Source code for Stoner.analysis.fitting.models.magnetism

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
""":py:class:`lmfit.Model` model classes and functions for various magnetism and magnetic materials models."""
# pylint: disable=invalid-name
__all__ = [

import numpy as np
import scipy.constants as cnst
from scipy.special import zeta, gamma
from scipy.constants import k, mu_0, e, electron_mass, hbar
from scipy.signal import savgol_filter

from lmfit import Model
from lmfit.models import update_param_vals

mu_B = cnst.physical_constants["Bohr magneton"][0]

[docs]def blochLaw(T, Ms, Tc): r"""Bloch's law for spontaneous magnetism at low temperatures. Args: T (array like): Temperatures at which M has been measured (Probably in K) Ms (float): The magnetisation at 0K (in whtaever units M is being measured in) Tc (float): Curie temperature in K Returns: (array like): Calculated values of M Notes: This fits the Bloch Law as given by: :math:`M(T) = M_s\left[1 - \left(\frac{T}{T_C}\right)^\frac{3}{2}\right]` This expression is only really valid in the low temperature regime. """ return Ms * (1 - (T / Tc) ** 1.5)
[docs]def langevin(H, M_s, m, T): r"""Langevin function for paramagnetic M-H loops. Args: H (array): The applied magnetic field M_s (float): Saturation magnetisation m (float) is the moment of a cluster T (float): Temperature Returns: Magnetic Momemnts (array). Note: The Langevin Function is :math:`\coth(\frac{\mu_0HM_s}{k_BT})-\frac{k_BT}{\mu_0HM_s}`. Example: .. plot:: samples/Fitting/ :include-source: :outname: langevin """ x = mu_0 * H * m / (k * T) n = M_s / m return m * n * (1.0 / np.tanh(x) - 1.0 / x)
[docs]def kittelEquation(H, g, M_s, H_k): r"""Kittel Equation for finding ferromagnetic resonance peak in frequency with field. Args: H (array): Magnetic fields in A/m g (float): g factor for the gyromagnetic radius M_s (float): Magnetisation of sample in A/m H_k (float): Anisotropy field term (including demagnetising factors) in A/m Returns: Reesonance peak frequencies in Hz :math:`f = \frac{\gamma \mu_{0}}{2 \pi} \sqrt{\left(H + H_{k}\right) \left(H + H_{k} + M_{s}\right)}` Example: .. plot:: samples/Fitting/ :include-source: :outname: kittel """ gamma = g * cnst.e / (2 * cnst.m_e) return (cnst.mu_0 * gamma / (2 * np.pi)) * np.sqrt((H + H_k) * (H + H_k + M_s))
[docs]def inverse_kittel(f, g, M_s, H_k): r"""Rewritten Kittel equation for finding ferromagnetic resonsance in field with frequency. Args: f (array): Resonance Frequency in Hz g (float): g factor for the gyromagnetic radius M_s (float): Magnetisation of sample in A/m H_k (float): Anisotropy field term (including demagnetising factors) in A/m Returns: Reesonance peak frequencies in Hz Notes: In practice one often measures FMR by sweepign field for constant frequency and then locates the peak in H by fitting a suitable Lorentzian type peak. In this case, one returns a :math:`H_{res}\pm \Delta H_{res}` In order to make use of this data with :py:meth:`Stoner.Analysis.AnalysisMixin.lmfit` or :py:meth:`Stoner.Analysis.AnalysisMixin.curve_fit` it makes more sense to fit the Kittel Equation written in terms of H than frequency. :math:`H_{res}=- H_{k} - \frac{M_{s}}{2} + \frac{1}{2 \gamma \mu_{0}} \sqrt{M_{s}^{2} \gamma^{2} \mu_{0}^{2} + 16 \pi^{2} f^{2}}` """ gamma = g * cnst.e / (2 * cnst.m_e) return ( -H_k - M_s / 2 + np.sqrt(M_s**2 * gamma**2 * cnst.mu_0**2 + 16 * np.pi**2 * f**2) / (2 * gamma * cnst.mu_0) )
[docs]def fmr_power(H, H_res, Delta_H, K_1, K_2): r"""Combine a Lorentzian and differential Lorenztion peak as measured in an FMR experiment. Args: H (array) magnetic field data H_res (float): Resonance field of peak Delta_H (float): Preak wideth K_1, K_2 (float): Relative weighting of each component. Returns: Array of model absorption values. :math:`\frac{4 \Delta_{H} K_{1} \left(H - H_{res}\right)}{\left(\Delta_{H}^{2} + 4 \left(H - H_{res} \right)^{2}\right)^{2}} - \frac{K_{2} \left(\Delta_{H}^{2} - 4 \left(H - H_{res}\right)^{2}\right)}{ \left(\Delta_{H}^{2} + 4 \left(H - H_{res}\right)^{2}\right)^{2}}` """ return ( 4 * Delta_H * K_1 * (H - H_res) / (Delta_H**2 + 4 * (H - H_res) ** 2) ** 2 - K_2 * (Delta_H**2 - 4 * (H - H_res) ** 2) / (Delta_H**2 + 4 * (H - H_res) ** 2) ** 2 )
[docs]class BlochLaw(Model): r"""Bloch's law for spontaneous magnetism at low temperatures. Args: T (array like): Temperature (K) g (float): Lande g-factor A(float): The echange stiffness (Jm^{-1}) Ms(float): Saturation moment (Am^{-1}) Returns: (array like): Magnetisation values corresponding to the given temperatures. Notes: Calculates :math:`1 - \frac{\left((\Gamma(3/2) \zeta(3/2)\right)} {(4\pi^2)} (v_{ws} / S) (k_B T / D)^{3/2}` This is the bulk version of Bloch's law which is not fully correct for thin films. Model adapted from code by Dr Joseph Barker <> """ display_names = ["g", "A", "M_s"] units = ["", "Jm^{-1}", "Am^{-1}"] def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): """Configure Initial fitting function.""" super().__init__(self.blochs_law_bulk, *args, **kwargs) self.set_param_hint("g", vary=False, value=2.0) self.set_param_hint("A", vary=True, min=0) self.set_param_hint("Ms", vary=True, min=0) self.prefactor = gamma(1.5) * zeta(1.5) / (4 * np.pi**2)
[docs] def blochs_law_bulk(self, T, g, A, Ms): r"""Bloch's Law in bulk systems. Args: T (array like): Temperature (K) g (float): Lande g-factor A(float): The echange stiffness (Jm^{-1}) Ms(float): Saturation moment (Am^{-1}) Returns: (array like): Magnetisation values corresponding to the given temperatures. Notes: Calculates :math:`1 - \frac{\left((\Gamma(3/2) \zeta(3/2)\right)} {(4\pi^2)} (v_{ws} / S) (k_B T / D)^{3/2}` """ Tp = (k * Ms * T / (2 * g * mu_B * A)) ** 1.5 prefactor = self.prefactor * g * mu_B ret = Ms - (prefactor * Tp) return ret
[docs] def guess(self, data, x=None, **kwargs): """Guess some starting values.""" Ms = data.max() * 1.001 if x is not None: Mx_max = data[x.argmax()] y = ((Ms - Mx_max) / (self.prefactor * 2 * mu_B)) ** (2.0 / 3) Ag = Ms * k * x.max() / (y * 2 * mu_B) else: Ag = 1.0 guesses = {} guesses["Ms"] = Ms if self.param_hints["A"]["vary"]: A = Ag / self.param_hints["g"]["value"] guesses["A"] = A elif self.param_hints["g"]["vary"]: g = Ag / self.param_hints["A"]["value"] guesses["g"] = g pars = self.make_params(**guesses) return update_param_vals(pars, self.prefix, **kwargs)
class BlochLawThin(Model): r"""Bloch's law for spontaneous magnetism at low temperatures - thin film version. Args: T (array like): Temperature (K) g (float): Lande g-factor A(float): The echange stiffness (Jm^{-1}) Ms(float): Saturation moment (Am^{-1}) Returns: (array like): Magnetisation values corresponding to the given temperatures. Notes: Calculates :math:`1 - \frac{\left((\Gamma(3/2) \zeta(3/2)\right)} {(4\pi^2)} (v_{ws} / S) (k_B T / D)^{3/2}` This is the bulk version of Bloch's law which is not fully correct for thin films. Model adapted from code by Dr Joseph Barker <> """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): """Initialise the model.""" super().__init__(self.blochs_law_thinfilm, *args, **kwargs) self.set_param_hint("g", vary=False, value=2.0) self.set_param_hint("A", vary=True, min=0) self.set_param_hint("Ms", vary=True, min=0) self.prefactor = gamma(1.5) * zeta(1.5) / (4 * np.pi**2) def blochs_law_thinfilm(self, T, D, Bz, S, v_ws, a, nz): r"""Thin film version of Blopch's Law. Parameters: T (array): Temperature (K) D (float): Spin wave stiffness Bz (float): Applied magnetic field data measured in. S (float): Spin number v_ws (float): Wigner-Seitz volume (volume per atom) a (float): Lattice parameter nz (int): Number of atomic layers in the thin film. Returns: (array): normalised M_s values. Notes: Bloch's Law is derived from integrating the magnon spectrum over the k-space of the sample. In a thin film one can only integrate over the x-y plane, in the z direction one needs to do an explicit sum over the atomic layers in the z direction. This model was derived by Dr Joseph Barker <> This is solving: :math:`1 + \frac{v_{ws}}{S}\frac{a}{4 \pi n_z}\frac{k_B T}{D}\sum^{n_z-1}_{m=0} ln\left[1-\exp\left( -\frac{1}{k_B T}\left(g\mu_B B_z+D\left(\frac{m \pi}{a(n_z-1)}\right)^2 \right)\right) \right]` """ kz_sum = sum( np.log(1.0 - np.exp(-(D * (m * np.pi / ((nz - 1) * a)) ** 2 + Bz) / (k * T))) for m in range(0, nz - 1) ) return 1.0 + (v_ws / (4 * np.pi * S * (nz - 1) * a)) * (k * T / D) * kz_sum
[docs]class Langevin(Model): r"""The Langevin function for paramagnetic M-H loops. Args: H (array): The applied magnetic field M_s (float): Saturation magnetisation m (float): is the moment of a single cluster T (float): Temperature Returns: Magnetic Momemnts (array). Note: The Langevin Function is :math:`\coth(\frac{\mu_0HM_s}{k_BT})-\frac{k_BT}{\mu_0HM_s}`. Example: .. plot:: samples/Fitting/ :include-source: :outname: langevin-class """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): """Configure Initial fitting function.""" super().__init__(langevin, *args, **kwargs)
[docs] def guess(self, data, x=None, **kwargs): r"""Guess some starting values. M_s is taken as half the difference of the range of thew M data, we can find m/T from the susceptibility :math:`chi= M_s \mu_o m / kT` """ M_s = (np.max(data) - np.min(data)) / 2.0 if x is not None: d = np.sort(np.row_stack((x, data))) dd = savgol_filter(d, 7, 1) yd = dd[1] / dd[0] chi = np.interp(np.array([0]), d[0], yd)[0] mT = chi / M_s * (k / mu_0) # Assume T=150K for no good reason m = mT * 150 else: m = 1e6 * (e * hbar) / (2 * electron_mass) # guess 1 million Bohr Magnetrons T = 150 pars = self.make_params(M_s=M_s, m=m, T=T) return update_param_vals(pars, self.prefix, **kwargs)
[docs]class KittelEquation(Model): r"""Kittel Equation for finding ferromagnetic resonance peak in frequency with field. Args: H (array): Magnetic fields in A/m g (float): h g factor for the gyromagnetic radius M_s (float): Magnetisation of sample in A/m H_k (float): Anisotropy field term (including demagnetising factors) in A/m Returns: Reesonance peak frequencies in Hz :math:`f = \frac{\gamma \mu_{0}}{2 \pi} \sqrt{\left(H + H_{k}\right) \left(H + H_{k} + M_{s}\right)}` Example: .. plot:: samples/Fitting/ :include-source: :outname: kittel-class """ display_names = ["g", "M_s", "H_k"] def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): """Configure Initial fitting function.""" super().__init__(kittelEquation, *args, **kwargs)
[docs] def guess(self, data, x=None, **kwargs): """Guess parameters as gamma=2, H_k=0, M_s~(pi.f)^2/(mu_0^2.H)-H.""" g = 2 H_k = 100 gamma = g * cnst.e / (2 * cnst.m_e) M_s = (4 * np.pi**2 * data**2 - gamma**2 * cnst.mu_0**2 * (x**2 + 2 * x * H_k + H_k**2)) / ( gamma**2 * cnst.mu_0**2 * (x + H_k) ) M_s = np.mean(M_s) pars = self.make_params(g=g, M_s=M_s, H_k=H_k) pars["M_s"].min = 0 pars["g"].min = g / 100 pars["H_k"].min = 0 pars["H_k"].max = M_s.max() return update_param_vals(pars, self.prefix, **kwargs)
[docs]class Inverse_Kittel(Model): r"""Kittel Equation for finding ferromagnetic resonance peak in frequency with field. Args: H (array): Magnetic fields in A/m g (float): h g factor for the gyromagnetic radius M_s (float): Magnetisation of sample in A/m H_k (float): Anisotropy field term (including demagnetising factors) in A/m Returns: Reesonance peak frequencies in Hz :math:`f = \frac{\gamma \mu_{0}}{2 \pi} \sqrt{\left(H + H_{k}\right) \left(H + H_{k} + M_{s}\right)}` """ display_names = ["g", "M_s", "H_k"] def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): """Configure Initial fitting function.""" super().__init__(inverse_kittel, *args, **kwargs)
[docs] def guess(self, data, x=None, **kwargs): """Guess parameters as gamma=2, H_k=0, M_s~(pi.f)^2/(mu_0^2.H)-H.""" g = 2 H_k = 100 gamma = g * cnst.e / (2 * cnst.m_e) M_s = (4 * np.pi**2 * x**2 - gamma**2 * cnst.mu_0**2 * (data**2 + 2 * data * H_k + H_k**2)) / ( gamma**2 * cnst.mu_0**2 * (data + H_k) ) M_s = np.mean(M_s) pars = self.make_params(g=g, M_s=M_s, H_k=H_k) pars["M_s"].min = 0 pars["g"].min = g / 100 pars["H_k"].min = 0 pars["H_k"].max = M_s.max() return update_param_vals(pars, self.prefix, **kwargs)
[docs]class FMR_Power(Model): r"""Combine a Lorentzian and differential Lorenztion peak as measured in an FMR experiment. Args: H (array) magnetic field data H_res (float): Resonance field of peak Delta_H (float): Preak wideth K_1, K_2 (float): Relative weighting of each component. Returns: Array of model absorption values. :math:`\frac{4 \Delta_{H} K_{1} \left(H - H_{res}\right)}{\left(\Delta_{H}^{2} + 4 \left(H - H_{res} \right)^{2}\right)^{2}} - \frac{K_{2} \left(\Delta_{H}^{2} - 4 \left(H - H_{res}\right)^{2}\right)}{\left( \Delta_{H}^{2} + 4 \left(H - H_{res}\right)^{2}\right)^{2}}` """ display_names = ["H_{res}", r"\Delta_H", "K_1", "K_2"] def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): """Configure Initial fitting function.""" super().__init__(fmr_power, *args, **kwargs)
[docs] def guess(self, data, x=None, **kwargs): r"""Guess parameters as :math:`\gamma=2, H_k=0, M_s~(\pi f)^2/\mu_0^2.H)-H`.""" if x is None: x = np.linspace(1, len(data), len(data) + 1) x1 = x[np.argmax(data)] x2 = x[np.argmin(data)] Delta_H = abs(x1 - x2) H_res = (x1 + x2) / 2.0 y1 = np.max(data) y2 = np.min(data) dy = y1 - y2 K_2 = dy * (4 * np.pi * Delta_H**2) / (3 * np.sqrt(3)) ay = (y1 + y2) / 2 K_1 = ay * np.pi / Delta_H pars = self.make_params(Delta_H=Delta_H, H_res=H_res, K_1=K_1, K_2=K_2) pars["K_1"].min = 0 pars["K_2"].min = 0 pars["Delta_H"].min = 0 pars["H_res"].min = np.min(x) pars["H_res"].max = np.max(x) return update_param_vals(pars, self.prefix, **kwargs)