
Data.decompose(xcol=None, ycol=None, sym=None, asym=None, replace=True, **kwords)

Given (x,y) data, decomposes the y part into symmetric and antisymmetric contributions in x.

Keyword Arguments:
  • xcol (index) – Index of column with x data - defaults to first x column in self.setas

  • ycol (index or list of indices) – indices of y column(s) data

  • sym (index) – Index of column to place symmetric data in default, append to end of data

  • asym (index) – Index of column for asymmetric part of ata. Defaults to appending to end of data

  • replace (bool) – Overwrite data with output (true)


self – The newly modified AnalysisMixin.


"""Decompose Into symmetric and antisymmetric parts example."""
from numpy import linspace, reshape, array

from Stoner import Data
from import format_val

x = linspace(-10, 10, 201)
y = 0.3 * x**3 - 6 * x**2 + 11 * x - 20
d = Data(x, y, setas="xy", column_headers=["X", "Y"])
d.setas = "xyyy"
coeffs = d.polyfit(polynomial_order=3)
str_coeffs = [format_val(c, mode="eng", places=1) for c in coeffs.ravel()]
str_coeffs = reshape(array(str_coeffs), coeffs.shape)
    fontdict={"size": "x-small"},
d.ylabel = "Data"
d.title = "Decompose Example"

(png, hires.png, pdf)
