Source code for Stoner.folders.core

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""Provide the base classes and functions for the :py:class:`Stoner.DataFolder` class."""
__all__ = ["baseFolder"]

from import Iterable, MutableSequence
import fnmatch
import re
from itertools import islice
from copy import copy, deepcopy
from inspect import isclass
import os.path as path

import numpy as np

from ..compat import int_types, string_types, commonpath, _pattern_type
from import operator, isiterable, all_type, get_option
from ..core.base import regexpDict, typeHintedDict
from ..core.base import metadataObject

from .utils import pathjoin
from .each import Item as EachItem
from .metadata import MetadataProxy
from .groups import GroupsDict

regexp_type = (_pattern_type,)

def _add_core_(result, other):
    """Implement the core logic of the addition operator.

        We're in the base class here, so we don't call super() if we can't handle this, then we're stuffed!
    if isinstance(other, baseFolder):
        if isclass(other.type) and issubclass(other.type, result.type):
            for grp in other.groups:
                if grp in result.groups:
                    result.groups[grp] += other.groups[grp]  # recursely merge groups
                    result.groups[grp] = copy(other.groups[grp])
            raise RuntimeError(
                f"Incompatible types ({other.type} must be a subclass of {result.type}) in the two folders."
    elif isinstance(other, result.type):
        result = NotImplemented
    return result

def _div_core_(result, other):
    """Implement the divide operator as a grouping function."""
    if isinstance(other, string_types + (list, tuple)):
        return result
    if isinstance(other, int_types):  # Simple decimate
        for i in range(other):
            result.add_group(f"Group {i}")
        for ix in range(len(result)):
            d = result.__getter__(ix, instantiate=None)
            group = ix % other
            result.groups[f"Group {group}"].__setter__(result.__lookup__(ix), d)
        return result
    return NotImplemented

def _sub_core_(result, other):
    """Implement the core logic of the subtraction operator.

        We're in the base class here, so we don't call super() if we can't handle this, then we're stuffed!
    calls = [
        (int_types, _sub_core_int_),
        (string_types, _sub_core_string_),
        (metadataObject, _sub_core_data_),
        (baseFolder, _sub_core_folder_),
        (Iterable, _sub_core_iterable_),
    for typ, func in calls:
        if isinstance(other, typ):
            result = func(result, other)
        result = NotImplemented

    return result

def _sub_core_int_(result, other):
    """Remove indexed file."""
    delname = result.__names__()[other]
    return result

def _sub_core_string_(result, other):
    """Remove named file."""
    if other in result.__names__():
        raise RuntimeError(f"{other} is not in the folder.")
    return result

def _sub_core_data_(result, other):
    """Remove a data object."""
    othername = getattr(other, "filename", getattr(other, "title", None))
    if othername in result.__names__():
        raise RuntimeError(f"{othername} is not in the folder.")
    return result

def _sub_core_folder_(result, other):
    """Remove a folder."""
    if isclass(other.type) and issubclass(other.type, result.type):
        for othername in
            if othername in result:
        for othergroup in other.groups:
            if othergroup in result.groups:
                result.groups[othergroup] -= other.groups[othergroup]
        raise RuntimeError(
            f"Incompatible types ({other.type} must be a subclass of {result.type}) in the two folders."
    return result

def _sub_core_iterable_(result, other):
    """Iterate to remove iterables."""
    for c in sorted(other):
        _sub_core_(result, c)
    return result

def _build_select_function(kargs, arg):
    """Build a select function from an a list of keywords and a keyword name.

        kargs (dict):
            The keyword arguments passed to the select function.
        arg (str):
            Name of the keyword argument we're considering.

        tuple of:
            Callable function that takes two arguments and returns a boolean if the two arguments match.
            str name of key to look up
    parts = arg.split("__")
    negate = kargs.pop("negate", False)
    if parts[-1] in operator and len(parts) > 1:
        if len(parts) > 2 and parts[-2] == "not":
            end = -2
            negate = True
            end = -1
            negate = False
        arg = "__".join(parts[:end])
        op = parts[-1]
        if isinstance(kargs[arg], tuple) and len(kargs[arg] == 2):
            op = "between"  # Assume two length tuples are testing for range
        elif not isinstance(kargs[arg], string_types) and isiterable(kargs[arg]):
            op = "in"  # Assume other iterables are testing for membership
        else:  # Everything else is exact matches
            op = "eq"
    func = operator[op]
    if negate:
        func = lambda k, v: not func(k, v)
    return func, arg

[docs]class baseFolder(MutableSequence): """A base class for objectFolders that supports both a sequence of objects and a mapping of instances of itself. Attributes: groups(GroupsDict): A dictionary of similar baseFolder instances objects(regexptDict): A dictionary of metadataObjects _defaults (dict): A dictionary of default balues for the constructor of the class when combined with mixin classes _no_defaults (list): A list of default parameters to veto when setting the constructor. Properties: depth (int): The maximum number of levels of nested groups in the folder files (list of str or metadataObject): The individual objects or their names if they are not loaded instance (metadataObject): An empty instance of the data type stored in the folder loaded (generator of (str name, metadataObject value): Iterate over only the loaded into memory items of the folder ls (list of str): The names of the objects in the folder, loaded or not lsgrp (list of str): The names of all the groups in the folder mindepth (int): Fhe minimum level of nesting groups in the folder. not_empty (iterator of metadaaObject): Iterates over all members of the folder that have non-zero length shape (tuple): A data structure that indicates the structure of the objectFolder - tuple of number of files and dictionary of the shape of each group. type (subclass of metadtaObject): The class of objects sotred in this folder Notes: A baseFolder is a multable sequence object that should store a mapping of instances of some sort of data object (typically a :py:class:`Stoner.Core.metadataobject`) which can be iterated over in a reproducible and predicatable way as well as being accessed by a key. The other requirement is that it stores a mapping to objects of its own type to allow an in-memory tree object to be constructed. Additional functionality is built in by providing mixin classes that override the accessors for the data object store. Minimally this should include - __lookup__ take a keyname and return a canonical accessor key - __names__ returns the ordered list of mapping keys to the object store - __getter__ returns a single instance of the data object referenced by a canonical key - __setter__ add or overwrite an instance of the object store by canonical key - __inserter__ insert an instance into a specific place in the Folder - __deleter__ remove an instance of a data object by canonical key - __clear__ remove all instance - __clone__ create a new copy of the mixin's state kinformation """ # pylint: disable=no-member _defaults = ( {} ) # A Dictionary of default values that will be combined with other classes to make a global set of defaults _no_defaults = [] # A list of dewfaults to remove becayse they clash with subclass methods etc. def __new__(cls, *args, **kargs): """Create the underlying storage attributes. We do this in __new__ so that the mixin classes can access baseFolders state storage before baseFolder does further __init__() work. """ self = super(baseFolder, cls).__new__(cls) self._debug = kargs.pop("debug", False) self._object_attrs = {} self._last_name = 0 self._groups = GroupsDict(base=self) self._objects = regexpDict() self._instance = None self._object_attrs = {} self._key = None self._type = metadataObject self._loader = None self._instance_attrs = set() self._root = "." self._default_store = None = None return self def __init__(self, *args, **kargs): """Initialise the baseFolder. Notes: - Creates empty groups and objects stres - Sets all keyword arguments as attributes unless otherwise overwriting an existing attribute - stores other arguments in self.args - iterates over the multuiple inheritance tree and eplaces any interface methods with ones from the mixin classes - calls the mixin init methods. """ for k in self.defaults: setattr(self, k, kargs.pop(k, self.defaults[k])) if len(args) == 1 and isinstance(args[0], baseFolder): # Special case for type changing. self.args = () self.kargs = {} self.__init_from_other(args[0]) else: self.args = copy(args) self.kargs = copy(kargs) # List of routines that define the interface for manipulating the objects stored in the folder for k in list(self.kargs.keys()): # Store keyword parameters as attributes if not hasattr(self, k) or k in ["type", "kargs", "args"]: value = kargs.pop(k, None) self.__setattr__(k, value) if self.debug: print(f"Setting self.{k} to {value}") = getattr(self, "directory", None) # pointless hack for pylint super().__init__() ########################################################################### ################### Properties of baseFolder ############################## @property def clone(self): """Clone just does a deepcopy as a property for compatibility with :py:class:`Stoner.Core.DataFile`.""" return self.__clone__() @property def defaults(self): """Build a single list of all of our defaults by iterating over the __mro__, caching the result.""" if getattr(self, "_default_store", None) is None: self._default_store = {} # pylint: disable=attribute-defined-outside-init for cls in reversed(type(self).__mro__): if hasattr(cls, "_defaults"): self._default_store.update(cls._defaults) for cls in reversed(type(self).__mro__): if hasattr(cls, "_no_defaults"): for k in cls._no_defaults: self._default_store.pop(k, None) return self._default_store @property def debug(self): """Just read the local debug value.""" return self._debug @debug.setter def debug(self, value): """Recursely set the debug value.""" self._debug = value self._object_attrs["debug"] = value for _, member in self.loaded: member.debug = value for grp in self.groups: self.groups[grp].debug = value @property def depth(self): """Give the maximum number of levels of group below the current objectFolder.""" if len(self.groups) == 0: r = 0 else: r = 1 for g in self.groups: r = max(r, self.groups[g].depth + 1) return r @property def each(self): """Return a :py:class:`Stoner.folders.each.item` proxy object. This is for calling attributes of the member type of the folder. """ return EachItem(self) @property def files(self): """Return an iterator of potentially unloaded named objects.""" return [self.__getter__(i, instantiate=None) for i in range(len(self))] @files.setter def files(self, value): """Just a wrapper to clear and then set the objects.""" if isiterable(value): self.__clear__() for i, v in enumerate(value): self.insert(i, v) @property def groups(self): """Subfolders are held in an ordered dictionary of groups.""" self._groups.base = self return self._groups @groups.setter def groups(self, value): """Ensure groups gets set as a :py:class:`regexpDict`.""" if not isinstance(value, GroupsDict): self._groups = GroupsDict(deepcopy(value), base=self) else: self._groups = GroupsDict({g: v.clone for g, v in value.items()}) self._groups.base = self @property def instance(self): """Return a default instance of the type of object in the folder.""" if self._instance is None: self._instance = self._type() return self._instance @property def is_empty(self): """Return True if the folder is empty.""" return len(self) == 0 and len(self.groups) == 0 @property def key(self): """Allow overriding for getting and setting the key in mixins.""" return self._key @key.setter def key(self, value): """Set the folder's key.""" self._key = value @property def layout(self): """Return a tuple that describes the number of files and groups in the folder.""" return (len(self), {k: grp.layout for k, grp in self.groups.items()}) @property def loaded(self): """Iterate only over those members of the folder in memory.""" for f in self.__names__(): val = self.__getter__(f, instantiate=None) if isinstance(val, self.type): yield f, val @property def loader(self): """Return a callable that will load the files on demand.""" if self._loader is None: self._loader = self.type return self._loader @loader.setter def loader(self, value): """Set the loader class ensuring that it is a metadataObject.""" if isclass(value) and issubclass(value, metadataObject): self._loader = value @property def ls(self): """List just the names of the objects in the folder.""" for f in self.__names__(): yield f @property def lsgrp(self): """Return a list of the groups as a generator.""" for k in self.groups: yield k @property def metadata(self): """Return a :py:class:`Stoner.folders.metadata.MetadataProxy` object. This allows for operations on combined metadata. """ return MetadataProxy(self) @property def mindepth(self): """Give the minimum number of levels of group below the current objectFolder.""" if len(self.groups) == 0: r = 0 else: r = 1e6 for g in self.groups: r = min(r, self.groups[g].depth + 1) return r @property def not_empty(self): """Iterate over the objectFolder that checks whether the loaded metadataObject objects have any data. Returns the next non-empty DatFile member of the objectFolder. Note: not_empty will also silently skip over any cases where loading the metadataObject object will raise and exception. """ for d in self: if len(d) == 0: continue yield (d) @property def objects(self): """Return the objects in the folder are stored in a :py:class:`regexpDict`.""" return self._objects @objects.setter def objects(self, value): """Ensure we keep the objects in a :py:class:`regexpDict`.""" if not isinstance(value, regexpDict): self._objects = regexpDict(value) else: self._objects = value @property def setas(self): """Return the proxy for the setas attribute for each object in the folder.""" return self.each.setas @setas.setter def setas(self, value): """Set a value to the proxy setas object for each item in the folder.""" self.each.setas = value @property def shape(self): """Return a data structure that is characteristic of the objectFolder's shape.""" grp_shape = {k: self[k].shape for k in self.groups} return (len(self), grp_shape) @property def root(self): """Return the real folder root.""" return self._root @root.setter def root(self, value): """Set the folder root.""" self._root = value @property def trunkdepth(self): """Return the number of levels of group before a group with files is found.""" if self.files: return 0 return min([self.groups[g].trunkdepth for g in self.groups]) + 1 @property def type(self): """Return the (sub)class of the :py:class:`Stoner.Core.metadataObject` instances.""" return self._type @type.setter def type(self, value): """Ensure that type is a subclass of metadataObject.""" if isclass(value) and issubclass(value, metadataObject): self._type = value elif isinstance(value, metadataObject): self._type = type(value) else: raise TypeError(f"{type(value)} os neither a subclass nor instance of metadataObject") self._instance = None # Reset the instance cache ################### Methods for subclasses to override to handle storage ##### def __lookup__(self, name): """Stub for other classes to implement. Parameters: name(str): Name of an object Returns: A key in whatever form the :py:meth:`baseFolder.__getter__` will accept. Note: We're in the base class here, so we don't call super() if we can't handle this, then we're stuffed! """ if isinstance(name, int_types): name = self.__names__()[name] elif name not in self.__names__(): name = self._objects.__lookup__(name) return name def __names__(self): """Stub method to return a list of names of all objects that can be indexed for __getter__. Note: We're in the base class here, so we don't call super() if we can't handle this, then we're stuffed! """ return list(self.objects.keys()) def __getter__(self, name, instantiate=True): """Stub method to do whatever is needed to transform a key to a metadataObject. Parameters: name (key type): The canonical mapping key to get the dataObject. By default the baseFolder class uses a :py:class:`regexpDict` to store objects in. Keyword Arguments: instantiate (bool): If True (default) then always return a metadataObject. If False, the __getter__ method may return a key that can be used by it later to actually get the metadataObject. If None, then will return whatever is held in the object cache, either instance or name. Returns: (metadataObject): The metadataObject Note: We're in the base class here, so we don't call super() if we can't handle this, then we're stuffed! """ name = self.__lookup__(name) if instantiate is None: return self.objects[name] if not instantiate: return name name = self.objects[name] if not isinstance(name, self._type): raise KeyError(f"{name} is not a valid {self._type}") return self._update_from_object_attrs(name) def __setter__(self, name, value, force_insert=False): """Stub to setting routine to store a metadataObject. Parameters: name (string) the named object to write - may be an existing or new name value (metadataObject): the value to store. Keyword Parameters: force_insert (bool): Ensures the new item is always inserted as a new item and does not replace and existing one. Note: We're in the base class here, so we don't call super() if we can't handle this, then we're stuffed! """ if name is None: name = self.make_name() if force_insert: self.objects.update({name: value}) else: self.objects[name] = value def __inserter__(self, ix, name, value): """Insert the element into a specific place in our data folder. Parameters: ix (int): the index value to insert at, must be 0 to len(self)-1 name (str): the string name to add as a key value (self.type): the value to be inserted. Note: This is written in a way to be generic, but might be better implemented if storage is customised. """ names = list(self.__names__()) values = [self.__getter__(n, instantiate=None) for n in names] names.insert(ix, name) values.insert(ix, value) self.__clear__() for n, v in zip(names, values): self.__setter__(n, v) def __deleter__(self, ix): """Delete an object from the baseFolder. Parameters: ix(str): Index to delete, should be within +- the lengthe length of the folder. Note: We're in the base class here, so we don't call super() if we can't handle this, then we're stuffed! """ del self.objects[ix] def __clear__(self): """Clear all stored :py:class:`Stoner.Core.metadataObject` instances stored. Note: We're in the base class here, so we don't call super() if we can't handle this, then we're stuffed! """ for n in self.__names__(): self.__deleter__(self.__lookup__(n)) def __clone__(self, other=None, attrs_only=False): """Do whatever is necessary to copy attributes from self to other. Note: We're in the base class here, so we don't call super() if we can't handle this, then we're stuffed! """ if other is None and not attrs_only: return deepcopy(self) if other is None: other = type(self)() for arg in self.defaults: if hasattr(self, arg): setattr(other, arg, getattr(self, arg)) other.key = self.key other.args = self.args other.kargs = self.kargs other.type = self.type other.debug = self.debug for k in self.kargs: if not hasattr(other, k): setattr(other, k, self.kargs[k]) for k in self._instance_attrs: setattr(other, k, getattr(self, k)) if not attrs_only: for g in self.groups: other.groups[g] = self.groups[g].__clone__(other=type(other)(), attrs_only=attrs_only) for k in self.__names__(): other.__setter__(k, self.__getter__(k, instantiate=None)) return other ########################################################################### ######## Methods to implement the MutableMapping abstract methods ######### ######## And to provide a mapping interface that mainly access groups ##### def __getitem__(self, name): """Try to get either a group or an object. Parameters: name(str, int,slice): Which objects to return from the folder. Returns: Either a baseFolder instance or a metadataObject instance or raises KeyError How the indexing works depends on the data type of the parameter *name*: - str, regexp Then it is checked first against the groups and then against the objects dictionaries - both will fall back to a regular expression if necessary. - int Then the _index attribute is used to find a matching object key. - slice Then a new :py:class:`baseFolder` is constructed by cloning he current one, but without any groups or files. The new :py:class:`baseFolder` is populated with entries from the current folder according tot he usual slice definition. This has the advantage of not loading the objects in the folder into memory if a :py:class:`DiskBasedFolderMixin` is used. """ if name in self.groups and not isinstance(name, int_types): return self.groups[name] if isinstance(name, string_types + regexp_type): if name in self.objects: name = self.__lookup__(name) return self.__getter__(name) name = self.__lookup__(name) return self.__getter__(name) if isinstance(name, int_types): if -len(self) < name < len(self): return self.__getter__(self.__lookup__(name), instantiate=True) raise IndexError(f"{name} is out of range.") if isinstance(name, slice): # Possibly ought to return another Folder? other = self.__clone__(attrs_only=True) for iname in islice(self.__names__(), name.start, name.stop, name.step): item = self.__getter__(iname) if hasattr(item, "filename"): item.filename = iname other.append(item) return other if isinstance(name, tuple): # recurse indexing through tree with a tuple item = self[name[0]] if len(name) > 2: name = tuple(name[1:]) elif len(name) == 1: return item else: name = name[1] if isinstance(item, self._type): return item[name] if isinstance(item, type(self)): if all_type(name, (int_types, slice)): # Looks like we're accessing data arrays test = (len(item),) + item[0].data[name].shape output = np.array([]).view(item[0].data.__class__) for data in item: append = data[name] if not isinstance(append, np.ndarray): append = append.asarray() output = np.append(output, append) output = output.reshape(test) return output try: return item[name] except KeyError: if name in item.metadata.common_keys: return item.metadata.slice(name, output="Data") if self.debug: print(name) raise raise KeyError(f"Can't index the baseFolder with {name}") raise KeyError(f"Can't index the baseFolder with {name}") def __setitem__(self, name, value): """Attempt to store a value in either the groups or objects. Parameters: name(str or int): If the name is a string and the value is a baseFolder, then assumes we're accessing a group. if name is an integer, then it must be a metadataObject. value (baseFolder,metadataObject,str): The value to be storred. """ if isinstance(name, string_types): if isinstance(value, baseFolder): self.groups[name] = value else: self.__setter__(self.__lookup__(name), value) elif isinstance(name, int_types): if -len(self) < name < len(self): self.__setter__(self.__lookup__(name), value) else: raise IndexError(f"{name} is out of range") else: raise KeyError(f"{name} is not a valid key for baseFolder") def __delitem__(self, name): """Attempt to delete an item from either a group or list of files. Parameters: name(str,int): IF name is a string, then it is checked first against the groups and then against the objects. If name is an int then it s checked against the _index. """ if isinstance(name, string_types): if name in self.groups: del self.groups[name] elif name in self.objects: self.__deleter__(self.__lookup__(name)) else: raise KeyError(f"Can't use {name} as a key to delete in baseFolder. ({self.__names__()})") elif isinstance(name, int_types): if -len(self) < name <= len(self): self.__deleter__(self.__lookup__(name)) else: raise IndexError(f"{name} is out of range.") elif isinstance(name, slice): indices = name.indices(len(self)) name = range(*indices) for ix in sorted(name, reverse=True): del self[ix] else: raise KeyError(f"Can't use {name} as a key to delete in baseFolder. ({repr(self.__names__())})") def __contains__(self, name): """Check whether name is in a list of groups or in the list of names.""" return name in self.groups or name in self.__names__() def __len__(self): """Allow len(:py:class:`baseFolder`) works as expected.""" return len(self.__names__()) ########################################################################### ###################### Standard Special Methods ########################### def __add__(self, other): """Implement the addition operator for baseFolder and metadataObjects.""" result = deepcopy(self) result = _add_core_(result, other) return result def __iadd__(self, other): """Implement the addition operator for baseFolder and metadataObjects.""" result = self result = _add_core_(result, other) return result def __truediv__(self, other): """Implement the divide operator as a grouping function for a :py:class:`baseFolder`.""" result = deepcopy(self) return _div_core_(result, other) def __itruediv__(self, other): """Implement the divide operator as an in-place a grouping function for a :py:class:`baseFolder`.""" result = self return _div_core_(result, other) def __eq__(self, other): """Test whether two objectFolders are the same.""" if not isinstance(other, baseFolder): return False if other.shape != self.shape: return False for mine, theirs in zip(self.groups, other.groups): if mine != theirs: return False if self.groups[mine] != other.groups[theirs]: return False for mine, theirs in zip(sorted(, sorted( if self[mine] != other[theirs]: return False return True def __invert__(self): """For a :py:class:`naseFolder`, inverting means either flattening or unflattening the folder. If we have no sub-groups then we assume we are unflattening the Folder and that the object names have embedded path separators. If we have sub-groups then we assume that we need to flatten the data.. """ result = deepcopy(self) if len(result.groups) == 0: result.unflatten() else: result.flatten() return result def __iter__(self): """Iterate over objects.""" return self.__next__() def __next__(self): """Python 3.x style iterator function.""" for n in self.__names__(): member = self.__getter__(n, instantiate=True) if member is None: continue yield member def __rmatmul__(self, other): """Implement callable@DataFolder as a generic iterate a function over DataFolder members. Returns: An object that supports __call__ and knows about this DataFolder. """ if not callable(other): return NotImplemented return self.each.__rmatmul__(other) # Just bounce it onto the each object def __sub__(self, other): """Implement the addition operator for baseFolder and metadataObjects.""" result = deepcopy(self) result = _sub_core_(result, other) return result def __isub__(self, other): """Implement the addition operator for baseFolder and metadataObjects.""" result = self result = _sub_core_(result, other) return result def __deepcopy__(self, memo): """Provide support for copy.deepcopy to work.""" cls = type(self) result = cls.__new__(cls) memo[id(self)] = result for k, v in self.__dict__.items(): try: setattr(result, k, deepcopy(v, memo)) except (TypeError, ValueError, RecursionError): try: setattr(result, k, copy(v)) except (TypeError, ValueError, RecursionError): setattr(result, k, v) # Fallback to just assign the original value if no copy possible return result def __repr__(self): """Print a summary of the objectFolder structure. Returns: A string representation of the current objectFolder object """ short = get_option("short_folder_rrepr") cls = type(self).__name__ pth = self.key pattern = getattr(self, "pattern", "") string = f"{cls}({pth}) with pattern {pattern} has {len(self)} files and {len(self.groups)} groups\n" if not short: for row in string += "\t" + row + "\n" for g in self.groups: # iterate over groups r = self.groups[g].__repr__() for line in r.split("\n"): # indent each line by one tab string += "\t" + line + "\n" return string.strip() def __reversed__(self): """Create an iterator function that runs backwards through the stored objects.""" for n in reversed(self.__names__()): member = self.__getter__(n, instantiate=True) if member is None: continue yield member def __delattr__(self, name): """Handle removing an attribute from the folder, including proxied attributes.""" if name.startswith("_") or name in [ "debug", "groups", "args", "kargs", "objects", "key", ]: # pass ddirectly through for private attributes raise AttributeError(f"{name} is a protected attribute and may not be deleted!") super().__delattr__(name) ########################################################################### ###################### Private Methods #################################### def __init_from_other(self, other): other.__clone__(other=self) def _marshall(self, layout=None, data=None): """Return the baseFolder as a list of the members including the groups. Keyword Arguments: layout (tuple): number of entries and a dictionary of the groups as generated by :py:property:`baseFolder.layout` data (list): list of entries to be marshalled if *layout* is defined. Returns: (list or self): If *layout* is defined then returns a copy of the baseFolder with the entries moved around as defined in the *layout*. If *layout* is None, then moves the contents into a flat list. """ if layout is None: output = [] for d, name in zip(self, self.__names__()): d.filename = name output.append(d) for grp in self.groups.values(): output.extend(grp._marshall()) return output count, groups = layout if len(data) < count: raise ValueError("Insufficient entries in the data argument given the layout supplied.") self.extend(data[:count]) del data[:count] for grp in groups: self.add_group(grp) self.groups[grp]._marshall(layout=groups[grp], data=data) return self def _update_from_object_attrs(self, obj): """Update an object from object_attrs store.""" for k in self.kargs: # Set from keyword arguments if hasattr(obj, k): setattr(obj, k, self.kargs[k]) if hasattr(self, "_object_attrs") and isinstance(self._object_attrs, dict): for k in self._object_attrs: try: setattr(obj, k, self._object_attrs[k]) except AttributeError as err: raise AttributeError(f"Can't set attribute {k} to {self._object_attrs[k]}") from err return obj def __walk_groups(self, walker, **kargs): """Implement the walk_groups method with vreadcrumb trail. Args: walker (callable): A callable object that takes either a metadataObject instance or a objectFolder instance. Keyword Arguments: group (bool): (default False) determines whether the wealker function will expect to be given the objectFolder representing the lowest level group or individual metadataObject objects from the lowest level group replace_terminal (bool): If group is True and the walker function returns an instance of metadataObject then the return value is appended to the files and the group is removed from the current objectFolder. This will unwind the group hierarchy by one level. only_terminal (bool): Only iterate over the files in the group if the group has no sub-groups. walker_args (dict): A dictionary of static arguments for the walker function. bbreadcrumb (list of strings): A list of the group names or key values that we've walked through Notes: The walker function should have a prototype of the form: walker(f,list_of_group_names,**walker_args) where f is either a objectFolder or metadataObject. """ group = kargs.pop("group", False) replace_terminal = kargs.pop("replace_terminal", False) only_terminal = kargs.pop("only_terminal", True) walker_args = kargs.pop("walker_args", {}) breadcrumb = kargs.pop("breadcrumb", {}) if len(self.groups) > 0: ret = [] removeGroups = [] if replace_terminal: self.__clear__() for g in self.groups: bcumb = copy(breadcrumb) bcumb.append(g) tmp = self.groups[g].__walk_groups( walker, group=group, replace_terminal=replace_terminal, walker_args=walker_args, breadcrumb=bcumb ) if group and replace_terminal and isinstance(tmp, metadataObject): removeGroups.append(g) tmp.filename = f"{g}-{tmp.filename}" self.append(tmp) ret.append(tmp) for g in removeGroups: del self.groups[g] elif len(self.groups) == 0 or not only_terminal: if group: ret = walker(self, breadcrumb, **walker_args) else: ret = [walker(f, breadcrumb, **walker_args) for f in self] return ret ########################################################################### ############# Normal Methods ##############################################
[docs] def add_group(self, key): """Add a new group to the current baseFolder with the given key. Args: key(string): A hashable value to be used as the dictionary key in the groups dictionary Returns: A copy of the objectFolder Note: If key already exists in the groups dictionary then no action is taken. Todo: Propagate any extra attributes into the groups. """ if key in self.groups: # do nothing here pass else: new_group = self.__clone__(attrs_only=True) self.groups[key] = new_group self.groups[key].key = key self.groups[key].root = path.join(self.root, str(key)) return self
[docs] def all(self): """Iterate over all the files in the Folder and all it's sub Folders recursely. Yields: (path/filename,file) """ for g in self.groups.values(): for p, d in g.all(): p = path.join(self.key, p) yield p, d for d in self: yield d.filename, d
[docs] def clear(self): """Clear the subgroups.""" self.groups.clear() self.__clear__()
[docs] def compress(self, base=None, key=".", keep_terminal=False): """Compresses all empty groups from the root up until the first non-empty group is located. Returns: A copy of the now flattened DatFolder """ return self.groups.compress(base=base, key=key, keep_terminal=keep_terminal)
[docs] def count(self, value): # pylint: disable=arguments-differ """Provide a count method like a sequence. Args: value(str, regexp, or :py:class:`Stoner.Core.metadataObject`): The thing to count matches for. Returns: (int): The number of matching metadataObject instances. Notes: If *name* is a string, then matching is based on either exact matches of the name, or if it includes a * or ? then the basis of a globbing match. *name* may also be a regular expressiuon, in which case matches are made on the basis of the match with the name of the metadataObject. Finally, if *name* is a metadataObject, then it matches for an equyality test. """ if isinstance(value, string_types): if "*" in value or "?" in value: # globbing pattern return len(fnmatch.filter(self.__names__(), value)) return self.__names__().count(self.__lookup__(value)) if isinstance(value, _pattern_type): match = [1 for n in self.__names__() if] return len(match) if isinstance(value, metadataObject): match = [1 for d in self if d == value] return len(match) raise TypeError(f"Failed to count as value was a {type(value)} which we couldn't use.")
[docs] def fetch(self): """Preload the contents of the baseFolder. In the base class this is a NOP because the objects are all in memory anyway. """ return self
[docs] def file(self, name, value, create=True, pathsplit=None): """recursely add groups in order to put the named value into a virtual tree of :py:class:`baseFolder`. Args: name(str): A name (which may be a nested path) of the object to file. value(metadataObject): The object to be filed - it should be an instance of :py:attr:`baseFolder.type`. Keyword Aprameters: create(bool): Whether to create missing groups or to raise an error (default True to create groups). pathsplit(str or None): Character to use to split the name into path components. Defaults to using os.path.split() Returns: (baseFolder): A reference to the group where the value was eventually filed """ if pathsplit is None: pathsplit = r"[\\/]+" pathsplit = re.compile(pathsplit) pth = pathsplit.split(name) tmp = self for ix, section in enumerate(pth): if ix == len(pth) - 1: existing = tmp.__getter__(section, instantiate=None) if section in tmp.__names__() else None if ( existing is None or (isinstance(value, self.type) and id(existing) != id(value)) or (isinstance(existing, string_types) and existing != value) ): # skip if this is a nul op if hasattr(value, "filename"): value.filename = section tmp.__setter__(section, value) else: return False # Return False if we didn't need to move the filing. break if section not in tmp.groups and create: tmp.add_group(section) if section in tmp.groups: tmp = tmp.groups[section] else: raise KeyError(f"No group {section} exists and not creating groups.") return tmp
[docs] def filter( self, filter=None, invert=False, copy=False, recurse=False, prune=True ): # pylint: disable=redefined-builtin r"""Filter the current set of files by some criterion. Args: filter (string or callable): Either a string flename pattern or a callable function which takes a single parameter x which is an instance of a metadataObject and evaluates True or False Keyword Arguments: invert (bool): Invert the sense of the filter (done by doing an XOR with the filter condition copy (bool): If set True then the :py:class:`DataFolder` is copied before being filtered. \Default is False - work in place. recurse (bool): If True, apply the filter recursely to all groups. Default False prune (bool): If True, execute a :py:meth:`baseFolder.prune` to remove empty groups after filering Returns: The current objectFolder object """ names = [] if copy: result = deepcopy(self) else: result = self if isinstance(filter, string_types): for f in result.__names__(): if fnmatch.fnmatch(f, filter) ^ invert: names.append(result.__getter__(f)) elif isinstance(filter, _pattern_type): for f in result.__names__(): if ( is not None) ^ invert: names.append(result.__getter__(f)) elif filter is None: raise ValueError("A filter must be defined !") else: for x in result: if filter(x) ^ invert: names.append(x) result.__clear__() result.extend(names) if recurse: for g in result.groups.values(): g.filter(filter=filter, invert=invert, copy=False, recurse=True) if prune: result.prune() return result
[docs] def filterout(self, filter, copy=False, recurse=False, prune=True): # pylint: disable=redefined-builtin """Synonym for self.filter(filter,invert=True). Args: filter (string or callable): Either a string flename pattern or a callable function which takes a single parameter x which is an instance of a metadataObject and evaluates True or False Keyword Arguments: copy (bool): If set True then the :py:class:`DataFolder` is copied before being filtered. Default is False - work in place. recurse (bool): If True, apply the filter recursely to all groups. Default False prune (bool): If True, execute a :py:meth:`baseFolder.prune` to remove empty groups after filering Returns: The current objectFolder object with the files in the file list filtered. """ return self.filter(filter, invert=True, copy=copy, recurse=recurse, prune=prune)
[docs] def flatten(self, depth=None): """Compresses all the groups and sub-groups iunto a single flat file list. Keyword Arguments: depth )(int or None): Only flatten ub-=groups that are within (*depth* of the deepest level. Returns: A copy of the now flattened DatFolder """ if isinstance(depth, int_types): if self.depth <= depth: return self.flatten() for g in self.groups: self.groups[g].flatten(depth) return self for g in self.groups: if self.debug: print(f"{self.key}->{self.groups[g].key}") self.groups[g].flatten() for n in self.groups[g].__names__(): value = self.groups[g].__getter__(n, instantiate=None) old_name = pathjoin(self.groups[g].root, n) new_name = path.relpath(old_name, start=self.root) if self.debug: print(f"\t{g}::{old_name}=>{new_name}") if hasattr(value, "filename"): value.filename = new_name if isinstance( value, string_types ): # We haven't loaded this yet, in which case change value to new_name value = new_name self.__setter__(new_name, value) self.groups[g].__clear__() self.groups = {} return self
[docs] def get(self, name, default=None): """Return either a sub-group or named object from this folder.""" try: ret = self[name] except (KeyError, IndexError): ret = default return ret
[docs] def group(self, key): """Sort Files into a series of objectFolders according to the value of the key. Args: key (string or callable or list): Either a simple string or callable function or a list. If a string then it is interpreted as an item of metadata in each file. If a callable function then takes a single argument x which should be an instance of a metadataObject and returns some vale. If key is a list then the grouping is done recursely for each element in key. Returns: A copy of the current objectFolder object in which the groups attribute is a dictionary of objectFolder objects with sub lists of files Notes: If ne of the grouping metadata keys does not exist in one file then no exception is raised - rather the fiiles will be returned into the grou with key None. Metadata keys that are generated from the filename are supported. """ if isinstance(key, list): next_keys = key[1:] key = key[0] else: next_keys = [] if isinstance(key, string_types): k = key key = lambda x: x.get(k, "None") for x in self: v = key(x) if v not in self.groups: self.add_group(v) self.groups[v].append(x) self.__clear__() if len(next_keys) > 0: for g in self.groups: self.groups[g].group(next_keys) return self
[docs] def index(self, value, start=None, end=None): # pylint: disable=arguments-differ """Provide an index method like a sequence. Args: value(str, regexp, or :py:class:`Stoner.Core.metadataObject`): The thing to search for. Keyword Arguments: start,end(int): Limit the index search to a sub-range as per Python 3.5+ list.index Returns: (int): The index of the first matching metadataObject instances. Notes: If *name* is a string, then matching is based on either exact matches of the name, or if it includes a * or ? then the basis of a globbing match. *name* may also be a regular expressiuon, in which case matches are made on the basis of the match with the name of the metadataObject. Finally, if *name* is a metadataObject, then it matches for an equyality test. """ if start is None: start = 0 if end is None: end = len(self) search = self.__names__()[start:end] if isinstance(value, string_types): if "*" in value or "?" in value: # globbing pattern m = fnmatch.filter(search, value) if len(m) > 0: return search.index(m[0]) + start raise ValueError(f"{value} is not a name of a metadataObject in this baseFolder.") return search.index(self.__lookup__(value)) + start if isinstance(value, _pattern_type): for i, n in enumerate(search): if return i + start raise ValueError("No match for any name of a metadataObject in this baseFolder.") if isinstance(value, metadataObject): for i, n in enumerate(search): if value == n: return i + start raise ValueError("No match for any name of a metadataObject in this baseFolder.") raise TypeError(f"Could not use value of type {type(value)} for index.")
[docs] def insert(self, index, value): # pylint: disable=arguments-differ """Implement the insert method with the option to append as well.""" name = self.make_name(value) names = self.__names__() i = 1 while name in names: # Since we're adding a new entry, make sure we have a unique name ! name, ext = path.splitext(name) name = f"{name}({i}).{ext}" i += 1 if -len(self) < index < len(self): index = index % len(self) self.__inserter__(index, name, value) name = self.__names__()[index] self.__setter__(self.__lookup__(name), value) elif index >= len(self): self.__setter__(name, value, force_insert=True)
[docs] def append(self, value): """Append an item to the folder object.""" self.insert(len(self), value)
[docs] def items(self): """Return the key,value pairs for the subbroups of this folder.""" return self.groups.items()
[docs] def keys(self): """Return the keys used to access the sub-=groups of this folder.""" return self.groups.keys()
[docs] def make_name(self, value=None): """Construct a name from the value object if possible.""" if isinstance(value, self.type): name = getattr(value, "filename", "") if name == "": name = f"Untitled-{self._last_name}" while name in self: self._last_name += 1 name = f"Untitled-{self._last_name}" return name if isinstance(value, string_types): return value name = f"Untitled-{self._last_name}" while name in self: self._last_name += 1 name = f"Untitled-{self._last_name}" return name
[docs] def pop(self, name=-1, default=None): # pylint: disable=arguments-differ,arguments-renamed """Return and remove either a subgroup or named object from this folder.""" try: ret = self[name] del self[name] except (KeyError, IndexError): ret = default return ret
[docs] def popitem(self): """Return the most recent subgroup from this folder.""" return self.groups.popitem()
[docs] def prune(self, name=None): """Remove any empty groups from the objectFolder (and subgroups). Returns: A copy of thte pruned objectFolder. """ return self.groups.prune(name=name)
[docs] def select(self, *args, **kargs): """Select a subset of the objects in the folder based on flexible search criteria on the metadata. Args: args (various): A single positional argument if present is interpreted as follows: * If a callable function is given, the entire metadataObject is presented to it. If it evaluates True then that metadataObject is selected. This allows arbitrary select operations * If a dict is given, then it and the kargs dictionary are merged and used to select the metadataObjects Keyword Arguments: recurse (bool): Also recursively slect through the sub groups kargs (varuous): Arbitrary keyword arguments are interpreted as requestion matches against the corresponding metadata values. The keyword argument may have an additional **__operator** appended to it which is interpreted as follows: - *eq* metadata value equals argument value (this is the default test for scalar argument) - *ne* metadata value doe not equal argument value - *gt* metadata value doe greater than argument value - *lt* metadata value doe less than argument value - *ge* metadata value doe greater than or equal to argument value - *le* metadata value doe less than or equal to argument value - *contains* metadata value contains argument value - *in* metadata value is in the argument value (this is the default test for non-tuple iterable arguments) - *startswith* metadata value startswith argument value - *endswith* metadata value endwith argument value - *icontains*,*iin*, *istartswith*,*iendswith* as above but case insensitive - *between* metadata value lies between the minimum and maximum values of the argument (the default test for 2-length tuple arguments) - *ibetween*,*ilbetween*,*iubetween* as above but include both,lower or upper values The syntax is inspired by the Django project for selecting, but is not quite as rich. Returns: (baseFGolder): A new baseFolder instance that contains just the matching metadataObjects. Note: If any of the tests is True, then the metadataObject will be selected, so the effect is a logical OR. To achieve a logical AND, you can chain two selects together::,vti_temp__lt=4.2).select(field_gt=3.0) will select metadata objects that have either temp or vti_temp metadata values below 4.2 AND field metadata values greater than 3. There are a few cases where special treatment is needed: - If you need to select on a aparameter called *recurse*, pass a dictionary of {"recurse":value} as the sole positional argument. - If you need to select on a metadata value that ends in an operator word, then append *__eq* in the keyword name to force the equality test. - If the metadata keys to select on are not valid python identifiers, then pass them via the first positional dictionary value. If the metadata item being checked exists in a regular expression file pattern for the folder, then the files are not loaded and the metadata is evaluated based on the filename. This can speed up operations where a file load is not required. """ recurse = kargs.pop("recurse", False) negate = kargs.pop("negate", False) if len(args) == 1: if callable(args[0]): kargs["__"] = args[0] elif isinstance(args[0], dict): kargs.update(args[0]) result = self.__clone__(attrs_only=True) if recurse: gkargs = {} gkargs.update(kargs) gkargs["negate"] = negate gkargs["recurse"] = True for g in self.groups: result.groups[g] = self.groups[g].select(*args, **gkargs) if isinstance(self.pattern[0], regexp_type): pattern_keys = list(self.pattern[0].groupindex.keys()) for karg in kargs: if karg.split("__")[0] not in pattern_keys: must_read = True break else: must_read = False else: must_read = True for f in self.objects: if must_read and isinstance(f, string_types): f = self.__getter__(f, instantiate=True) placer = f if not must_read: match = self.pattern[0].search(f) f = typeHintedDict(match.groupdict()) for arg in kargs: if callable(kargs[arg]) and kargs[arg](f): break elif isinstance(arg, string_types): val = kargs[arg] skargs = copy(kargs) skargs["negate"] = negate func, key = _build_select_function(skargs, arg) if key in f and func(f[key], val): break else: # No tests matched - contineu to next line continue # Something matched, so append to result f = placer if hasattr(f, "filename"): name = f.filename result.__setter__(name, f) else: result.append(f) return result
[docs] def setdefault(self, k, d=None): """Return or set a subgroup or named object.""" self[k] = self.get(k, d) return self[k]
[docs] def slice_metadata(self, key, output="smart"): """Return an array of the metadata values for each item/file in the top level group. Args: key(str, regexp or list of str): the meta data key(s) to return Keyword Parameters: output (str): Output format - values are - dict: return an array of dictionaries - list: return a list of lists - array: return a numpy array - Data: return a :py:class:`Stoner.Data` object - smart: (default) return either a list if only one key or a list of dictionaries Returns: (array of metadata): If single key is given and is an exact match then returns an array of the matching values. If the key results in a regular expression match, then returns an array of dictionaries of all matching keys. If key is a list ir other iterable, then return a 2D array where each column corresponds to one of the keys. Todo: Add options to recurse through all groups? Put back RCT's values only functionality? """ return self.metadata.slice(key, output=output)
[docs] def sort(self, key=None, reverse=False, recurse=True): """Sort the files by some key. Keyword Arguments: key (string, callable or None): Either a string or a callable function. If a string then this is interpreted as a metadata key, if callable then it is assumed that this is a a function of one parameter x that is a :py:class:`Stoner.Core.metadataObject` object and that returns a key value. If key is not specified (default), then a sort is performed on the filename reverse (bool): Optionally sort in reverse order recurse (bool): If True (default) sort the sub-groups as well. Returns: A copy of the current objectFolder object """ if recurse: for grp in self.groups.values(): grp.sort(key=key, reverse=reverse, recurse=recurse) tmp = self.clone if isinstance(key, string_types): k = [(x.get(key), i) for i, x in enumerate(tmp)] k = sorted(k, reverse=reverse) new_order = [tmp[i] for x, i in k] new_names = [self.__names__()[i] for x, i in k] elif key is None: fnames = tmp.__names__() fnames.sort(reverse=reverse) new_order = [tmp.__getter__(name) for name in fnames] new_names = fnames elif isinstance(key, _pattern_type): new_names = sorted(tmp.__names__(), key=lambda x: key.match(x).groups(), reverse=reverse) new_order = [tmp.__getter__(x) for x in new_names] else: order = range(len(tmp)) new_order = sorted(order, key=lambda x: key(self[x]), reverse=reverse) new_order = [tmp.__names__()[i] for i in new_order] new_names = new_order self.__clear__() for obj, k in zip(new_order, new_names): self.__setter__(k, obj) return self
[docs] def unflatten(self): """Take the file list an unflattens them according to the file paths. Returns: A copy of the objectFolder """ if len(self): if len(self) == 1: = path.join(, path.dirname(self.__names__()[0])) else: = commonpath([path.realpath(path.join(, x)) for x in self.__names__()]) names = self.__names__() relpaths = [path.relpath(path.join(, f), for f in names] dels = list() for i, f in enumerate(relpaths): ret = self.file(f, self.__getter__(names[i], instantiate=None)) if isinstance(ret, baseFolder): # filed ok dels.append(i) for i in sorted(dels, reverse=True): del self[i] for g in self.groups: self.groups[g].unflatten() return self
[docs] def update(self, other): """Update this folder with a dictionary or another folder.""" if isinstance(other, dict): for k in other: self[k] = other[k] elif isinstance(other, baseFolder): for k in other.groups: if k in self.groups: self.groups[k].update(other.groups[k]) else: self.groups[k] = other.groups[k].clone for k in other.__names__(): if k in self.__names__(): self.__setter__(self.__lookup__(k), other.__getter__(other.__lookup__(k)).clone) else: self.append(other.__getter__(other.__lookup__(k)).clone)
[docs] def values(self): """Return the sub-groups of this folder.""" return self.groups.values()
[docs] def walk_groups(self, walker, **kargs): """Walk through a hierarchy of groups and calls walker for each file. Args: walker (callable): A callable object that takes either a metadataObject instance or a objectFolder instance. Keyword Arguments: group (bool): (default False) determines whether the walker function will expect to be given the objectFolder representing the lowest level group or individual metadataObject objects from the lowest level group replace_terminal (bool): If group is True and the walker function returns an instance of metadataObject then the return value is appended to the files and the group is removed from the current objectFolder. This will unwind the group hierarchy by one level. obly_terminal(bool): Only execute the walker function on groups that have no sub-groups inside them (i.e. are terminal groups) walker_args (dict): A dictionary of static arguments for the walker function. Notes: The walker function should have a prototype of the form:: walker(f,list_of_group_names,**walker_args) where f is either a objectFolder or metadataObject. """ group = kargs.pop("group", False) replace_terminal = kargs.pop("replace_terminal", False) only_terminal = kargs.pop("only_terminal", True) walker_args = kargs.pop("walker_args", {}) walker_args = {} if walker_args is None else walker_args return self.__walk_groups( walker, group=group, replace_terminal=replace_terminal, only_terminal=only_terminal, walker_args=walker_args, breadcrumb=[], )
[docs] def zip_groups(self, groups): """Return a list of tuples of metadataObjects drawn from the specified groups. Args: groups(list of strings): A list of keys of groups in the Lpy:class:`objectFolder` Returns: A list of tuples of groups of files: [(grp_1_file_1,grp_2_file_1....grp_n_files_1),(grp_1_file_2, grp_2_file_2....grp_n_file_2)....(grp_1_file_m,grp_2_file_m...grp_n_file_m)] """ if not isinstance(groups, list): raise SyntaxError("groups must be a list of groups") grps = [[y for y in self.groups[x]] for x in groups] return zip(*grps)