Source code for Stoner.Zip

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""Support reading DataFile like objects into and outof standard zip files.

Classes Include

* ZippedFile - A :py:class:`Stoner.Code.DataFile` subclass that can save and load data from a zip files
* ZipFolder - A :py:class:`Stoner.Folders.DataFolder` subclass that can save and load data from a single zip file
__all__ = ["test_is_zip", "ZippedFile", "ZipFolderMixin", "ZipFolder"]
import zipfile as zf
import os.path as path
from traceback import format_exc
import fnmatch

from .compat import string_types, str2bytes, get_filedialog, _pattern_type, path_types
from .Core import DataFile, StonerLoadError
from .Folders import DiskBasedFolderMixin
from .folders.core import baseFolder
from .folders.utils import pathjoin
from .tools import copy_into, make_Data
from .formats.decorators import register_loader, register_saver

[docs]def test_is_zip(filename, member=""): """Recursively searches for a zipfile in the tree. Args: filename (str): Path to test whether it is a zip file or not. Keyword Arguments: member (str): Used in recursive calls to identify the path within the zip file Returns: False or (filename,member): Returns False if not a zip file, otherwise the actual filename of the zip file and the nanme of the member within that zipfile. """ if not filename or str(filename) == "": return False if zf.is_zipfile(filename): return filename, member part = path.basename(filename) newfile = path.dirname(filename) if newfile == filename: # reached the end of the line part = filename newfile = "" if member != "": newmember = path.join(part, member) else: newmember = part return test_is_zip(newfile, newmember)
@register_loader(patterns=(".zip", 16), mime_types=("application/zip", 16), name="ZippedFile", what="Data") def load_zipfile(new_data, filename=None, *args, **kargs): """Load a file from the zip file, opening it as necessary.""" new_data.filename = filename try: if isinstance(new_data.filename, zf.ZipFile): # Loading from an ZipFile if not new_data.filename.fp: # Open zipfile if necessary other = zf.ZipFile(new_data.filename.filename, "r") close_me = True else: # Zip file is already open other = new_data.filename close_me = False member = kargs.get("member", other.namelist()[0]) solo_file = len(other.namelist()) == 1 elif isinstance(new_data.filename, path_types) and zf.is_zipfile( new_data.filename ): # filename is a string that is a zip file other = zf.ZipFile(new_data.filename, "a") member = kargs.get("member", other.namelist()[0]) close_me = True solo_file = len(other.namelist()) == 1 else: raise StonerLoadError(f"{new_data.filename} does not appear to be a real zip file") except StonerLoadError: raise except Exception as err: # pylint: disable=W0703 # Catching everything else here try: exc = format_exc() other.close() except (AttributeError, NameError, ValueError, TypeError, zf.BadZipFile, zf.LargeZipFile): pass raise StonerLoadError(f"{new_data.filename} threw an error when opening\n{exc}") from err # Ok we can try reading now info = other.getinfo(member) data = # In Python 3 this would be a bytes tmp = make_Data() << data.decode("utf-8") copy_into(tmp, new_data) # new_data.__init__(tmp << data) new_data.filename = path.join(other.filename, member) if close_me: other.close() if solo_file: new_data.filename = str(filename) return new_data @register_saver(patterns=(".zip", 16), name="ZippedFile", what="Data") def save(save_data, filename=None, **kargs): """Override the save method to allow ZippedFile to be written out to disc (as a mininmalist output). Args: filename (string or zipfile.ZipFile instance): Filename to save as (using the same rules as for the load routines) Returns: A copy of itsave_data. """ if filename is None: filename = save_data.filename if filename is None or (isinstance(filename, bool) and not filename): # now go and ask for one filename = save_data.__file_dialog("w") compression = kargs.pop("compression", zf.ZIP_DEFLATED) try: if isinstance(filename, path_types): # We;ve got a string filename if test_is_zip(filename): # We can find an existing zip file somewhere in the filename zipfile, member = test_is_zip(filename) zipfile = zf.ZipFile(zipfile, "a") close_me = True elif path.exists(filename): # The fiule exists but isn't a zip file raise IOError(f"{filename} Should either be a zip file or a new zip file") else: # Path doesn't exist, use extension of file part to find where the zip file should be parts = path.split(filename) for i, part in enumerate(parts): if path.splitext(part)[1].lower() == ".zip": break else: raise IOError(f"Can't figure out where the zip file is in {filename}") zipfile = zf.ZipFile(path.join(*parts[: i + 1]), "w", compression, True) close_me = True member = path.join("/", *parts[i + 1 :]) elif isinstance(filename, zf.ZipFile): # Handle\ zipfile instance, opening if necessary if not filename.fp: filename = zf.ZipFile(filename.filename, "a") close_me = True else: close_me = False zipfile = filename member = "" if member == "" or member == "/": # Is our file object a bare zip file - if so create a default member name if len(zipfile.namelist()) > 0: member = zipfile.namelist()[-1] save_data.filename = path.join(filename, member) else: member = "DataFile.txt" save_data.filename = filename zipfile.writestr(member, str2bytes(str(save_data))) if close_me: zipfile.close() except (zipfile.BadZipFile, IOError, TypeError, ValueError) as err: error = format_exc() try: zipfile.close() finally: raise IOError(f"Error saving zipfile\n{error}") from err return save_data
[docs]class ZippedFile(DataFile): """A sub class of DataFile that sores itself in a zip file. If the first non-keyword argument is not an :py:class:`zipfile:ZipFile` then initialises with a blank parent constructor and then loads data, otherwise, calls parent constructor. """ priority = 32 patterns = ["*.zip"] mime_type = ["application/zip"] def __init__(self, *args, **kargs): """Catch initialising with an open zf.ZipFile.""" if len(args) > 0: other = args[0] if isinstance(other, zf.ZipFile): otherdir = other.namelist() if len(args) == 2 and isinstance(args[1], string_types): # ZippedFile(open_zip,"filename") kargs["filename"] = args[1].replace("\\", "/") elif "filename" not in kargs: # ZippedFile(open_zip) - assume we use tyhe first zipped file in there kargs["filename"] = other.namelist()[0] # Attempt to normalise start of path if kargs["filename"].startswith("./") and not ( otherdir[0].startswith("/") or otherdir[0].startswith("./") ): kargs["filename"] = kargs["filename"][2:] if kargs["filename"] not in other.namelist(): # New file not in the zip file yet raise StonerLoadError(f"File {kargs['filename']} not found in zip file {other.filename}") # Ok, by this point we have a zipfile which has a file in it. Construct ourselves and then load super().__init__(**kargs) self._extract(other, kargs["filename"]) elif isinstance(other, path_types): # Passed a string - so try as a zipfile if zf.is_zipfile(other): other = zf.ZipFile(other, "a") args = args = list(args) args[0] = other elif test_is_zip(other): args = test_is_zip(other) self.__init__(*args, **kargs) else: super().__init__(*args, **kargs) else: super().__init__(*args, **kargs) def _extract(self, archive, member): """Responsible for actually reading the zip file archive. Args: archive (zipfile.ZipFile): An open zip archive member (string): The name of one member of the zip file Return: A datafile like instance """ info = archive.getinfo(member) data = # In Python 3 this would be a bytes tmp = make_Data(data) copy_into(tmp, self) # self.__init__(tmp << data) self.filename = path.join(archive.filename, member) return self def _load(self, filename=None, *args, **kargs): """Load a file from the zip file, opening it as necessary.""" if filename is None or not filename: self.get_filename("r") else: self.filename = filename try: if isinstance(self.filename, zf.ZipFile): # Loading from an ZipFile if not self.filename.fp: # Open zipfile if necessary other = zf.ZipFile(self.filename.filename, "r") close_me = True else: # Zip file is already open other = self.filename close_me = False member = kargs.get("member", other.namelist()[0]) solo_file = len(other.namelist()) == 1 elif isinstance(self.filename, path_types) and zf.is_zipfile( self.filename ): # filename is a string that is a zip file other = zf.ZipFile(self.filename, "a") member = kargs.get("member", other.namelist()[0]) close_me = True solo_file = len(other.namelist()) == 1 else: raise StonerLoadError(f"{self.filename} does not appear to be a real zip file") except StonerLoadError: raise except Exception as err: # pylint: disable=W0703 # Catching everything else here try: exc = format_exc() other.close() except (AttributeError, NameError, ValueError, TypeError, zf.BadZipFile, zf.LargeZipFile): pass raise StonerLoadError(f"{self.filename} threw an error when opening\n{exc}") from err # Ok we can try reading now self._extract(other, member) if close_me: other.close() if solo_file: self.filename = str(filename) return self
[docs] def save(self, filename=None, **kargs): """Override the save method to allow ZippedFile to be written out to disc (as a mininmalist output). Args: filename (string or zipfile.ZipFile instance): Filename to save as (using the same rules as for the load routines) Returns: A copy of itself. """ if filename is None: filename = self.filename if filename is None or (isinstance(filename, bool) and not filename): # now go and ask for one filename = self.__file_dialog("w") compression = kargs.pop("compression", zf.ZIP_DEFLATED) try: if isinstance(filename, path_types): # We;ve got a string filename if test_is_zip(filename): # We can find an existing zip file somewhere in the filename zipfile, member = test_is_zip(filename) zipfile = zf.ZipFile(zipfile, "a") close_me = True elif path.exists(filename): # The fiule exists but isn't a zip file raise IOError(f"{filename} Should either be a zip file or a new zip file") else: # Path doesn't exist, use extension of file part to find where the zip file should be parts = path.split(filename) for i, part in enumerate(parts): if path.splitext(part)[1].lower() == ".zip": break else: raise IOError(f"Can't figure out where the zip file is in {filename}") zipfile = zf.ZipFile(path.join(*parts[: i + 1]), "w", compression, True) close_me = True member = path.join("/", *parts[i + 1 :]) elif isinstance(filename, zf.ZipFile): # Handle\ zipfile instance, opening if necessary if not filename.fp: filename = zf.ZipFile(filename.filename, "a") close_me = True else: close_me = False zipfile = filename member = "" if ( member == "" or member == "/" ): # Is our file object a bare zip file - if so create a default member name if len(zipfile.namelist()) > 0: member = zipfile.namelist()[-1] self.filename = path.join(filename, member) else: member = "DataFile.txt" self.filename = filename zipfile.writestr(member, str2bytes(str(self))) if close_me: zipfile.close() except (zipfile.BadZipFile, IOError, TypeError, ValueError) as err: error = format_exc() try: zipfile.close() finally: raise IOError(f"Error saving zipfile\n{error}") from err return self
[docs]class ZipFolderMixin: """Provides methods to load and save data from a single Zip file. See :py:class:`Stoner.Folders.DataFolder` for documentation on constructor. Note: As this mixin class provides both read and write storage, it cannot be mixed in with another class that provides a __setter__ method without causing a problem. """ _defaults = { "pattern": ["*.*"], "type": None, "exclude": ["*.tdms_index"], "read_means": False, "recursive": True, "flat": False, "readlist": True, } def __init__(self, *args, **kargs): """Initialise the file attribute.""" self.File = None super().__init__(*args, **kargs) @property def full_key(self): """Generate a full canonical path through the zip archive to this file.""" filename = path.splitdrive(self.File.filepath)[1] name = path.splitdrive(self.path)[1] return path.relpath(name, filename).replace(path.sep, "/") @property def key(self): """Return the immediate filename of the stored file.""" return path.basename( @key.setter def key(self, value): """Set the immediate filename that will be used when the file is saved.""" self.path = pathjoin(, value) def _dialog(self, mode="r"): """Create a file dialog box for working with. Args: mode (string): Where the dialog is for opening or saving the file. Returns: A directory to be used for the file operation. """ file_wildcard = [("zip file", "*.zip"), ("All files", "*.*")] if mode == "r": what = "file" elif mode == "w": what = "save" dlg = get_filedialog(what=what, filetypes=file_wildcard) if dlg is not None: = dlg self.File = zf.ZipFile(, mode) self.File.close() return return None
[docs] def getlist(self, recursive=None, directory=None, flatten=None): """Read the Zip File to construct a list of ZipFile objects.""" if recursive is None: recursive = self.recursive self.files = [] self.groups = {} if flatten is None: flatten = self.flat if self.File is None and directory is None: self.File = zf.ZipFile(self._dialog(), "r") close_me = True elif isinstance(directory, zf.ZipFile): if directory.fp: self.File = directory close_me = False else: self.File = zf.ZipFile(directory, "r") close_me = True elif isinstance(directory, path_types) and path.isdir(directory): # Fall back to DataFolder return super().getlist(recursive, directory, flatten) elif isinstance(directory, path_types) and zf.is_zipfile(directory): self.File = zf.ZipFile(directory, "r") close_me = True elif isinstance(self.File, zf.ZipFile): if self.File.fp: close_me = False else: self.File = zf.ZipFile(self.File.filename, "r") close_me = True else: raise IOError(f"{directory} does not appear to be zip file!") # At this point directory contains an open h5py.File object, or possibly a group self.path = self.File.filename files = [x.filename for x in self.File.filelist] for p in self.exclude: # Remove excluded files if isinstance(p, string_types): for f in list(fnmatch.filter(files, p)): del files[files.index(f)] if isinstance(p, _pattern_type): matched = [] # For reg expts we iterate over all files, but we can't delete matched # files as we go as we're iterating over them - so we store the # indices and delete them later. for f in files: if matched.append(files.index(f)) matched.sort(reverse=True) for i in matched: # reverse sort the matching indices to safely delete del files[i] for p in self.pattern: # pattern is a list of strings and regeps if isinstance(p, string_types): for f in fnmatch.filter(files, p): del files[files.index(f)] f.replace(path.sep, "/") self.append(f) elif isinstance(p, _pattern_type): matched = [] # For reg expts we iterate over all files, but we can't delete matched # files as we go as we're iterating over them - so we store the # indices and delete them later. for ix, f in enumerate(files): if f.replace(path.sep, "/") self.append(f) else: matched.append(ix) for i in reversed(matched): # reverse sort the matching indices to safely delete del files[i] self._zip_contents = files if flatten is None or not flatten: self.unflatten() if close_me: self.File.close() return self
def __clone__(self, other=None, attrs_only=False): """Do whatever is necessary to copy attributes from self to other.""" if other is None: if attrs_only: other = type(self)(readlist=False) else: other = type(self)() for arg in self._defaults: if hasattr(self, arg): setattr(other, arg, getattr(self, arg)) return super().__clone__(other=other, attrs_only=attrs_only) def __getter__(self, name, instantiate=True): """Load the specified name from a compressed archive. Parameters: name (key type): The canonical mapping key to construct the path from. Keyword Arguments: instantiate (bool): IF True (default) then always return a :py:class:`Stoner.Core.Data` object. If False, the __getter__ method may return a key that can be used by it later to actually get the :py:class:`Stoner.Core.Data` object. Returns: (metadataObject): The metadataObject """ try: return super().__getter__(name, instantiate=instantiate) except (AttributeError, IndexError, KeyError, OSError, IOError) as err: if self.debug: print(err) if instantiate: try: return self.type(ZippedFile(path.join(self.File.filename, name))) except AttributeError: # closed zip file? filename = test_is_zip([0] self.File = zf.ZipFile(filename, "a") tmp = self.type(ZippedFile(path.join(self.File.filename, name))) self.File.close() return tmp else: return name def __lookup__(self, name): """Look for a given name in the ZipFolder namelist. Parameters: name(str): Name of an object Returns: A canonical key name for that file Note: We try two things - first a direct lookup in the namelist if there is an exact match to the key and then we prepend the ZipFolder's path to try for a match with just the final part of the filename. """ try: # try to go back to the base to see if it's already loaded return self._storage_class.__lookup__(self, name) except (AttributeError, IndexError, KeyError): # Ok, that failed, so let's pass try: if isinstance(name, string_types): name = name.replace(path.sep, "/") # First try the direct lookup - will work if we have a full name if name in self.File.namelist(): return name pth = path.normpath(path.join(self.full_key, name)).replace(path.sep, "/") if pth in self.File.namelist(): return pth except AttributeError: pass return super().__lookup__(name)
[docs] def save(self, root=None): """Save a load of files to a single Zip file, creating members as it goes. Keyword Arguments: root (string): The name of the Zip file to save to if set to None, will prompt for a filename. Return: A list of group paths in the Zip file """ if root is None: root = self._dialog(mode="w") elif isinstance(root, bool) and not root and isinstance(self.File, zf.ZipFile): root = self.File.filename self.File.close() mode = "a" if path.exists(root) else "w" self.File = zf.ZipFile(root, mode) self.File.close() # Close the file having created it tmp = self.walk_groups(self._save) self.File.close() return tmp
def _save(self, f, trail): """Create a virtual path of groups in the Zip file and save data. Args: f(DataFile): A DataFile instance to save trail (list): The trail of groups Returns: The new filename of the saved DataFile. ZipFiles are really a flat hierarchy, so concatenate the trail and save the data using :py:meth:`` This routine is used by a walk_groups call - hence the prototype matches that required for :py:meth:`Stoner.Folders.DataFolder.walk_groups`. """ if not isinstance(f, DataFile): f = DataFile(f) filename = path.splitdrive(f.filename)[1] bits = [self.File.filename] + trail + [filename] pathsep = path.join("a", "b")[1] for ix, b in enumerate(bits): if ix == 0 or not b.startswith(pathsep): continue bits[ix] = b[1:] member = path.join(*bits) f = ZippedFile(f) return f.filename
[docs]class ZipFolder(ZipFolderMixin, DiskBasedFolderMixin, baseFolder): """A sub class of DataFile that sores itself in a zip file. If the first non-keyword argument is not an :py:class:`zipfile:ZipFile` then initialises with a blank parent constructor and then loads data, otherwise, calls parent constructor. """