
Data.plot_xyz(xcol=None, ycol=None, zcol=None, shape=None, xlim=None, ylim=None, projection='3d', **kargs)

Plot a surface plot based on rows of X,Y,Z data using matplotlib.pcolor().

  • xcol (index) – Xcolumn index or label

  • ycol (index) – Y column index or label

  • zcol (index) – Z column index or label

Keyword Arguments:
  • shape (tuple) – Defines the shape of the surface (i.e. the number of X and Y value. If not provided or None, then the routine will attempt to calculate these from the data provided

  • xlim (tuple) – Defines the x-axis limits and grid of the data to be plotted

  • ylim (tuple) – Defines the Y-axis limits and grid of the data data to be plotted

  • cmap (matplotlib colour map) – Surface colour map - defaults to the jet colour map

  • show_plot (bool) – True Turns on interactive plot control

  • title (string) – Optional parameter that specifies the plot title - otherwise the current DataFile filename is used

  • save_filename (string) – Filename used to save the plot

  • figure (matplotlib figure) – Controls what matplotlib figure to use. Can be an integer, or a matplotlib.figure or False. If False then a new figure is always used, otherwise it will default to using the last figure used by this DataFile object.

  • plotter (callable) – Optional argument that passes a plotting function into the routine. Default is a 3d surface plotter, but contour plot and pcolormesh also work.

  • projection (string or None) – Whether to use a 3D projection or regular 2D axes (default is 3D)

  • **kargs (dict) – A dictionary of other keyword arguments to pass into the plot function.


A matplotlib.figure instance