Source code for Stoner.Image.core

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""Implements core image handling classes for the :mod:`Stoner.Image` package."""
__all__ = ["ImageArray", "ImageFile"]
import os
from copy import copy, deepcopy
import inspect
from importlib import import_module
from io import BytesIO as StreamIO
from warnings import warn

from PIL import Image
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from scipy import ndimage as ndi
from skimage import (

from ..core.base import typeHintedDict, metadataObject
from ..core.exceptions import StonerLoadError, StonerUnrecognisedFormat
from ..Core import DataFile
from import isTuple, isLikeList, make_Data
from import file_dialog, get_file_name_type, auto_load_classes
from import class_modifier, image_file_adaptor, class_wrapper, clones
from ..compat import (
)  # Some things to help with Python2 and Python3 compatibility
from .attrs import DrawProxy, MaskProxy
from .widgets import RegionSelect
from . import imagefuncs
from import Options

IMAGE_FILES = [("Tiff File", "*.tif;*.tiff"), ("PNG files", "*.png", "Numpy Files", "*.npy")]

dtype_range = {
    np.bool_: (False, True),
    np.bool8: (False, True),
    np.uint8: (0, 255),
    np.uint16: (0, 65535),
    np.int8: (-128, 127),
    np.int16: (-32768, 32767),
    np.int64: (-(2**63), 2**63 - 1),
    np.uint64: (0, 2**64 - 1),
    np.int32: (-(2**31), 2**31 - 1),
    np.uint32: (0, 2**32 - 1),
    np.float16: (-1, 1),
    np.float32: (-1, 1),
    np.float64: (-1, 1),

def _add_core_(result, other):
    """Actually do result=result-other."""
    if isinstance(other, type(result)) and result.shape == other.shape:
        result.image += other.image
    elif isinstance(other, np.ndarray) and other.shape == result.shape:
        result.image += other
    elif isinstance(other, (int, float)):
        result.image += other
        return NotImplemented
    return result

def _floor_div_core_(result, other):
    """Actually do result=result/other."""
    # Cheat and pass through to ImageArray

    if isinstance(other, ImageFile):
        other = other.image

    result.image = result.image // other
    return result

def _div_core_(result, other):
    """Actually do result=result/other."""
    # Cheat and pass through to ImageArray

    if isinstance(other, ImageFile):
        other = other.image

    result.image = result.image / other
    return result

def _sub_core_(result, other):
    """Actually do result=result-other."""
    if isinstance(other, type(result)) and result.shape == other.shape:
        result.image -= other.image
    elif isinstance(other, np.ndarray) and other.shape == result.shape:
        result.image -= other
    elif isinstance(other, (int, float)):
        result.image -= other
        return NotImplemented
    return result

def copy_into(source: "ImageFile", dest: "ImageFile") -> "ImageFile":
    """Copy the data associated with source to dest.

        source(ImageFile): The ImageFile object to be copied from
        dest (ImageFile): The ImageFile objrct to be changed by receiving the copiued data.

        The modified *dest* ImageFile.

    Unlike copying or deepcopying a ImageFile, this function preserves the class of the destination and just
    overwrites the attributes that represent the data in the ImageFile.
    dest.image = source.image.clone
    for k in source._public_attrs:
        if hasattr(source, k):
            setattr(dest, k, deepcopy(getattr(source, k)))
    return dest

[docs]@class_modifier( [ color, exposure, feature, io, measure, filters, filters.rank, graph, util, restoration, morphology, segmentation, transform, ] ) @class_modifier([ndi], transpose=True) @class_modifier(imagefuncs, overload=True) class ImageArray(, metadataObject): """A numpy array like class with a metadata parameter and pass through to skimage methods. ImageArray is for manipulating images stored as a 2d numpy array. It is built to be almost identical to a numpy array except for one extra parameter which is the metadata. This stores information about the image in a dictionary object for later retrieval. All standard numpy functions should work as normal and casting two types together should yield a ImageArray type (ie. ImageArray+np.ndarray=ImageArray) In addition any function from skimage should work and return a ImageArray. They can be called as eg. im=im.gaussian(sigma=2). Don't include the module name, just the function name (ie not filters.gaussian). Also omit the first image argument required by skimage. Attributes: metadata (:py:class:`Stoner.core.regexpDict`): A dictionary of metadata items associated with this image. filename (str): The name of the file from which this image was loaded. title (str): The title of the image (defaults to the filename). mask (:py:class:`numpy.ndarray of bool`): The underlying mask data of the image. Masked elements (i.e. where mask=True) are ignored for many image operations. Indexing them will return the mask fill value (typically NaN, ot -1 or -MAXINT) draw (:py:class:`Stoner.Image.attrs.DrawProxy`): A special object that allows the user to manipulate the image data by making use of :py:mod:`skimage.draw` functions as well as some additional drawing functions. clone (:py:class:`Stoner.ImageArry`): Return a duplicate copy of the current image - this allows subsequent methods to modify the cloned version rather than the original version. centre (tuple of (float,float)): The coordinates of the centre of the image. aspect (float): The aspect ratio (width/height) of the image. max_box (tuple (0,x-size,0-y-size)): The extent of the image size in a form suitable for use in defining a box. flip_h (:py:class:`ImageArray`): Clone the current image and then flip it horizontally (left-right). flip_v (:py:class:`ImageArray`): Clone the current image and then flip it vertically (top-bottom). CW (:py:class:`ImageArray`): Clone the current image and then rotate it 90 degrees clockwise. CCW (:py:class:`ImageArray`): Clone the current image and then rotate it 90 degrees counter-clockwise. T (:py:class:`ImageArray`): Transpose the current image shape (tuple (int,int)): Return the current shape of the image (rows, columns) dtype (:py:class:`numpy.dtype`): The current dtype of the elements of the image data. For clarity it should be noted that any function will not alter the current instance, it will clone it first then return the clone after performing the function on it. Note: For arrays the indexing is (row, column). However the normal way to index an image would be to do (horizontal, vert), which is the opposite. In ImageArray the coordinate system is chosen similar to skimage. y points down x points right and the origin is in the top left corner of the image. When indexing the array therefore you need to give it (y,x) coordinates for (row, column).:: ----> x (column) | | v y (row) eg I want the 4th pixel in the horizontal direction and the 10th pixel down from the top I would ask for ImageArray[10,4] but if I want to translate the image 4 in the x direction and 10 in the y I would call im=im.translate((4,10)) """ # Proxy attributes for storing imported functions. Only do the import when needed _func_proxy = None # extra attributes for class beyond standard numpy ones # Default values for when we can't find the attribute already _defaults = {"debug": False, "_hardmask": False} fmts = ["png", "npy", "tiff", "tif"] # These will be overridden with instance attributes, but setting here allows ImageFile properties to be defined. debug = False filename = "" # now initialise class def __new__(cls, *args, **kargs): """Construct an ImageArray object. We're using __new__ rather than __init__ to imitate a numpy array as close as possible. """ array_arg_keys = ["dtype", "copy", "order", "subok", "ndmin", "mask"] # kwargs for array setup array_args = {k: kargs.pop(k) for k in array_arg_keys if k in kargs.keys()} user_metadata = kargs.get("metadata", {}) if len(args) not in [0, 1]: raise ValueError(f"ImageArray expects 0 or 1 arguments, {len(args)} given") # 0 args initialisation if len(args) == 0: ret = np.empty((0, 0), dtype=float).view(cls) # merge the results of __new__ from emtadataObject else: # 1 args initialisation arg = args[0] loadfromfile = False if isinstance(arg, cls): ret = arg elif isinstance(arg, np.ndarray): # numpy array or ImageArray) if arg.ndim < 2: ret = np.atleast_2d(arg).view(ImageArray) else: ret = arg.view(ImageArray) kargs["metadata"] = getattr(arg, "metadata", typeHintedDict()) kargs["metadata"].update(user_metadata) elif isinstance(arg, bool) and not arg: patterns = (("png", "*.png"), ("npy", "*.npy")) arg = get_filedialog(what="r", filetypes=patterns) if len(arg) == 0: raise ValueError("No file given") loadfromfile = True elif isinstance(arg, path_types) or loadfromfile: # Filename- load datafile if not os.path.exists(arg): raise ValueError(f"File path does not exist {arg}") ret = np.empty((0, 0), dtype=float).view(cls) ret = ret._load(arg, **array_args) # pylint: disable=no-member kargs["metadata"] = getattr(ret, "metadata", typeHintedDict()) kargs["metadata"].update(user_metadata) elif isinstance(arg, ImageFile): # extract the image ret = arg.image kargs["metadata"] = getattr(ret, "metadata", typeHintedDict()) kargs["metadata"].update(user_metadata) else: try: # try converting to a numpy array (eg a list type) ret = np.asarray(arg, **array_args).view(cls) if ret.dtype == "O": # object dtype - can't deal with this raise ValueError except ValueError as err: # ok couldn't load from iterable, we're done raise ValueError(f"No constructor for {arg}") from err asfloat = kargs.pop("asfloat", False) or kargs.pop( "convert_float", False ) # convert_float for back compatibility if asfloat and ret.dtype.kind != "f": # convert to float type in place ret = ret.convert(np.float64) ret.__dict__["kargs"] = kargs return ret def __array_finalize__(self, obj): """__array_finalize__ is a necessary functions when subclassing numpy.ndarray to fix some behaviours. See for more info and examples Defaults below are only set when constructing an array using view eg np.arange(10).view(ImageArray). Otherwise filename and metadata attributes are just copied over (plus any other attributes set in _optinfo). """ if not hasattr(self, "_optinfo"): setattr(self, "_optinfo", {"metadata": typeHintedDict({}), "filename": ""}) kargs = self.__dict__.pop("kargs", {}) # pylint: disable=access-member-before-definition tmp = metadataObject.__new__(metadataObject) tmp.__dict__.update(self.__dict__) # pylint: disable=access-member-before-definition self.__dict__ = tmp.__dict__ # Deal with kwargs user_metadata = kargs.pop("metadata", {}) _debug = kargs.pop("debug", False) _title = kargs.pop("title", None) self.metadata.update(user_metadata) # all constructors call array_finalise so metadata is now initialised self.filename = self.metadata.setdefault("Loaded from", "") self.debug = _debug self._title = _title self._public_attrs = {"title": str, "filename": str} self._mask_color = "red" self._mask_alpha = 0.5 # merge the results of __new__ from emtadataObject if getattr(self, "debug", False): curframe = inspect.currentframe() calframe = inspect.getouterframes(curframe, 2) print(curframe, calframe) if obj is not None: self._optinfo.update(getattr(obj, "_optinfo", {})) super().__array_finalize__(obj=obj) def _load(self, filename, *args, **kargs): """Load an image from a file and return as a ImageArray.""" cls = type(self) fmt = kargs.pop("fmt", os.path.splitext(filename)[1][1:]) handlers = {"npy": cls._load_npy, "png": cls._load_png, "tiff": cls._load_tiff, "tif": cls._load_tiff} if fmt not in handlers: raise StonerLoadError(f"{fmt} is not a recognised format for loading.") ret = handlers[fmt](filename, **kargs) return ret @classmethod def _load_npy(cls, filename, **kargs): """Load image data from a numpy file.""" image = np.load(filename) image = np.array(image, **kargs).view(cls) image.metadata["Loaded from"] = os.path.realpath(filename) # pylint: disable=no-member image.filename = os.path.realpath(filename) return image @classmethod def _load_png(cls, filename, **kargs): # pylint: disable=unused-argument """Create a new ImageArray from a png file.""" with, "r") as img: image = np.asarray(img).view(cls) # Since skimage.img_as_float() looks at the dtype of the array when mapping ranges, it's important to make # sure that we're not using too many bits to store the image in. This is a bit of a hack to reduce the # bit-depth... if np.issubdtype(image.dtype, np.integer): bits = np.ceil(np.log2(image.max())) if bits <= 8: image = image.astype("uint8") elif bits <= 16: image = image.astype("uint16") elif bits <= 32: image = image.astype("uint32") for k in v =[k] if v.startswith("b'"): v = v.strip(" b'") v = bytes(v) k = k.split("{")[0] image.metadata[k] = v image.metadata["Loaded from"] = os.path.realpath(filename) image.filename = os.path.realpath(filename) return image @classmethod def _load_tiff(cls, filename, **kargs): # pylint: disable=unused-argument """Create a new ImageArray from a tiff file.""" metadict = typeHintedDict({}) with, "r") as img: image = np.asarray(img) if image.ndim == 3: if image.shape[2] < 4: # Need to add a dummy alpha channel image = np.append(np.zeros_like(image[:, :, 0]), axis=2) image = image.view(dtype=np.uint32).reshape(image.shape[:-1]) tags = img.tag_v2 if 270 in tags: from json import loads try: userdata = loads(tags[270]) typ = userdata.get("type", cls.__name__) mod = userdata.get("module", cls.__module__) mod = import_module(mod) typ = getattr(mod, typ) if not issubclass(typ, ImageArray): raise TypeError(f"Bad type in Tiff file {typ.__name__} is not a subclass of Stoner.ImageArray") metadata = userdata.get("metadata", []) except (ValueError, TypeError, IOError): metadata = [] else: metadata = [] metadict.import_all(metadata) # OK now try and sort out the datatype before loading dtype = metadict.get( "ImageArray.dtype", None ) # if tif was previously saved by Stoner then dtype should have been added to the metadata # If we convert to float, it's important to make # sure that we're not using too many bits to store the image in. # This is a bit of a hack to reduce the bit-depth... if dtype is None: if np.issubdtype(image.dtype, np.integer): bits = np.ceil(np.log2(image.max())) if bits <= 8: dtype = "uint8" elif bits <= 16: dtype = "uint16" elif bits <= 32: dtype = "uint32" else: dtype = np.dtype(image.dtype).name # retain the loaded datatype try: image = image.astype(dtype) except TypeError: # Python 2.7 can throw up a bad type error here pass image = image.view(cls) image.update(metadict) image.metadata["Loaded from"] = os.path.realpath(filename) image.filename = os.path.realpath(filename) return image def _box(self, *args, **kargs): """Construct and indexing tuple for selecting areas for cropping and boxing. The box can be specified as: - (int): a fixed number of pxiels is removed from all sides - (float): the central region of the image is selected - None: the whole image is selected - False: The user can select a region of interest - (iterable of length 4) - assumed to give 4 integers to describe a specific box """ if len(args) == 0 and "box" in kargs.keys(): args = [kargs["box"]] # back compatibility elif len(args) not in (0, 1, 4): raise ValueError("box accepts 1 or 4 arguments, {len(args)} given.") if len(args) == 0 or (len(args) == 1 and args[0] is None): args = RegionSelect()(self) if len(args) == 1: box = args[0] if isinstance(box, bool) and not box: # box=False is the same as all values return slice(None, None, None), slice(None, None, None) if isLikeList(box) and len(box) == 4: # Full box as a list box = [x for x in box] elif isinstance(box, int): # Take a border of n pixels out box = [box, self.shape[1] - box, box, self.shape[0] - box] elif isinstance(box, string_types): box = self.metadata[box] return self._box(*box) elif isinstance(box, float): # Keep the central fraction of the image box = [ round(self.shape[1] * box / 2), round(self.shape[1] * (1 - box / 2)), round(self.shape[1] * box / 2), round(self.shape[1] * (1 - box / 2)), ] box = list([int(x) for x in box]) else: raise ValueError(f"crop accepts tuple of length 4, {len(box)} given.") else: box = list(args) for i, item in enumerate(box): # replace None with max extent if isinstance(item, float) and 0 <= item <= 1: if i < 2: box[i] = int(round(self.shape[1] * item)) else: box[i] = int(round(self.shape[0] * item)) elif isinstance(item, float): box[i] = int(round(item)) elif isinstance(item, int_types): pass elif item is None: box[i] = self.max_box[i] else: raise TypeError(f"Arguments for box should be floats, integers or None, not {type(item)}") return slice(box[2], box[3]), slice(box[0], box[1]) ################################################################################################# ################################################ Properties ##################################### @property def aspect(self): """Return the aspect ratio (width/height) of the image.""" return float(self.shape[1]) / self.shape[0] @property def centre(self): """Return the coordinates of the centre of the image.""" return tuple(np.array(self.shape) / 2.0) @property def clone(self): """Duplicate the ImageFile and return the copy. Using .clone allows further methods to modify the clone, allowing the original immage to be unmodified. """ ret = self.copy().view(type(self)) self._optinfo["mask"] = self.mask # Make sure we've updated our mask record self._optinfo["metadata"] = self.metadata # Update metadata record for k, v in self._optinfo.items(): try: setattr(ret, k, deepcopy(v)) except (TypeError, ValueError, RecursionError): if isinstance(v, np.ndarray): setattr(self, k, np.copy(v).view(v.__class__)) else: setattr(ret, k, copy(v)) return ret @property def flat(self): """Return the numpy.ndarray.flat rather than a MaskedIterator.""" return self.asarray().flat @property def max_box(self): """Return the maximum coordinate extent (xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax).""" box = (0, self.shape[1], 0, self.shape[0]) return box @property def title(self): """Get a title for this image.""" if self._title is None: return self.filename return self._title @title.setter def title(self, title): """Set the title of the current image.""" if not isinstance(title, str): title = repr(title) self._title = title @property @clones def flip_h(self): """Clone the image and then mirror the image horizontally.""" ret = self.clone[:, ::-1] return ret @property @clones def flip_v(self): """Clone the image and then mirror the image vertically.""" ret = self.clone[::-1, :] return ret @property @clones def CW(self): """Clone the image and then rotate the imaage 90 degrees clockwise.""" return self.clone.T[:, ::-1] @property @clones def CCW(self): """Clone the image and then rotate the imaage 90 degrees counter clockwise.""" return self.clone.T[::-1, :] @property def draw(self): """Access the DrawProxy object for accessing the skimage draw sub module.""" return DrawProxy(self, self) # ============================================================================== # OTHER SPECIAL METHODS # ============================================================================== def __getstate__(self): """Help with pickling ImageArrays.""" ret = super().__getstate__() return {"numpy": ret, "ImageArray": {"metadata": self.metadata}} def __setstate__(self, state): """Help with pickling ImageArrays.""" original = state.pop("numpy", tuple()) local = state.pop("ImageArray", {}) metadata = local.pop("metadata", {}) super().__setstate__(original) self.metadata.update(metadata) def __delattr__(self, name): """Handle deleting attributes.""" super().__delattr__(name) if name in self._optinfo: del self._optinfo[name] def __setattr__(self, name, value): """Set an attribute on the object.""" super().__setattr__(name, value) # add attribute to those for copying in array_finalize. use value as # default. circ = ["_optinfo", "mask", "__dict__"] # circular references proxy = ["_funcs"] # can be reloaded for cloned arrays if name in circ + proxy: # Ignore these in clone pass else: self._optinfo.update({name: value}) def __getitem__(self, index): """Patch indexing of strings to metadata.""" if getattr(self, "debug", False): curframe = inspect.currentframe() calframe = inspect.getouterframes(curframe, 2) print(curframe, calframe) if isinstance(index, ImageFile) and index.image.dtype == bool: index = index.image if isinstance(index, string_types): return self.metadata[index] return super().__getitem__(index) def __setitem__(self, index, value): """Patch string index through to metadata.""" if isinstance(index, ImageFile) and index.dtype == bool: index = index.image if isinstance(index, string_types): self.metadata[index] = value else: super().__setitem__(index, value) def __delitem__(self, index): """Patch indexing of strings to metadata.""" if isinstance(index, string_types): del self.metadata[index] else: super().__delitem__(index) def save(self, filename=None, **kargs): """Stub method for a save function.""" raise NotImplementedError(f"Save is not implemented in {self.__class__}")
[docs]@class_modifier( [ color, exposure, feature, io, measure, filters, filters.rank, graph, util, restoration, morphology, segmentation, transform, ], adaptor=image_file_adaptor, ) @class_modifier( [ndi], transpose=True, adaptor=image_file_adaptor, ) @class_modifier(imagefuncs, overload=True, adaptor=image_file_adaptor) @class_wrapper(target=ImageArray, exclude_below=metadataObject) class ImageFile(metadataObject): """An Image file type that is analogous to :py:class:`Stoner.Data`. This contains metadata and an image attribute which is an :py:class:`Stoner.Image.ImageArray` type which subclasses numpy ndarray and adds lots of extra image specific processing functions. Attributes: image (:py:class:`Stoner.Image.ImageArray`): A :py:class:`numpy.ndarray` subclass that stores the actual image data. metadata (:py:class:`Stoner.core.regexpDict`): A dictionary of metadata items associated with this image. filename (str): The name of the file from which this image was loaded. title (str): The title of the image (defaults to the filename). mask (:py:class:`Stoner.Image.attrs.MaskProxy`): A special object that allows manipulation of the image's mask - thius allows the user to selectively disable regions of the image from rpocessing functions. draw (:py:class:`Stoner.Image.attrs.DrawProxy`): A special object that allows the user to manipulate the image data by making use of :py:mod:`skimage.draw` functions as well as some additional drawing functions. clone (:py:class:`Stoner.ImageFile`): Return a duplicate copy of the current image - this allows subsequent methods to modify the cloned version rather than the original version. centre (tuple of (int,int)): The coordinates of the centre of the image. aspect (float): The aspect ratio (width/height) of the image. max_box (tuple (0,x-size,0-y-size)): The extent of the image size in a form suitable for use in defining a box. flip_h (ImageFile): Clone the current image and then flip it horizontally (left-right). flip_v (ImageFile): Clone the current image and then flip it vertically (top-bottom). CW (ImageFile): Clone the current image and then rotate it 90 degrees clockwise. CCW (ImageFile): Clone the current image and then rotate it 90 degrees counter-clockwise. T (ImageFile): Transpose the current image shape (tuple (int,int)): Return the current shape of the image (rows, columns) dtype (:py:class:`numpy.dtype`): The current dtype of the elements of the image data. The ImageFile owned attribute is image. All other calls including metadata are passed through to ImageArray (so no need to inherit from metadataObject). Almost all calls to ImageFile are passed through to the underlying ImageArray logic and ImageArray can be used as a standalone class. However because ImageArray subclasses an ndarray it is not possible to enter it in place. All attributes return an array instance which needs to be reassigned. ImageFile owns image and so can change in place. The penalty is that numpy ufuncs don't return ImageFile type so can do:: imfile.asfloat() #imagefile.image is updated to float type however need to do: imfile.image = np.abs(imfile.image) whereas for imarray need to do:: imarray = imagearray.asfloat() but:: np.abs(imarray) #returns ImageArray type """ # pylint: disable=no-member _protected_attrs = ["_fromstack"] # these won't be passed through to self.image attrs
[docs] def __init__(self, *args, **kargs): """Mostly a pass through to ImageArray constructor. Local attribute is image. All other attributes and calls are passed through to image attribute. There is one special case of creating an ImageFile from a :py:class:`Stoner.Core.DataFile`. In this case the the DataFile is assumed to contain (x,y,z) data that should be converted to a map of z on a regular grid of x,y. The columns for the x,y,z data can be taken from the DataFile's :py:attr:`Stoner.Core.DataFile.setas` attribute or overridden by providing xcol, ycol and zcol keyword arguments. A further *shape* keyword can spewcify the shape as a tuple or "unique" to use the unique values of x and y or if omitted asquare grid will be interpolated. """ self._image = ImageArray() # Ensire we have the image data in place super().__init__(*args, **kargs) args = list(args) if len(args) == 0: pass elif len(args) > 0 and isinstance(args[0], path_types): try: copy_into(self.__class__.load(args[0], **kargs), self) self._public_attrs = {"title": str, "filename": str} self._fromstack = kargs.pop("_fromstack", False) # for use by ImageStack return except StonerLoadError: args[0] = ImageArray(*args, **kargs) if len(args) > 0 and isinstance(args[0], ImageFile): # Fixing type self._image = args[0].image for k in args[0]._public_attrs: setattr(self, k, getattr(args[0], k, None)) elif len(args) > 0 and isinstance(args[0], np.ndarray): # Fixing type self._image = ImageArray(*args, **kargs) if isinstance(args[0], ImageArray): for k in args[0]._public_attrs: setattr(self, k, getattr(args[0], k, None)) elif len(args) > 0 and isinstance( args[0], DataFile ): # Support initing from a DataFile that defines x,y,z coordinates self._init_from_datafile(*args, **kargs) self._public_attrs = {"title": str, "filename": str} self._fromstack = kargs.pop("_fromstack", False) # for use by ImageStack
################################################################################################################### ############################# Properties #### ##################################################################### @property def _repr_png_(self): return self._repr_png_private_ @property def clone(self): """Make a copy of this ImageFile.""" new = type(self)(self.image.clone) for attr in self.__dict__: if callable(getattr(self, attr)) or attr in ["image", "metadata"] or attr.startswith("_"): continue try: setattr(new, attr, deepcopy(getattr(self, attr))) except NotImplementedError: # Deepcopying failed, so just copy a reference instead setattr(new, attr, getattr(self, attr)) return new @property def data(self): """Alias for image[:]. Equivalence to behaviour.""" return self.image @data.setter def data(self, value): """Access the image data by data attribute.""" self.image = value @property def draw(self): """Access the DrawProxy object for accessing the skimage draw sub module.""" return DrawProxy(self.image, self) @property def image(self): """Access the image data.""" return self._image @image.setter def image(self, v): """Ensure stored image is always an ImageArray.""" filename = self._image.filename metadata = self._image.metadata # ensure setting image goes into the same memory block if from stack if ( hasattr(self, "_fromstack") and self._fromstack and self._image.shape == v.shape and self._image.dtype == v.dtype ): self._image[:] = np.copy(v) elif isinstance(v, np.ndarray): self._image = np.copy(v).view(ImageArray) else: self._image = ImageArray(v) self.filename = filename self._image.metadata.update(metadata) self._image.metadata.update(getattr(v, "metadata", {})) @property def mask(self): """Get the mask of the underlying IamgeArray.""" return MaskProxy(self) @mask.setter def mask(self, value): """Set the underlying ImageArray's mask.""" if isinstance(value, ImageFile): value = value.image if isinstance(value, MaskProxy): value = value._mask self.image.mask = value ################################################################################################################### ############################# Special methods ##################################################################### def __getitem__(self, n): """Pass through to ImageArray.""" try: ret = self.image.__getitem__(n) if isinstance(ret, ImageArray) and ret.ndim == 2: retval = self.clone retval.image = ret return retval return ret except KeyError: if n not in self.metadata and n in self._image.metadata: self.metadata[n] = self._image.metadata[n] return self.metadata.__getitem__(n) def __setitem__(self, n, v): """Pass through to ImageArray.""" if isinstance(n, string_types): self.metadata.__setitem__(n, v) else: self.image.__setitem__(n, v) def __getstate__(self): """Record state for pickling ImageFiles.""" ret = copy(self.__dict__) ret.update({"metadata": self.metadata}) return ret def __setstate__(self, state): """Write state for unpickling ImageFiles.""" metadata = state.pop("metadata", {}) self.__dict__.update(state) self.metadata.update(metadata) def __delitem__(self, n): """Pass through to ImageArray.""" try: self.image.__delitem__(n) except KeyError: self.metadata.__delitem__(n) def __delattr__(self, name): """Handle the delete attribute code.""" super().__delattr__(name) if name in self._public_attrs_real: del self._public_attrs_real[name] def __setattr__(self, n, v): """Handle setting attributes.""" obj, _ = self._where_attr(n) if obj is None: # This is a new attribute so note it for preserving obj = self if self._where_attr("_public_attrs_real")[0] is self: self._public_attrs = {n: type(v)} if obj is self: super().__setattr__(n, v) else: setattr(obj, n, v) def __add__(self, other): """Implement the subtract operator.""" result = self.clone result = _add_core_(result, other) return result def __iadd__(self, other): """Implement the inplace subtract operator.""" result = self result = _add_core_(result, other) return result def __floordiv__(self, other): """Implement a // operator to do XMCD calculations on a whole image.""" if isinstance(other, ImageFile): if ( hasattr(other, "polarization") and hasattr(self, "polarization") and getattr(self, "polarization") == getattr(other, "polarization") ): raise ValueError("Can only calculate and XMCD ratio from images of opposite polarization") if not (hasattr(other, "polarization") and hasattr(self, "polarization")) and Options().warnings: warn("Calculating XMCD ratio even though one or both image polarizations cannoty be determined.") if self.image.dtype != other.image.dtype: raise ValueError( "Only ImageFiles with the same type of underlying image data can be used to calculate an" + "XMCD ratio.Mismatch is {self.image.dtype} vs {other.image.dtype}" ) if self.image.dtype.kind != "f": ret = self.clone.convert(float) other = other.clone.convert(float) else: ret = self.clone plus, minus = self, other polarization = getattr(self, "polarization", 1) ret.image = polarization * (plus.image - minus.image) / (plus.image + minus.image) return ret result = self return _floor_div_core_(result, other) def __truediv__(self, other): """Implement the divide operator.""" result = self.clone result = _div_core_(result, other) return result def __itruediv__(self, other): """Implement the inplace divide operator.""" result = self result = _div_core_(result, other) return result def __sub__(self, other): """Implement the subtract operator.""" result = self.clone result = _sub_core_(result, other) return result def __isub__(self, other): """Implement the inplace subtract operator.""" result = self result = _sub_core_(result, other) return result def __neg__(self): """Intelliegent negate function that handles unsigned integers.""" ret = self.clone if self._image.dtype.kind == "u": for k in dtype_range: # Have to manually look for dtype :-() if k == self._image.dtype: break else: raise TypeError(f"Unrecognised unsigned type {self._image.dtype}, cannot negate sensibly !") high_val = dtype_range[k][1] ret.image = high_val - self.image else: ret.image = -self.image return ret def __invert__(self): """Equivalent to clockwise rotation.""" return self.CW def __eq__(self, other): """Impleent and equality test.""" if id(self) == id(other): ret = True # short circuit for identity elif not isinstance(other, ImageFile): ret = False # Shortcircuit for non equivalent types else: ret = self.metadata == other.metadata and np.all(self.image == other.image) return ret def __repr__(self): """Implement standard representation for text based consoles.""" return ( f"{self.filename}({type(self)}) of shape {self.shape} ({self.image.dtype}) and" + f" {len(self.metadata)} items of metadata" ) ################################################################################################################### ############################# Private methods ##################################################################### def _init_from_datafile(self, *args, **kargs): """Initialise ImageFile from DataFile defining x,y,z coordinates. Args: args[0] (DataFile): A :py:class:`Stoner.Core.DataFile` instance that defines x,y,z coordinates or has columns specified in keywords. Keyword Args: xcol (column index): Column in the DataFile that has the x-co-ordinate ycol (column index): Column in the data file that defines the y-cordinate zcol (column index): Column in the datafile that defines the intensity """ data = make_Data(args[0]) shape = kargs.pop("shape", "unique") _ = data._col_args(**kargs) data.setas(x=_.xcol, y=_.ycol, z=_.zcol) # pylint: disable=not-callable if isinstance(shape, string_types) and shape == "unique": shape = (len(np.unique(data.x)), len(np.unique(data.y))) elif isTuple(shape, int_types, int_types): pass else: shape = None X, Y, Z = data.griddata(_.xcol, _.ycol, _.zcol, shape=shape) self.image = Z.view(ImageArray) self.metadata = deepcopy(data.metadata) self["x_vector"] = np.unique(X) self["y_vector"] = np.unique(Y) def _load(self, filename, *args, **kargs): """Load an ImageFile by calling the ImageArray method instead.""" self._image = ImageArray(filename, *args, **kargs) for k in self._image._public_attrs: setattr(self, k, getattr(self._image, k, None)) return self def _repr_png_private_(self): """Provide a display function for iPython/Jupyter.""" fig = self.image.imshow(mask_color=self.mask.colour) plt.title(self.filename) data = StreamIO() fig.savefig(data, format="png") plt.close(fig) ret = data.close() return ret def _where_attr(self, n): """Get the object that has the named attribute.""" try: _ = super().__getattribute__(n) return self, _ except AttributeError: try: _ = getattr(self._image, n) return self._image, _ except AttributeError: return None, None ################################################################################################################### ############################# Public methods #####################################################################
[docs] def get_filename(self, mode): """Force the user to choose a new filename using a system dialog box. Args: mode (string): The mode of file operation to be used when calling the dialog box Returns: str: The new filename Note: The filename attribute of the current instance is updated by this method as well. """ self.filename = file_dialog(mode, self.filename, type(self), ImageFile) return self.filename
[docs] @classmethod def load(cls, *args, **kargs): """Create a :py:class:`ImageFile` from file abnd guessing a better subclass if necessary. Args: filename (string or None): path to file to load Keyword Arguments: auto_load (bool): If True (default) then the load routine tries all the subclasses of :py:class:`ImageFile` in turn to load the file filetype (:py:class:`ImageFile`, str): If not none then tries using filetype as the loader. debug (bool): Turn on debugging when running autoload. Default *False* Returns: (ImageFile): A a new :py:data:`ImageFile` (or subclass thereof) instance Note: If *filetupe* is a string, then it is first tried as an exact match to a subclass name, otherwise it is used as a partial match and the first class in priority order is that matches is used. Some subclasses can be found in the :py:mod:`Stoner.formats` package. Each subclass is scanned in turn for a class attribute :py:attr:`Stoner.ImnageFile.priority` which governs the order in which they are tried. Subclasses which can make an early positive determination that a file has the correct format can have higher priority levels. Classes should return a suitable exception if they fail to load the file. If no class can load a file successfully then a RunttimeError exception is raised. """ from ..formats import load filename = kargs.pop("filename", args[0] if len(args) > 0 else None) if filename == args[0]: args = tuple() if len(args) <= 1 else args[1:] filetype = kargs.pop("filetype", None) auto_load = kargs.pop("auto_load", filetype is None) filetype = "ImageFile" if filetype is None else filetype if filename is None or not filename: filename = file_dialog("r", filename, cls, DataFile) if auto_load: # We're going to try every subclass we canA kargs.pop("filetype", None) # make sure filetype is not set else: kargs.setdefault("filetype", filetype) # Makre sure filetype is set kargs.setdefault("what", "Image") ret = load(filename, *args, **kargs) if not isinstance(ret, ImageFile): # autoload returned something that wasn't a data file! return ret for k, i in kargs.items(): if not callable(getattr(ret, k, lambda x: False)): setattr(ret, k, i) ret._kargs = kargs return ret
def save(self, filename=None, **kargs): """Save the image into the file 'filename'. Args: filename (string, bool or None): Filename to save data as, if this is None then the current filename for the object is used If this is not set, then then a file dialog is used. If filename is False then a file dialog is forced. Keyword Args: fmt (string or list): format to save data as. 'tif', 'png' or 'npy' or a list of them. If not included will guess from filename. Notes: Metadata will be preserved in .png and .tif format. fmt can be 'png', 'npy', 'tif', 'tiff' or a list of more than one of those. tif is recommended since metadata is lost in .npy format but data is converted to integer format for png so that definition cannot be saved. """ # catch before metadataObject tries to take over., **kargs)