data.column_headers] @register_loader( patterns=(".hgx", 16), mime_types=[("application/x-hdf", 32), ("application/x-hdf5", 32)], name="HGXFile", what="Data", ) def _load(new_data, filename, *args, **kargs): """Load a GenX HDF file. Args: filename (string or bool): File to load. If None then the existing filename is used, if False, then a file dialog will be used. Returns: A copy of the itnew_data after loading the data. """ new_data.filename = filename new_data.seen = [] with HDFFileManager(new_data.filename, "r") as f: try: if "current" in f and "config" in f["current"]: pass else: raise StonerLoadError("Looks like an unexpected HDF layout!.") _hgx_scan_group(new_data, f["current"], "") _hgx_main_data(new_data, f["current"]["data"]) except IOError as err: raise StonerLoadError("Looks like an unexpected HDF layout!.") from err return new_data
[docs]class HDF5File(DataFile): """A sub class of DataFile that sores itself in a HDF5File or group. Args: args (tuple): Supplied arguments, only recognises one though ! kargs (dict): Dictionary of keyword arguments If the first non-keyword argument is not an h5py File or Group then initialises with a blank parent constructor and then loads data, otherwise, calls parent constructor. Datalayout is dead simple, the numerical data is in a dataset called *data*, metadata are attributes of a group called *metadata* with the keynames being the full name + typehint of the standard DataFile metadata dictionary *column_headers* are an attribute of the root file/group *filename* is set from either an attribute called filename, or from the group name or from the hdf5 filename. The root has an attribute *type* that must by 'HDF5File' otherwise the load routine will refuse to load it. This is to try to avoid loading rubbish from random hdf files. """ priority = 16 compression = "gzip" compression_opts = 6 patterns = ["*.hdf", "*.hf5"] mime_type = ["application/x-hdf", "application/x-hdf5"] def __init__(self, *args, **kargs): """Initialise with an h5py.File or h5py.Group.""" if args and isinstance(args[0], (h5py.File, h5py.Group)): args = list(args) grp = args.pop(0) else: grp = None super().__init__(*args, **kargs) if grp is not None: self._load(grp, **kargs) def _load(self, filename, *args, **kargs): """Load data from a hdf5 file. Args: h5file (string or h5py.Group): Either a string or an h5py Group object to load data from Returns: self: This object after having loaded the data """ if filename is None or not filename: self.get_filename("r") filename = self.filename else: self.filename = filename with HDFFileManager(self.filename, "r") as f: loader = get_hdf_loader(f, default_loader=HDF5File.read_hdf) ret = loader(f, *args, instance=self, **kargs) if isinstance(ret, DataFile): copy_into(ret, self) return self return ret
[docs] @classmethod def read_hdf(cls, filename, *args, **kargs): # pylint: disable=unused-argument """Create a new HDF5File from an actual HDF file.""" self = kargs.pop("instance", cls()) if filename is None or not filename: self.get_filename("r") filename = self.filename with HDFFileManager(filename, "r") as f: data = f["data"] if > 0: = data[...] else: = [[]] metadata = f.require_group("metadata") typehints = f.get("typehints", None) if not isinstance(typehints, h5py.Group): typehints = {} else: typehints = typehints.attrs if "column_headers" in f.attrs: self.column_headers = [bytes2str(x) for x in f.attrs["column_headers"]] if isinstance(self.column_headers, string_types): self.column_headers = self.metadata.string_to_type(self.column_headers) self.column_headers = [bytes2str(x) for x in self.column_headers] else: raise StonerLoadError("Couldn't work out where my column headers were !") for i in sorted(metadata.attrs): v = metadata.attrs[i] t = typehints.get(i, "Detect") if ( isinstance(v, string_types) and t != "Detect" ): # We have typehints and this looks like it got exported self.metadata[f"{i}{{{t}}}".strip()] = f"{v}".strip() else: self[i] = metadata.attrs[i] if isinstance(f, h5py.Group): if != "/": self.filename = os.path.join(f.file.filename, else: self.filename = os.path.realpath(f.file.filename) else: self.filename = os.path.realpath(f.filename) return self
[docs] def save(self, filename=None, **kargs): """Write the current object into an hdf5 file or group within a file. The data is written in afashion that is compatible with being loaded in again. Args: filename (string or h5py.Group): Either a string, of h5py.File or h5py.Group object into which to save the file. If this is a string, the corresponding file is opened for writing, written to and save again. Returns A copy of the object """ return self.to_hdf(filename, **kargs) # Just a pass through to our own to_hdf method
[docs] def to_hdf(self, filename=None, **kargs): # pylint: disable=unused-argument """Write the current object into an hdf5 file or group within a file. Writes the data in afashion that is compatible with being loaded in again. Args: filename (string or h5py.Group): Either a string, of h5py.File or h5py.Group object into which to save the file. If this is a string, the corresponding file is opened for writing, written to and save again. Returns A copy of the object """ if filename is None: filename = self.filename if filename is None or (isinstance(filename, bool) and not filename): # now go and ask for one filename = self.__file_dialog("w") self.filename = filename if isinstance(filename, path_types): mode = "r+" if os.path.exists(filename) else "w" else: mode = "" with HDFFileManager(filename, mode) as f: f.require_dataset( "data",,,, compression=self.compression, compression_opts=self.compression_opts, ) metadata = f.require_group("metadata") typehints = f.require_group("typehints") for k in self.metadata: try: typehints.attrs[k] = self.metadata._typehints[k] metadata.attrs[k] = self[k] except TypeError: # We get this for trying to store a bad data type - fallback to metadata export to string parts = self.metadata.export(k).split("=") metadata.attrs[k] = "=".join(parts[1:]) f.attrs["column_headers"] = [str2bytes(x) for x in self.column_headers] f.attrs["filename"] = self.filename f.attrs["type"] = type(self).__name__ f.attrs["module"] = type(self).__module__ return self
[docs]class HGXFile(DataFile): """A subclass of DataFile for reading GenX HDF Files. These files typically have an extension .hgx. This class has been based on a limited sample of hgx files and so may not be sufficiently general to handle all cases. """ priority = 16 pattern = ["*.hgx"] mime_type = ["application/x-hdf", "application/x-hdf5"] def _load(self, filename, *args, **kargs): """Load a GenX HDF file. Args: filename (string or bool): File to load. If None then the existing filename is used, if False, then a file dialog will be used. Returns: A copy of the itself after loading the data. """ self.seen = [] if filename is None or not filename: self.get_filename("r") else: self.filename = filename with HDFFileManager(self.filename, "r") as f: try: if "current" in f and "config" in f["current"]: pass else: raise StonerLoadError("Looks like an unexpected HDF layout!.") self.scan_group(f["current"], "") self.main_data(f["current"]["data"]) except IOError as err: raise StonerLoadError("Looks like an unexpected HDF layout!.") from err return self
[docs] def scan_group(self, grp, pth): """Recursively list HDF5 Groups.""" if pth in self.seen: return None self.seen.append(pth) if not isinstance(grp, h5py.Group): return None if self.debug: if self.debug: print(f"Scanning in {pth}") for x in grp: if pth == "": new_pth = x else: new_pth = pth + "." + x if pth == "" and x == "data": # Special case for main data continue if isinstance(grp[x], type(grp)): self.scan_group(grp[x], new_pth) elif isinstance(grp[x], h5py.Dataset): y = grp[x][...] self[new_pth] = y return None
[docs] def main_data(self, data_grp): """Work through the main data group and build something that looks like a numpy 2D array.""" if not isinstance(data_grp, h5py.Group) or != "/current/data": raise StonerLoadError("HDF5 file not in expected format") root = data_grp["datasets"] for ix in root: # Hack - iterate over all items in root, but actually data is in Groups not DataSets dataset = root[ix] if isinstance(dataset, h5py.Dataset): continue x = dataset["x"][...] y = dataset["y"][...] e = dataset["error"][...] self &= x self &= y self &= e self.column_headers[-3] = bytes2str(dataset["x_command"][()]) self.column_headers[-2] = bytes2str(dataset["y_command"][()]) self.column_headers[-1] = bytes2str(dataset["error_command"][()]) self.column_headers = [str(ix) for ix in self.column_headers]
class HDF5FolderMixin: """Provides a method to load and save data from a single HDF5 file with groups. See :py:class:`Stoner.Folders.DataFolder` for documentation on constructor. Datalayout consistns of sub-groups that are either instances of HDF5Files (i.e. have a type attribute that contains 'HDF5File') or are themsleves HDF5Folder instances (with a type attribute that reads 'HDF5Folder'). """ def __init__(self, *args, **kargs): """Initialise the File aatribute.""" self.File = None super().__init__(*args, **kargs) def __getter__(self, name, instantiate=True): """Load the specified name from a file on disk. Parameters: name (key type): The canonical mapping key to get the dataObject. By default the baseFolder class uses a :py:class:`regexpDict` to store objects in. Keyword Arguments: instantiate (bool): If True (default) then always return a :py:class:`Stoner.Core.Data` object. If False, the __getter__ method may return a key that can be used by it later to actually get the :py:class:`Stoner.Core.Data` object. Returns: (metadataObject): The metadataObject """ try: return super().__getter__(name, instantiate=instantiate) except (AttributeError, IndexError, KeyError, OSError, IOError) as err: if self.debug: print(err) names = list(os.path.split(name)) if names[0] == "/": # Prune leading ./ names = names[1:] if self.File is None: closeme = True self.File = h5py.File(, "r+") else: closeme = False grp = self.File while len(names) > 0: next_group = names.pop(0) if next_group not in grp: raise IOError(f"Cannot find {name} in {self.File.filename}") grp = grp[next_group] tmp = self.loader(grp) tmp.filename = tmp = self.on_load_process(tmp) tmp = self._update_from_object_attrs(tmp) self.__setter__(name, tmp) if closeme: self.File.close() self.File = None return tmp def _dialog(self, message="Select Folder", new_directory=True, mode="r+"): """Create a file dialog box for working with. Args: message (string): Message to display in dialog new_file (bool): True if allowed to create new directory Returns: A directory to be used for the file operation. """ file_wildcard = "hdf file (*.hdf5)|*.hdf5|Data file (*.dat)|\ *.dat|All files|*" if mode == "r": mode2 = "Open HDF file" elif mode == "w": mode2 = "Save HDF file as" dlg = get_filedialog( "file", title=mode2, filetypes=file_wildcard, message=message, mustexist=not new_directory ) if len(dlg) != 0: = dlg self.File = h5py.File(, mode) self.File.close() return return None def _visit_func(self, name, obj): # pylint: disable=unused-argument """Walker of the HDF5 tree.""" if isinstance(obj, h5py.Group) and "type" in obj.attrs: cls = globals()[obj.attrs["type"]] if issubclass(self.loader, cls): self.__setter__(, elif obj.attrs["type"] == "HDF5Folder" and self.recursive: self.groups[[-1]] = type(self)( obj, pattern=self.pattern, type=self.type, recursive=self.recursive, loader=self.loader ) def close(self): """Close the cirrent hd5 file.""" if isinstance(self.File, h5py.File): self.File.close() self.File = None else: raise IOError("HDF5 File not open!") def getlist(self, recursive=None, directory=None, flatten=False): """Read the HDF5 File to construct a list of file HDF5File objects.""" if recursive is None: recursive = self.recursive self.files = [] self.groups = {} closeme = True for d in [directory,, self.File, True]: if isinstance(d, bool) and d: d = self._dialog() directory = d if d is not None: break if directory is None: return None if isinstance(directory, path_types): try: = directory directory = h5py.File(directory, "r+") self.File = directory closeme = True except OSError: return super().getlist(recursive, directory, flatten) elif isinstance(directory, h5py.File) or isinstance(directory, h5py.Group): # Bug out here self.File = directory.file = self.File.filename closeme = False # At this point directory contains an open h5py.File object, or possibly a group directory.visititems(self._visit_func) if flatten: self.flatten() if closeme: self.File.close() self.File = None return self def save(self, root=None): """Save a load of files to a single HDF5 file, creating groups as it goes. Keyword Arguments: root (string): The name of the HDF5 file to save to if set to None, will prompt for a filename. Return: A list of group paths in the HDF5 file """ closeme = False if root is None and isinstance(self.File, h5py.File): root = self.File elif root is None and not isinstance(self.File, h5py.File): root = h5py.File(, mode="w") self.File = root closeme = True if root is None or (isinstance(root, bool) and not root): # now go and ask for one root = self._dialog() root = h5py.File(root, mode="a") self.File = root closeme = True if isinstance(root, path_types): mode = "r+" if path.exists(root) else "w" root = h5py.File(root, mode) self.File = root closeme = True if not isinstance(root, (h5py.File, h5py.Group)): raise IOError("Can't save Folder without an HDF5 file or Group!") # root should be an open h5py file root.attrs["type"] = "HDF5Folder" for ix, obj in enumerate(self): name = os.path.basename(getattr(obj, "filename", f"obj-{ix}")) if name not in root: root.create_group(name) name = root[name] self.loader(obj).save(name) for grp in self.groups: if grp not in root: root.create_group(grp) self.groups[grp].save(root[grp]) if closeme and self.File is not None: self.File.close() self.File = None return self
[docs]class HDF5Folder(HDF5FolderMixin, DataFolder): """Just enforces the loader attriobute to be an HDF5File.""" def __init__(self, *args, **kargs): """Ensure the loader routine is set for HDF5Files.""" self.loader = HDF5File super().__init__(*args, **kargs)
[docs]class SLS_STXMFile(DataFile): """Load images from the Swiss Light Source Pollux beamline.""" priority = 16 compression = "gzip" compression_opts = 6 patterns = ["*.hdf"] mime_type = ["application/x-hdf", "application/x-hdf5"] def _load(self, filename, *args, **kargs): """Load data from the hdf5 file produced by Pollux. Args: h5file (string or h5py.Group): Either a string or an h5py Group object to load data from Returns: itself after having loaded the data """ if filename is None or not filename: self.get_filename("r") filename = self.filename else: self.filename = filename if isinstance(filename, path_types): # We got a string, so we'll treat it like a file... try: f = h5py.File(filename, "r") except IOError as err: raise StonerLoadError(f"Failed to open {filename} as a n hdf5 file") from err elif isinstance(filename, h5py.File) or isinstance(filename, h5py.Group): f = filename else: raise StonerLoadError(f"Couldn't interpret {filename} as a valid HDF5 file or group or filename") items = [x for x in f.items()] if len(items) == 1 and items[0][0] == "entry1": group1 = [x for x in f["entry1"]] if "definition" in group1 and bytes2str(f["entry1"]["definition"][0]) == "NXstxm": # Good HDF5 pass else: raise StonerLoadError("HDF5 file lacks single top level group called entry1") else: raise StonerLoadError("HDF5 file lacks single top level group called entry1") root = f["entry1"] data = root["counter0"]["data"] if > 0: = data[...] else: = [[]] _scan_SLS_meta(self, root) if "file_name" in f.attrs: self["original filename"] = f.attrs["file_name"] elif isinstance(f, h5py.Group): self["original filename"] = else: self["original filename"] = f.file.filename if isinstance(filename, path_types): f.file.close() self["Loaded from"] = self.filename if "" in self.metadata: self.metadata["actual_x"] = self.metadata[""].reshape(self.shape) if "" in self.metadata: self.metadata["actual_y"] = self.metadata[""].reshape(self.shape) self.metadata["sample_x"], self.metadata["sample_y"] = np.meshgrid( self.metadata["counter0.sample_x"], self.metadata["counter0.sample_y"] ) if "" in self.metadata: self.metadata["beam current"] = ImageArray(self.metadata[""].reshape( self.metadata["beam current"].metadata = self.metadata =[::-1] return self def _scan_SLS_meta(self, group): """Scan the HDF5 Group for attributes and datasets and sub groups and recursively add them to the metadata.""" root = ".".join("/")[2:]) for name, thing in group.items(): parts ="/") name = ".".join(parts[2:]) if isinstance(thing, h5py.Group): _scan_SLS_meta(self, thing) elif isinstance(thing, h5py.Dataset): if thing.ndim > 1: continue if == 1: self.metadata[name] = thing[0] else: self.metadata[name] = thing[...] for attr in group.attrs: self.metadata[f"{root}.{attr}"] = group.attrs[attr]
[docs]class STXMImage(ImageFile): """An instance of KerrArray that will load itself from a Swiss Light Source STXM image.""" # pylint: disable=no-member _reduce_metadata = False _patterns = ["*.hdf5", "*.hdf"] mime_type = ["application/x-hdf", "application/x-hdf5"] priority = 16 def __init__(self, *args, **kargs): """Initialise and load a STXM image produced by Pollux. Keyword Args: regrid (bool): If set True, the gridimage() method is automatically called to re-grid the image to known coordinates. """ regrid = kargs.pop("regrid", False) bcn = kargs.pop("bcn", False) if len(args) > 0 and isinstance(args[0], path_types): d = SLS_STXMFile(args[0]) args = args[1:] super().__init__(*args, **kargs) self.image = self.metadata = deepcopy(d.metadata) self.filename = d.filename elif len(args) > 0 and isinstance(args[0], ImageFile): src = args[0] args = args[1:] super().__init__(src.image, *args, **kargs) elif len(args) > 0 and isinstance(args[0], ImageArray): src = args[0] args = args[1:] super().__init__(src, *args, **kargs) else: super().__init__(*args, **kargs) if isinstance(regrid, tuple): self.gridimage(*regrid) elif isinstance(regrid, dict): self.gridimage(**regrid) elif regrid: self.gridimage() if bcn: if regrid: self.metadata["beam current"] = self.metadata["beam current"].gridimage() self.image /= self["beam current"] @property def polarization(self): """Return the sign of the polarization used for the image. Returns: +1,-1 or 0 for positive, negative or unpolariused light used for the image. """ return np.sign(self.get("collection.polarization.value", 0)) def _load(self, filename, *args, **kargs): """Pass through to SLS_STXMFile._load.""" self.__init__(filename, *args, **kargs) return self