Source code for Stoner.core.setas

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""setas module provides the setas class for DataFile and friends."""
__all__ = ["setas"]
import re
import copy
from import MutableMapping, Mapping

import numpy as np

from ..compat import string_types, int_types, index_types, _pattern_type
from import AttributeStore, isiterable, typedList, isLikeList
from .utils import decode_string

[docs]class setas(MutableMapping): """A Class that provides a mechanism for managing the column assignments in a DataFile like object. Implements a MutableMapping bsed on the column_headers as the keys (with a few tweaks!). Note: Iterating over setas will return the column assignments rather than the standard mapping behaviour of iterating over the keys. Otherwise the interface is essentially as a Mapping class. Calling an existing setas instance and the constructor share the same signatgure: setas("xyzuvw") setas(["x"],["y"],["z"],["u"],["v"],["w"]) setas(x="column_1",y=3,column4="z") Keyword Arguments: _self (bool): If True, make the call return a copy of the setas object, if False, return _object attribute, if None, return None reset (bool): If False then preserve the existing set columns and simply add the new ones. Otherwise, clear all column assignments before setting new ones (default). """ def __init__(self, row=False, bless=None): """Construct the setas instance and sets an initial value. Args: ref (DataFile): Contains a reference to the owning DataFile instance Keyword Arguments: initial_val (string or list or dict): Initial values to set """ self._row = row self._cols = AttributeStore() self._shape = tuple() self._setas = [] self._column_headers = typedList(string_types) self._object = bless self._col_defaults = { 2: { "axes": 2, "xcol": 0, "ycol": [1], "zcol": [], "ucol": [], "vcol": [], "wcol": [], "xerr": None, "yerr": [], "zerr": [], }, # xy 3: { "axes": 2, "xcol": 0, "ycol": [1], "zcol": [], "ucol": [], "vcol": [], "wcol": [], "xerr": None, "yerr": [2], "zerr": [], }, # xye 4: { "axes": 2, "xcol": 0, "ycol": [2], "zcol": [], "ucol": [], "vcol": [], "wcol": [], "xerr": 1, "yerr": [3], "zerr": [], }, # xdye 5: { "axes": 5, "xcol": 0, "ycol": [1], "zcol": None, "ucol": [2], "vcol": [3], "wcol": [4], "xerr": None, "yerr": [], "zerr": [], }, # xyuvw 6: { "axes": 6, "xcol": 0, "ycol": [1], "zcol": [2], "ucol": [3], "vcol": [4], "wcol": [5], "xerr": None, "yerr": [], "zerr": [], }, } # xyzuvw def _prepare_call(self, args, kargs): """Extract a value to be used to evaluate the setas attribute during a call.""" reset = kargs.pop("reset", True) if not isinstance(reset, bool): reset = True if args: value = args[0] if isinstance(value, string_types): # expand the number-code combos in value if reset: self.setas = [] value = decode_string(value) else: value = kargs if reset: self.setas = [] return value @property def _size(self): """Calculate a size of the setas attribute.""" if len(self._shape) == 1 and self._row: c = self._shape[0] elif len(self._shape) == 1: c = 1 elif len(self._shape) > 1: c = self.shape[1] else: c = len(self._column_headers) return c @property def _unique_headers(self): """Return either a column header or an index if the column_header is duplicated.""" ret = [] for i, ch in enumerate(self.column_headers): if ch not in ret: ret.append(ch) else: ret.append(i) return ret @property def clone(self): """Create an exact copy of the current object.""" cls = type(self) new = cls() for attr, val in self.__dict__.items(): if not callable(val): new.__dict__[attr] = copy.deepcopy(val) return new @property def cols(self): """Get the current column assignments.""" self._cols.update(self._get_cols()) return self._cols @property def x(self): """Quick access to the x column number. Just a convenience read only property. If we want to change the setas.x value we should use the setas(x=1,y=2) style call (so that reset can be handled properly) """ return self.cols["xcol"] @property def y(self): """Quick access to the y column numbers list.""" return self.cols["ycol"] @property def z(self): """Quick access to the z column numbers list.""" return self.cols["zcol"] @property def column_headers(self): """Get the current column headers.""" cols = self._size length = len(self._column_headers) if length < cols: # Extend the column headers if necessary self._column_headers.extend([f"Column {i + length}" for i in range(cols - length)]) return self._column_headers @column_headers.setter def column_headers(self, value): """Set the column headers.""" if isinstance(value, np.ndarray): # Convert ndarray to list of strings value = value.astype(str).tolist() elif isinstance(value, string_types): # Bare strings get turned into lists value = [value] self._column_headers = typedList(string_types, value) @property def empty(self): """Determine if any columns are set.""" return len(self._setas) == 0 or np.all(np.array(self._setas) == ".") @property def ndim(self): """Return the number of dimensions of the array.""" return len(self.shape) @property def not_set(self): """Return a boolean array if not set.""" return np.array([x == "." for x in self._setas]) @property def set(self): """Return a boolean array if column is set.""" return np.array([x != "." for x in self._setas]) @property def setas(self): """Guard the setas attribute.""" cols = self._size length = len(self._setas) if cols > length: self._setas.extend(["."] * (cols - length)) self._setas = self._setas[:cols] return self._setas @setas.setter def setas(self, value): """Minimal attribute setter.""" self._setas = value @property def shape(self): """Return the shape of the array that we think we are.""" return self._shape @shape.setter def shape(self, value): """Update the note of our shape.""" value = tuple(value) if 0 <= len(value) <= 2: self._shape = tuple(value) else: raise AttributeError(f"shape attribute should be a 2-tuple not a {value}-tuple")
[docs] def __call__(self, *args, **kargs): """Treat the current instance as a callable object and assign columns accordingly. Variois forms of this method are accepted:: setas("xyzuvw") setas(["x"],["y"],["z"],["u"],["v"],["w"]) setas(x="column_1",y=3,column4="z") Keyword Arguments: _self (bool): If True, make the call return a copy of the setas object, if False, return _object attribute, if None, return None. Default - **False** reset (bool): If False then preserve the existing set columns and simply add the new ones. Otherwise, clear all column assignments before setting new ones (default). """ return_self = kargs.pop("_self", False) if not (args or kargs): # New - bare call to setas will return the current value. return self.setas if len(args) == 1 and isinstance(args[0], setas): args = list(args) args[0] = args[0].to_list() if len(args) == 1 and not (isinstance(args[0], string_types + (setas,)) or isiterable(args[0])): raise SyntaxError( f"setas should be called with eother a string, iterable object or setas object, not a {type(args[0])}" ) # If reset is neither in kargs nor a False boolean, then clear the existing setas assignments value = self._prepare_call(args, kargs) _ = self.setas # Forxce setas to be the right length if isinstance(value, dict): for k, v in value.items(): if isinstance(k, string_types) and len(k) == 1 and k in "xyzuvwdef": # of the form x:column_name for v_item in self.find_col(v, force_list=True): try: self._setas[v_item] = k except (IndexError, KeyError): pass elif ( isinstance(k, index_types) and isinstance(v, string_types) and len(v) == 1 and v in "xyzuvwdef" ): # of the form column_name:x k = self.find_col(k) self._setas[k] = v else: raise IndexError(f"Unable to workout what do with {k}:{v} when setting the setas attribute.") elif isiterable(value): if len(value) > self._size: value = value[: self._size] elif len(value) < self._size: value = list(value) # Ensure value is now a list value.extend(list("." * (self._size - len(value)))) value = value[: self._size] for i, v in enumerate(value): if v.lower() not in "xyzedfuvw.-": raise ValueError(f"Set as column element is invalid: {v}") if v != "-": self.setas[i] = v.lower() else: raise ValueError("Set as column string ended with a number") self.cols.update(self._get_cols()) if return_self is None: return None if return_self: return self return self._object
def __contains__(self, item): """Use getitem to test for membership. Either column assignments or column index types are tested.""" try: _ = self[item] except (IndexError, KeyError, ValueError): return False return True def __delitem__(self, name): """Unset either by column index or column assignment. Equivalent to unsetting the same object.""" self.unset(name) def __eq__(self, other): """Check to see if this is the same object, or has the same headers and the same setas values.""" ret = False if isinstance(other, string_types): # Expand strings and convert to list other = list(decode_string(other)) if not isinstance(other, setas): # Ok, need to check whether items match if isiterable(other) and len(other) <= self._size: for m in self.setas[len(other) :]: # Check that if other is short we don't have assignments there if m != ".": return False for o, m in zip(other, self.setas): if o != m: # Look for mis-matched assignments return False return True return False if id(self) == id(other): ret = True else: ret = self.column_headers == other.column_headers and self.setas == other.setas return ret def __getattr__(self, name): """Try to see if attribute name is a key in self.cols and return that instead.""" if name != "_cols" and name in self._cols: return self._cols[name] return getattr(super(), name) def __getitem__(self, name): """Permit the setas attribute to be treated like either a list or a dictionary. Args: name (int, slice or string): if *name* is an integer or a slice, return the column type of the corresponding column(s). If a string, should be a single letter from the set x,y,z,u,v,w,d,e,f - if so returns the corresponding column(s) Returns: Either a single letter x,y,z,u,v,w,d,e or f, or a list of letters if used in list mode, or a single coliumn name or list of names if used in dictionary mode. """ if isinstance(name, string_types) and len(name) == 1 and name in "xyzuvwdef.-": ret = self.to_dict()[name] if len(ret) == 1: ret = ret[0] elif isinstance(name, string_types) and len(name) == 2 and name[0] == "#" and name[1] in "xyzuvwdef.-": ret = [] name = name[1] s = 0 while name in self._setas[s:]: s = self._setas.index(name) + 1 ret.append(s - 1) if len(ret) == 1: ret = ret[0] elif isinstance(name, index_types): ret = self.setas[self.find_col(name)] elif isinstance(name, slice): indices = name.indices(len(self.setas)) name = range(*indices) ret = [self[x] for x in name] elif isiterable(name): ret = [self[x] for x in name] else: raise IndexError(f"{name} was not found in the setas attribute.") return ret def __iter__(self): """Iterate over thew column assignments. .. warn:: This class does not follow standard Mapping semantics - iterating iterates over the values and not the items. """ _ = self.setas # Force setas to fix size for c in self._setas: yield c def __ne__(self, other): """!= is the same as no ==.""" return not self.__eq__(other) def __setitem__(self, name, value): """Allow setting of the setas variable like a dictionary or a list. Args: name (string or int): If name is a string, it should be in the set x,y,z,u,v,w,d,e or f and value should be a column index type. If name is an integer, then value should be a single letter string in the set above. value (integer or column index): See above. """ if isLikeList(name): # Sipport indexing with a list like object if isLikeList(value) and len(value) == len(name): for n, v in zip(name, value): self._setas[n] = v else: for n in name: self[n] = value elif isinstance(name, string_types) and len(name) == 1 and name in "xyzuvwdef.-": # indexing by single letter for c in self.find_col(value, force_list=True): self._setas[c] = name elif ( isinstance(name, index_types) and isinstance(value, string_types) and len(value) == 1 and value in "xyzuvwdef.-" ): for c in self.find_col(name, force_list=True): self.setas[c] = value else: raise IndexError(f"Failed to set setas as couldn't workout what todo with setas[{name}] = {value}") def __len__(self): """Return our own length.""" return self._size def __repr__(self): """Our representation is as a list of the values.""" return self.setas.__repr__() def __str__(self): """Our string representation is just formed by joing the assignments together.""" # Quick string conversion routine return "".join(self.setas) ################################################################################################################# ############################# Operator Methods ################################################################ def _add_core_(self, new, other): """Allow the user to add a dictionary to setas to add extra columns.""" if not isinstance(other, dict): try: tmp = self.clone tmp(other) other = tmp.to_dict() except (TypeError, SyntaxError): return NotImplemented for k, v in other.items(): if isinstance(k, string_types) and len(k) == 1 and k in "xyzuvwdef": # of the form x:column_name for v in new.find_col(v, force_list=True): new._setas[v] = k elif ( isinstance(k, index_types) and isinstance(v, string_types) and len(v) == 1 and v in "xyzuvwdef" ): # of the form column_name:x k = new.find_col(k) new._setas[k] = v else: raise IndexError(f"Unable to workout what do with {k}:{v} when setting the setas attribute.") return new def __add__(self, other): """Jump to the core.""" new = self.clone return self._add_core_(new, other) def __iadd__(self, other): """Jump to the core.""" new = self return self._add_core_(new, other) def _sub_core_(self, new, other): """Implement subtracting either column indices or x,y,z,d,e,f,u,v,w for the current setas.""" if isinstance(other, string_types) and len(other) == 1 and other in "xyzuvwdef": while True: try: new._setas[new._setas.index(other)] = "." except ValueError: break return new if isinstance(other, index_types): try: new._setas[new.find_col(other)] = "." return new except KeyError: other = new.clone(other, _self=True) if isinstance(other, Mapping): me = new.to_dict() other = new.clone(other, _self=True).to_dict() for k, v in other.items(): v = [v] if not isinstance(v, list) else v if k in me: for header in v: if header in me[k]: if isinstance(me[k], list): me[k].remove(header) else: me[k] = "" else: raise ValueError(f"{header} is not set as {k}") if len(me[k]) == 0: del me[k] else: raise ValueError(f"No column is set as {k}") new.clear() new(me) return new if isiterable(other): for o in other: new = self._sub_core_(new, o) if new is NotImplemented: return NotImplemented return new return NotImplemented def __sub__(self, other): """Jump to the core.""" new = self.clone return self._sub_core_(new, other) def __isub__(self, other): """Jump to the core.""" new = self return self._sub_core_(new, other)
[docs] def find_col(self, col, force_list=False): """Indexes the column headers in order to locate a column of data.shape. Indexing can be by supplying an integer, a string, a regular expression, a slice or a list of any of the above. - Integer indices are simply checked to ensure that they are in range - String indices are first checked for an exact match against a column header if that fails they are then compiled to a regular expression and the first match to a column header is taken. - A regular expression index is simply matched against the column headers and the first match found is taken. This allows additional regular expression options such as case insensitivity. - A slice index is converted to a list of integers and processed as below - A list index returns the results of feading each item in the list at :py:meth:`find_col` in turn. Args: col (int, a string, a re, a slice or a list): Which column(s) to retuirn indices for. Keyword Arguments: force_list (bool): Force the output always to be a list. Mainly for internal use only Returns: The matching column index as an integer or a KeyError """ if isinstance(col, int_types): # col is an int so pass on if col >= len(self.column_headers): raise IndexError(f"Attempting to index a non - existent column {col}") if col < 0: col = col % len(self.column_headers) elif isinstance(col, string_types): # Ok we have a string col = str(col) if col in self.column_headers: # and it is an exact string match col = self.column_headers.index(col) else: # ok we'll try for a regular expression test = re.compile(col) possible = [x for x in self.column_headers if] if not possible: try: col = int(col) except ValueError as err: raise KeyError( f'Unable to find any possible column matches for "{col} in {self.column_headers}"' ) from err if col < 0 or col >=[1]: raise KeyError("Column index out of range") else: col = self.column_headers.index(possible[0]) elif isinstance(col, _pattern_type): test = col possible = [x for x in self.column_headers if] if not possible: raise KeyError(f"Unable to find any possible column matches for {col.pattern}") col = self.find_col(possible) elif isinstance(col, slice): indices = col.indices(self.shape[1]) col = range(*indices) col = self.find_col(col) elif isiterable(col): col = [self.find_col(x) for x in col] else: raise TypeError(f"Column index must be an integer, string, list or slice, not a {type(col)}") if force_list and not isinstance(col, list): col = [col] return col
[docs] def clear(self): """Clear the current setas attribute. Notes: Equivalent to doing :py:meth:`setas.unset` with no argument. """ self.unset()
[docs] def get(self, key, default=None): # pylint: disable=arguments-differ """Implement a get method.""" try: return self[key] except (IndexError, KeyError) as err: if default is not None: return default raise KeyError(f"{key} is not in setas and no default was given.") from err
[docs] def keys(self): """Access mapping keys. Mapping keys are the same as iterating over the unique headers""" for c in self._unique_headers: yield c
[docs] def values(self): """Access mapping values. Mapping values are the same as iterating over setas.""" for v in self.setas: yield v
[docs] def items(self): """Access mapping items. Mapping items iterates over keys and values.""" for k, v in zip(self._unique_headers, self.setas): yield k, v
[docs] def pop(self, key, default=None): # pylint: disable=arguments-differ """Implement a get method.""" try: ret = self[key] self.unset(key) return ret except (IndexError, KeyError) as err: if default is not None: return default raise KeyError(f"{key} is not in setas and no default was given.") from err
[docs] def popitem(self): """Return and clear a column assignment.""" for c in "xdyezfuvw": if c in self: v = self[c] self.unset(c) return (c, v) raise KeyError("No columns set in setas!")
[docs] def setdefault(self, key, default=None): # pylint: disable=arguments-differ """Implement a setdefault method.""" try: return self[key] except (IndexError, KeyError): self[key] = default return default
[docs] def unset(self, what=None): """Remove column settings from the setas attribute in method call. Parameters: what (str,iterable,dict or None): What to unset. Notes: The *what* parameter determines what to unset, possible values are: - A single lets from *xyzuvwdef* - all column assignments of the corresponding type are unset - A column index type - all matching columns are unset - A list or other iterable of the above - all matching entries are unset - None - all setas assignments are cleared. """ if what is None: self.setas = [] _ = self.setas else: self -= what
[docs] def update(self, other=(), **kwds): # pylint: disable=arguments-differ """Replace any assignments in self with assignments from other.""" if isinstance(other, setas): other = other.to_dict() elif isinstance(other, tuple) and len(other) == 0: other = kwds else: try: other = dict(other) except (ValueError, TypeError) as err: raise TypeError(f"setas.update requires a dictionary not a {type(other)}") from err vals = list(other.values()) keys = list(other.keys()) for k in "xyzuvwdef": if k in other: try: c = self[k] self[c] = "." except (KeyError, IndexError): pass self[k] = other[k] elif k in vals: try: c = self[k] self[c] = "." except IndexError: pass self[k] = keys[vals.index(k)] return self
[docs] def to_dict(self): """Return the setas attribute as a dictionary. If multiple columns are assigned to the same type, then the column names are returned as a list. If column headers are duplicated""" ret = {} for k, ch in zip(self._setas, self._unique_headers): if k != ".": if k in ret: ret[k].append(ch) else: ret[k] = [ch] for k, val in ret.items(): if len(val) == 1: ret[k] = val[0] return ret
[docs] def to_list(self): """Return the setas attribute as a list of letter types.""" return list(self)
[docs] def to_string(self, encode=False): """Return the setas attribute encoded as a string. Optionally replaces runs of 3 or more identical characters with a precediung digit.""" expanded = "".join(self) if encode: pat = re.compile(r"((.)\2{2,9})") while True: res = if not res: break start, stop = res.span() let = str(stop - start) + expanded = expanded[:start] + let + expanded[stop:] return expanded
def _get_cols(self, what=None, startx=0, no_guess=False): """Use the setas attribute to work out which columns to use for x,y,z etc. Keyword Arguments: what (string): Returns either xcol, ycol, zcol, ycols,xcols rather than the full dictionary startx (int): Start looking for x columns at this column. Returns: A single integer, a list of integers or a dictionary of all columns. """ # Do the xcolumn and xerror first. If only one x column then special case to reset startx to get any # y columns if self.setas.count("x") == 1: xcol = self.setas.index("x") maxcol = len(self.setas) + 1 startx = 0 xerr = self.setas.index("d") if "d" in self.setas else None elif self.setas.count("x") > 1: xcol = self.setas[startx:].index("x") + startx startx = xcol try: maxcol = self.setas[xcol + 1 :].index("x") + xcol + 1 except ValueError: maxcol = len(self.setas) xerr = self.setas[startx:maxcol].index("d") if "d" in self.setas[startx:maxcol] else None else: xcol = None maxcol = len(self.setas) + 1 startx = 0 xerr = None # No longer enforce ordering of yezf - allow them to appear in any order. columns = {"y": [], "e": [], "z": [], "f": [], "u": [], "v": [], "w": []} for ix, lett in enumerate(self.setas[startx:maxcol]): if lett in columns: columns[lett].append(ix + startx) if xcol is None: axes = 0 elif not columns["y"]: axes = 1 elif not columns["z"]: axes = 2 else: axes = 3 if axes == 2 and len(columns["u"]) * len(columns["v"]) > 0: axes = 4 elif axes == 3: if len(columns["u"]) * len(columns["v"]) * len(columns["w"]) > 0: axes = 6 elif len(columns["u"]) * len(columns["v"]) > 0: axes = 5 ret = AttributeStore() ret.update({"axes": axes, "xcol": xcol, "xerr": xerr}) for ck, rk in { "y": "ycol", "z": "zcol", "e": "yerr", "f": "zerr", "u": "ucol", "v": "vcol", "w": "wcol", }.items(): ret[rk] = columns[ck] if axes == 0 and self.ndim >= 2 and self.shape[1] in self._col_defaults and not no_guess: ret = self._col_defaults[self.shape[1]] for n in ["xcol", "xerr", "ycol", "yerr", "zcol", "zerr", "ucol", "vcol", "wcol", "axes"]: ret[f"has_{n}"] = not (ret[n] is None or (isinstance(ret[n], list) and not ret[n])) ret["has_uvw"] = ret["has_ucol"] & ret["has_vcol"] & ret["has_wcol"] if what in ["xcol", "xerr"]: ret = ret[what] elif what in ("ycol", "zcol", "ucol", "vcol", "wcol", "yerr", "zerr"): ret = ret[what][0] elif what in ("ycols", "zcols", "ucols", "vcols", "wcols", "yerrs", "zerrs"): ret = ret[what[0:-1]] return ret