Source code for Stoner.plot.formats

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""Plot Templates module - contains classes that style plots produced by :class:`.Data`."""

__all__ = [
from os.path import join, dirname, realpath, exists
from inspect import getfile
from import MutableMapping, Mapping

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.ticker import EngFormatter, Formatter
from matplotlib.ticker import AutoLocator
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D
import numpy as np
from numpy.random import normal

    import seaborn as sns

    SEABORN = True
except ImportError:
    SEABORN = False

def _round(value, offset=2):
    """Round numbers for the TexFormatters to avoid crazy numbers of decimal places."""
    for i in range(5):
        vt = np.round(value, i)
        if np.abs(value - vt) < 10 ** (-i - offset):
            value = vt
    return value

def _add_dots(key):
    """Replace __ with . in key."""
    return key.replace("__", ".").replace("..", "__")

def _remove_dots(key):
    return key.replace(".", "__")

[docs]class TexFormatter(Formatter): r"""An axis tick label formatter that emits Tex formula mode code. Formatting is set so that large numbers are registered as :math`\times 10^{power}` rather than using E notation."""
[docs] def __call__(self, value, pos=None): """Return the value ina suitable texable format.""" if value is None or np.isnan(value): ret = "" elif value != 0.0: power = np.floor(np.log10(np.abs(value))) if np.abs(power) < 4: ret = f"${round(value)}$" else: v = _round(value / (10**power)) ret = f"${v}\\times 10^{{{power:.0f}}}$" else: ret = "$0.0$" return ret
[docs] def format_data(self, value): """Return the full string representation of the value with the position unspecified.""" return self.__call__(value)
[docs] def format_data_short(self, value): # pylint: disable=r0201 """Return a short string version of the tick value. Defaults to the position-independent long value.""" return f"{value:g}"
[docs]class TexEngFormatter(EngFormatter): """An axis tick label formatter that emits Tex formula mode code. Formatting is set so that large numbers are registered as with SI prefixes rather than using E notation. """ prefix = { 0: "", 3: "k", 6: "M", 9: "G", 12: "T", 15: "P", 18: "E", 21: "Z", 24: "Y", -3: "m", -6: "\\mu", -9: "n", -12: "p", -15: "f", -18: "a", -21: "z", -24: "y", }
[docs] def __call__(self, value, pos=None): """Return the value ina suitable texable format.""" if value is None or np.isnan(value): ret = "" elif value != 0.0: power = np.floor(np.log10(np.abs(value))) pre = np.ceil(power / 3.0) * 3 if -1 <= power <= 3 or pre == 0: ret = f"${round(value, 4)}\\,\\mathrm{{{self.unit}}}$" else: power = power % 3 v = _round(value / (10**pre), 4) if np.abs(v) < 0.1: v *= 1000 pre -= 3 elif np.abs(v) > 1000.0: v /= 1000 pre += 3.0 ret = f"${v}\\mathrm{{{self.prefix[int(pre)]} {self.unit}}}$" else: ret = "$0.0$" return ret
[docs] def format_data(self, value): """Return the full string representation of the value with the position unspecified.""" return self.__call__(value)
[docs] def format_data_short(self, value): # pylint: disable=r0201 """Return a short string version of the tick value. Defaults to the position-independent long value.""" return f"{value:g}"
[docs]class DefaultPlotStyle(MutableMapping): """Produces a default plot style. To produce alternative plot styles, create subclasses of this plot. Either override or create additional attributes to define rc Parameters (see Matplotlib documentation for available rc parameters) and override the :py:meth:Stoner.pot.formats.DefaultPlotStyle.customise` method to carry out additional plot formatting. Attributes: fig_width_pt (float): Preferred width of plot in points show_xlabel (bool): Show the title in the plot show_ylabel (bool): Show the x-axis Labels show_zlabel (bool): show the y-xaxis labels show_title (bool): show the title show_legend (bool): show the legend stylename (string): Name of the matplotlib style to use stylesheet (list): Calculated list of stylesheets found by traversing the class hierarchy Example .. plot:: samples/plotstyles/ :include-source: :outname: defaultstyle """ # Internal class attributes. _inches_per_pt = 1.0 / 72.27 # Convert pt to inch _mm_per_inch = 25.4 _golden_mean = (np.sqrt(5) - 1.0) / 2.0 # Aesthetic ratio # Settings for this figure type. All instance attributes which start template_ # will be used. Once the leading template_ is stripped, all _ characters are replaced # with . and then the attributes are mapped to a dictionary and used to update the rcParams # dictionary # pylint: disable=attribute-defined-outside-init show_xlabel = True show_ylabel = True show_zlabel = True show_title = True show_legend = True xformatter = TexEngFormatter yformatter = TexEngFormatter zformatter = TexEngFormatter xlocater = AutoLocator ylocater = AutoLocator zlocater = AutoLocator stylename = "default" subplot_settings = { "panels": { "xlabel": (False, False, True), "ylabel": (True, True, True), "zlabel": (False, False, False), "title": (True, False, False), }, "subplots": { "xlabel": (True, True, True), "ylabel": (True, True, True), "zlabel": (False, False, False), "title": (True, True, True), }, "y2": { "xlabel": (True, False, False), "ylabel": (True, True, True), "zlabel": (False, False, False), "title": (True, False, False), }, } def __init__(self, *args, **kargs): """Create a template instance of this template. Keyword arguments may be supplied to set default parameters. Any Matplotlib rc parameter may be specified, with .'s replaced with __. A Mapping type object may be supplied as the first argument which will be used to upodate the rcParams first. """ self._stylesheet = None # self.fig_width = None # self.fig_height = None self.update(**kargs)
[docs] def __call__(self, **kargs): """Call the template object can manipulate the rcParams that will be set.""" for k, v in kargs.items(): if k.startswith("template_"): nk = _add_dots(k[:9]) if nk in plt.rcParams: super().__setattr__(nk, v) self[nk] = v else: self.update({_add_dots(k): v})
def __delitem__(self, name): """Clear any setting that overrides the default for *name*.""" if hasattr(self, name): default = getattr(type(self)(), name) setattr(self, name, default) elif name in plt.rcParams: params = dict(plt.rcParams) del params[name] plt.rcdefaults() plt.rcParams.update(params) super().__delattr__(_remove_dots(f"template_{name}")) else: raise KeyError(f"{name} is not recognised as part of the template") def __getattr__(self, name): """Provide magic to read certain attributes of the template.""" if name.startswith("template_"): # Magic conversion to rcParams attrname = _add_dots(name[9:]) if attrname in plt.rcParams: return plt.rcParams[attrname] raise AttributeError("template attribute not in rcParams") if name == "showlegend": return self.show_legend and len(plt.gca().get_legend_handles_labels()[1]) > 1 return super().__getattribute__(name) def __getitem__(self, name): """Try to match *name* to a style setting.""" try: return self.__getattr__(name) except AttributeError: pass if name in plt.rcParams: return plt.rcParams[name] raise KeyError(f"{name} is not recognised as part of the template") def __iter__(self): """Iterate over stylesjeet settings.""" attrs = [x for x in dir(self) if self._allowed_attr(x)] attrs += list(plt.rcParams.keys()) attrs.sort() for f in attrs: yield f def __len__(self): """Implement a length of stylesheet.""" i = len([x for x in dir(self) if self._allowed_attr(x)]) i += len(list(plt.rcParams.keys())) return i def __setattr__(self, name, value): """Ensure stylesheet can't be overwritten and provide magic for template attributes.""" if name.startswith("template_"): attrname = _add_dots(name[9:]) plt.rcParams[attrname] = value super().__setattr__(name, value) else: super().__setattr__(name, value) def __setitem__(self, name, value): """Set a stylesheet setting by *name*.""" if hasattr(self, name): setattr(self, name, value) else: if name in plt.rcParams: plt.rcParams[name] = value name = _remove_dots(f"template_{name}") super().__setattr__(name, value) else: raise KeyError(f"{name} is not recognised as part of the template") def _allowed_attr(self, x, template=False): """Private method to test if this is a template attribute we can set.""" return ( not x.startswith("_") and (not template) ^ x.startswith("template_") and not callable(x) and not isinstance(getattr(type(self), x, None), property) ) @property def stylesheet(self): """Horribly hacky method to traverse over the class hierarchy for style sheet names.""" if ( self._stylesheet is not None and self._stylesheet[0] == self.stylename ): # Have we cached a copy of our stylesheets ? return self._stylesheet[1] levels = type.mro(type(self))[:-1] sheets = [] classes = [] for c in levels: # Iterate through all possible parent classes and build a list of stylesheets if c is type(self) or c in classes or not isinstance(c, DefaultPlotStyle): continue for f in [ join(realpath(dirname(getfile(c))), c.stylename + ".mplstyle"), join(dirname(realpath(getfile(c))), "stylelib", c.stylename + ".mplstyle"), join(dirname(realpath(__file__)), "stylelib", c.stylename + ".mplstyle"), ]: # Look in first of all the same directory as the class file and then in a stylib folder if exists(f): sheets.append(f) break else: # Fallback, does the parent class define a builtin stylesheet ? if c.stylename in sheets.append(c.stylename) classes.append(c) # Stop double visiting files # Now do the same for this class, but allow the stylename to be an instance variable as well for f in [ join(dirname(realpath(getfile(type(self)))), self.stylename + ".mplstyle"), join(dirname(realpath(getfile(type(self)))), "stylelib", self.stylename + ".mplstyle"), ]: if exists(f): sheets.append(f) break else: if self.stylename in sheets.append(self.stylename) self._stylesheet = self.stylename, sheets return sheets @stylesheet.setter def stylesheet(self, value): # pylint: disable=r0201 """Just stop the stylesheet from being set.""" raise AttributeError("Can't set the stylesheet value, this is derived from the stylename aatribute.")
[docs] def clear(self): """Reset everything back o defaults.""" attrs = [x for x in dir(self) if self._allowed_attr(x)] defaults = type(self)() for attr in attrs: setattr(self, attr, getattr(defaults, attr)) plt.rcdefaults() attrs = [x for x in dir(self) if self._allowed_attr(x, template=True)] for attr in attrs: delattr(self, attr)
[docs] def update(self, *args, **kargs): # pylint: disable=signature-differs """Update the template with new attributes from keyword arguments. Up to one positional argument may be supplied Keyword arguments may be supplied to set default parameters. Any Matplotlib rc parameter may be specified, with .'s replaced with _ and )_ replaced with __. """ if len(args) == 1 and isinstance(args[0], Mapping): super().update(args[0]) elif len(args) > 0: raise SyntaxError( "Only one posotional argument which should be a Mapping subclass can be supplied toi update." ) for k in kargs: if k in dir(self) and not callable(self.__getattr__(k)): self.__setattr__(k, kargs[k]) elif not k.startswith("_"): self.__setattr__("template_" + k, kargs[k])
[docs] def new_figure(self, figure=False, **kargs): """Create a new figure. This is called by PlotMixin to setup a new figure before we do anything.""""default") params = {} self.apply() if "fig_width_pt" in dir(self): self.fig_width = self.fig_width_pt * self._inches_per_pt if "fig_height_pt" in dir(self): self.fig_height = self.fig_width * self._golden_mean # height in inches if "fig_ratio" in dir(self) and "fig_width" in dir(self): self.fig_height = self.fig_width / self.fig_ratio if "fig_width" and "fig_height" in self.__dict__: self.template_figure__figsize = (self.fig_width, self.fig_height) for attr in dir(self): if attr.startswith("template_"): attrname = _add_dots(attr[9:]) value = self.__getattribute__(attr) if attrname in plt.rcParams.keys(): params[attrname] = value projection = kargs.pop("projection", "rectilinear") self.template_figure__figsize = kargs.pop("figsize", self.template_figure__figsize) # pylint: disable=W0201 if "ax" in kargs and isinstance(kargs["ax"], (Axes3D, plt.Axes)): # Giving an axis instance in kargs means we can use that as our figure figure = kargs["ax"].figure.number if isinstance(figure, bool) and not figure: return None, None elif figure is not None: fig = plt.figure(figure, figsize=self.template_figure__figsize, layout="constrained") if len(fig.axes) == 0: rect = [plt.rcParams[f"figure.subplot.{i}"] for i in ["left", "bottom", "right", "top"]] rect[2] = rect[2] - rect[0] rect[3] = rect[3] - rect[1] if projection == "3d": if not kargs.get("no_axes", False): ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection="3d") else: ax = None else: if not kargs.get("no_axes", False): ax = fig.add_axes(rect) else: ax = None else: if projection == "3d": if "ax" in kargs: ax = kargs.pop("ax") else: for ax in plt.gcf().axes: if isinstance(ax, Axes3D): break else: ax = plt.axes(projection="3d") else: ax = kargs.pop("ax", fig.gca()) return fig, ax else: no_axes = kargs.pop("no_axes", False) if projection == "3d": kargs.setdefault("layout", "constrained") ret = plt.figure(figsize=self.template_figure__figsize, **kargs) if not no_axes: ax = ret.add_subplot(111, projection="3d") return ret, ax else: for ax in ret.axes: ax.remove() return ret, None else: kargs.setdefault("layout", "constrained") if not no_axes: return plt.subplots(figsize=self.template_figure__figsize, **kargs) else: ret = plt.figure(figsize=self.template_figure__figsize, **kargs) for ax in ret.axes: ax.remove() return ret, None
[docs] def apply(self): """Update matplotlib rc parameters from any attributes starting template_.""" for attr in dir(self): v = getattr(self, attr) if not attr.startswith("template_"): continue attr = _add_dots(attr[9:]) if attr in plt.rcParams: plt.rcParams[attr] = v self.customise()
[docs] def customise(self): """Implement hook to customise plot. This method is supplied for sub classes to override to provide additional plot customisation after the rc parameters are updated from the class and instance attributes."""
[docs] def customise_axes(self, ax, plot): """Implement hook for for when we have an axis to manipulate. Args: ax (matplotlib axes): The axes to be modified by this function. Note: In the DefaultPlotStyle class this method is used to set SI units plotting mode for all axes. """ ax.xaxis.set_major_locator(self.xlocater()) ax.yaxis.set_major_locator(self.ylocater()) ax.set_xticks(ax.get_xticks()) ax.set_yticks(ax.get_yticks()) ax.set_xticklabels(ax.get_xticks(), size=self.template_xtick__labelsize) ax.set_yticklabels(ax.get_yticks(), size=self.template_ytick__labelsize) if isinstance(self.xformatter, Formatter): xformatter = self.xformatter else: xformatter = self.xformatter() if isinstance(self.yformatter, Formatter): yformatter = self.yformatter else: yformatter = self.yformatter() ax.xaxis.set_major_formatter(xformatter) ax.yaxis.set_major_formatter(yformatter) if "zaxis" in dir(ax): ax.zaxis.set_major_locator(self.zlocater()) ax.set_zticklabels(ax.get_zticks(), size=self.template_ztick__labelsize) ax.zaxis.set_major_formatter(self.zformatter())
[docs] def annotate(self, ix, multiple, plot, **kargs): """Call all the routines necessary to annotate the axes etc. Args: ix(integer): Index of current subplot multiple (string): how to handle multiple subplots plot (Stoner.plot.PlotMixin): The PlotMixin boject we're working with """ if multiple in self.subplot_settings: if ix == 0: i = 0 elif ix == len(plot.axes) - 1: i = 2 else: i = 1 settings = {k: self.subplot_settings[multiple][k][i] for k in self.subplot_settings[multiple]} else: settings = {"xlabel": True, "ylabel": True, "zlabel": True, "title": True} try: if "xlabel" in kargs and self.show_xlabel and settings["xlabel"]: plt.xlabel(str(kargs["xlabel"]), size=self.template_axes__labelsize) if "ylabel" in kargs and self.show_ylabel and settings["ylabel"]: plt.ylabel(str(kargs["ylabel"]), size=self.template_axes__labelsize) if "zlabel" in kargs and self.show_zlabel and settings["zlabel"]: plot.fig.axes[0].set_zlabel(kargs["zlabel"], size=self.template_axes__labelsize) if "title" in kargs and self.show_title and settings["title"]: plt.title(kargs["title"]) if self.showlegend: plt.legend() except AttributeError: pass
[docs]class GBPlotStyle(DefaultPlotStyle): """Template developed for Gavin's plotting. This is largely an experimental class for trying things out rather than for serious plotting. Example: .. plot:: samples/plotstyles/ :include-source: :outname: gbstyle """ xformatter = TexEngFormatter yformatter = TexEngFormatter stylename = "GBStyle"
[docs] def customise_axes(self, ax, plot): """Override the default axis configuration.""" super().customise_axes(ax, plot) ax.spines["top"].set_visible(False) ax.spines["right"].set_visible(False) ax.xaxis.set_ticks_position("bottom") ax.yaxis.set_ticks_position("left") ax.spines["left"].set_position("zero") ax.spines["bottom"].set_position("zero") plt.draw()
[docs]class JTBPlotStyle(DefaultPlotStyle): """Template class for Joe's Plot settings. Example: .. plot:: samples/plotstyles/ :include-source: :outname: jtbstyle """ show_title = False stylename = "JTB"
[docs] def customise_axes(self, ax, plot): """Override the default axis configuration (or not)."""
[docs]class JTBinsetStyle(DefaultPlotStyle): """Template class for Joe's Plot settings.""" show_title = False stylename = "JTBinset"
[docs] def customise_axes(self, ax, plot): """Override the default axis configuration (or not)."""
class ThesisPlotStyle(DefaultPlotStyle): """Template class for Joe's Plot settings.""" show_title = False stylename = "thesis"
[docs]class PRBPlotStyle(DefaultPlotStyle): """A figure Style for making figures for Phys Rev * Jounrals. Example: .. plot:: samples/plotstyles/ :include-source: :outname: prbstyle """ show_title = False stylename = "PRB"
[docs] def customise_axes(self, ax, plot): """Override the default axis configuration.""" ax.locator_params(tight=True, nbins=4)
[docs]class SketchPlot(DefaultPlotStyle): """Turn on xkcd plot style. Implemented as a bit of a joke, but perhaps someone will use this in a real presentation one day ? Example: .. plot:: samples/plotstyles/ :include-source: :outname: sketchstyle """ stylename = "sketch"
[docs] def customise(self): """Force on xkcd style.""" plt.xkcd()
[docs] def customise_axes(self, ax, plot): """Override the default axis configuration.""" super().customise_axes(ax, plot) ax.spines["top"].set_visible(False) if len(plot.axes) > 1 and plot.multiple == "y2": pass else: ax.spines["right"].set_visible(False) ax.yaxis.set_ticks_position("left") ax.xaxis.set_ticks_position("bottom") ax.xaxis.label.set_rotation(normal(scale=5)) ax.xaxis.label.set_x(0.9) ax.yaxis.label.set_rotation(normal(90, scale=5)) ax.yaxis.label.set_y(0.9) for l in ax.get_xticklabels(): l.set_rotation(normal(scale=2)) for l in ax.get_yticklabels(): l.set_rotation(normal(scale=2)) plt.draw()
if SEABORN: # extra classes if we have seaborn available
[docs] class SeabornPlotStyle(DefaultPlotStyle): """A plotdtyle that makes use of the seaborn plotting package to make visually attractive plots. Attributes: stylename (str): The seaborn plot style to use - darkgrid, whitegrid, dark, white, or ticks context (str): The seaborn plot context for scaling elements - paper,notebook,talk, or poster palette (str): A name of a predefined seaborn palette. Example: .. plot:: samples/plotstyles/ :include-source: :outname: seabornstyle """ _stylename = None _context = None _palette = None @property def context(self): """Provide context getter.""" return self._context @context.setter def context(self, name): """Limit context to allowed values.""" if name in ["paper", "notebook", "talk", "poster"]: self._context = name else: raise AttributeError("style name should be one of {paper,notebook,talk,poster}") @property def palette(self): """Provide palette getter.""" return self._palette @palette.setter def palette(self, name): """Force palette to take allowed values.""" with sns.color_palette(name): pass self._palette = name @property def stylename(self): """Provide getter for stylename.""" return self._stylename @stylename.setter def stylename(self, name): """Force stylename to take allowed values only.""" if name in ["darkgrid", "whitegrid", "dark", "white", "ticks"]: self._stylename = name else: raise AttributeError("style name should be one of {darkgrid, whitegrid, dark, white, ticks}") def apply(self): """Override base method to apply seaborn style sheets.""" sns.set_style(style=self.stylename) sns.set_context(context=self.context) sns.set_palette(sns.color_palette(self._palette)) self.customise()
else: SeabornPlotStyle = DefaultPlotStyle