Source code for Stoner.Core

"""Stoner.Core provides the core classes for the Stoner package."""
__all__ = [

import re
import io
import copy
import pathlib

from import MutableSequence, Mapping, Iterable
import inspect as _inspect_
from importlib import import_module
from textwrap import TextWrapper

import numpy as np
from numpy import NaN  # NOQA pylint: disable=unused-import
from numpy import ma

from .compat import string_types, int_types, index_types, _pattern_type, path_types
from .core import _setas, regexpDict, typeHintedDict, metadataObject
from .core.array import DataArray
from .core.exceptions import StonerLoadError, StonerSetasError
from .core.operators import DataFileOperatorsMixin
from import DataFilePropertyMixin
from .core.interfaces import DataFileInterfacesMixin
from .core.methods import DataFileSearchMixin
from .tools import all_type, isiterable, isLikeList, get_option, isclass, copy_into
from .tools.file import file_dialog

    from tabulate import tabulate

    tabulate.PRESERVE_WHITESPACE = True
except ImportError:
    tabulate = None

    import pandas as pd
except ImportError:
    pd = None

[docs]class DataFile( DataFileSearchMixin, DataFileInterfacesMixin, DataFileOperatorsMixin, DataFilePropertyMixin, metadataObject, MutableSequence, ): """Base class object that represents a matrix of data, associated metadata and column headers. Attributes: column_headers (list): list of strings of the column names of the data. data (2D numpy masked array): The attribute that stores the nuermical data for each DataFile. This is a :py:class:`DataArray` instance - which is itself a subclass of :py:class:``. title (string): The title of the measurement. filename (string): The current filename of the data if loaded from or already saved to disc. This is the default filename used by the :py:meth:`Stoner.Core.DataFile.load` and :py:meth:``. header (string): A readonly property that returns a pretty formatted string giving the header of tabular representation. mask (array of booleans): Returns the current mask applied to the numerical data equivalent to mime_type (list of str): The possible mime-types of data files represented by each matching filename pattern in :py:attr:`Datafile.pattern`. patterns (list): A list of filename extension glob patterns that matrches the expected filename patterns for a DataFile (*.txt and *.dat") priority (int): Used to indicathe order in which subclasses of :py:class:`DataFile` are tried when loading data. A higher number means a lower priority (!) setas (:py:class:`_stas`): Defines certain columns to contain X, Y, Z or errors in X,Y,Z data. shape (tuple of integers): Returns the shape of the data (rows,columns) - equivalent to records (numpy record array): Returns the data in the form of a list of yuples where each tuple maps to the columns names. clone (DataFile): Creates a deep copy of the :py:class`DataFile` object. dict_records (array of dictionaries): View the data as an array or dictionaries where each dictionary represents one row with keys derived from column headers. dims (int): When data columns are set as x,y,z etc. returns the number of dimensions implied in the data set dtype (numpoy dtype): Returns the datatype stored in the :py:attr:`` attribute. T (:py:class:`DataArray`): Transposed version of the data. subclasses (list): Returns a list of all the subclasses of DataFile currently in memory, sorted by their py:attr:`Stoner.Core.DataFile.priority`. Each entry in the list consists of the string name of the subclass and the class object. xcol (int): If a column has been designated as containing *x* values, this will return the index of that column xerr (int): Similarly to :py:attr:`DataFile.xcol` but for the x-error value column. ycol (list of int): Similarly to :py:attr:`DataFile.xcol` but for the y value columns. yerr (list of int): Similarly to :py:attr:`DataFile.xcol` but for the y error value columns. zcol (list of int): Similarly to :py:attr:`DataFile.xcol` but for the z value columns. zerr (list of int): Similarly to :py:attr:`DataFile.xcol` but for the z error value columns. ucol (list of int): Similarly to :py:attr:`DataFile.xcol` but for the u (x-axis direction cosine) columns. vcol (list of int): Similarly to :py:attr:`DataFile.xcol` but for the v (y-axis direction cosine) columns. wcol (list of int): Similarly to :py:attr:`DataFile.xcol` but for the w (z-axis direction cosine) columns. """ #: priority (int): is the load order for the class, smaller numbers are tried before larger numbers. # .. note:: # # Subclasses with priority<=32 should make some positive identification that they have the right # file type before attempting to read data. priority = 32 #: pattern (list of str): A list of file extensions that might contain this type of file. Used to construct # the file load/save dialog boxes. _patterns = ["*.txt", "*.tdi"] # Recognised filename patterns # mimetypes we match mime_type = ["text/plain"] _conv_string = np.vectorize(str) _conv_float = np.vectorize(float) # ==================================================================================== ############################ Object Construction ############################### # ==================================================================================== def __new__(cls, *args, **kargs): """Prepare the basic DataFile instance before the mixins add their bits.""" self = metadataObject.__new__(cls) object.__setattr__(self, "debug", kargs.pop("debug", False)) self._masks = [False] self._filename = None object.__setattr__(self, "_data", DataArray([])) self._baseclass = DataFile self._kargs = kargs return self
[docs] def __init__(self, *args, **kargs): """Initialise the DataFile from arrays, dictionaries and filenames. Various forms are recognised: .. py:function:: DataFile('filename',<optional filetype>,<args>) :noindex: Creates the new DataFile object and then executes the :py:class:`DataFile`.load method to load data from the given *filename*. .. py:function:: DataFile(array) :noindex: Creates a new DataFile object and assigns the *array* to the :py:attr:`` attribute. .. py:function:: DataFile(dictionary) :noindex: Creates the new DataFile object. If the dictionary keys are all strigns and the values are all numpy D arrays of equal length, then assumes the dictionary represents columns of data and the keys are the column titles, otherwise initialises the metadata with :parameter: dictionary. .. py:function:: DataFile(array,dictionary) :noindex: Creates the new DataFile object and does the combination of the previous two forms. .. py:function:: DataFile(DataFile) :noindex: Creates the new DataFile object and initialises all data from the existing :py:class:`DataFile` instance. This on the face of it does the same as the assignment operator, but is more useful when one or other of the DataFile objects is an instance of a sub - class of DataFile Args: args (positional arguments): Variable number of arguments that match one of the definitions above kargs (keyword Arguments): All keyword arguments that match public attributes are used to set those public attributes. """ # init instance attributes super().__init__(**kargs) # initialise self.metadata) self._public_attrs = { "data": np.ndarray, "filetype": str, "setas": (string_types, list, dict), "column_headers": list, "metadata": typeHintedDict, "debug": bool, "filename": string_types, "mask": (np.ndarray, bool), } self._repr_limits = (256, 6) handler = [lambda *args, **kargs: None, self._init_single, self._init_double, self._init_many][ min(len(args), 3) ] self.mask = False handler(*args, **kargs) try: kargs = self._kargs delattr(self, "_kargs") except AttributeError: pass self.metadata["Stoner.class"] = type(self).__name__ if kargs: # set public attributes from keywords to_go = [] for k, val in kargs.items(): if k in self._public_attrs: if isinstance(val, self._public_attrs[k]): self.__setattr__(k, val) else: self._raise_type_error(k) to_go.append(k) else: raise AttributeError(f"{k} is not an allowed attribute of {self._public_attrs}") for k in to_go: del kargs[k] if self.debug: print("Done DataFile init")
# ============================================================================================ ############################ Constructor Methods ########################################### # ============================================================================================ def _init_single(self, *args, **kargs): """Handle constructor with 1 argument - called from __init__.""" arg = args[0] inits = { path_types + (bool, bytes, io.IOBase): self._init_load, np.ndarray: self._init_array, DataFile: self._init_datafile, pd.DataFrame: self._init_pandas, "Stoner.Image.core.ImageFile": self._init_imagefile, Mapping: self._init_dict, Iterable: self._init_list, } for typ, meth in inits.items(): if isinstance(typ, str): parts = typ.split(".") mod = import_module(".".join(parts[:-1])) typ = getattr(mod, parts[-1]) if isinstance(arg, typ): meth(arg, **kargs) break else: raise TypeError(f"No constructor for {type(arg)}") def _init_double(self, *args, **kargs): """Two argument constructors handled here. Called form __init__.""" (arg0, arg1) = args if isinstance(arg1, dict) or (isiterable(arg1) and all_type(arg1, string_types)): self._init_single(arg0, **kargs) self._init_single(arg1, **kargs) elif ( isinstance(arg0, np.ndarray) and isinstance(arg1, np.ndarray) and len(arg0.shape) == 1 and len(arg1.shape) == 1 ): self._init_many(*args, **kargs) def _init_many(self, *args, **kargs): """Handle more than two arguments to the constructor - called from init.""" for a in args: if not (isinstance(a, np.ndarray) and a.ndim == 1): copy_into(self.__class__.load(a, **kargs), self) break else: = np.column_stack(args) def _init_array(self, arg, **kargs): # pylint: disable=unused-argument """Initialise from a single numpy array.""" # numpy.array - set data if np.issubdtype(arg.dtype, np.number): = DataArray(np.atleast_2d(arg), self.column_headers = [f"Column_{x}" for x in range(np.shape(arg)[1])] elif isinstance(arg[0], dict): for row in arg: self += row def _init_datafile(self, arg, **kargs): # pylint: disable=unused-argument """Initialise from datafile.""" for a in arg.__dict__: if not callable(a) and a != "_baseclass": super().__setattr__(a, copy.copy(getattr(arg, a))) self.metadata = arg.metadata.copy() = DataArray(, setas=arg.setas.clone) = arg.setas.clone def _init_dict(self, arg, **kargs): # pylint: disable=unused-argument """Initialise from dictionary.""" if ( all_type(arg.keys(), string_types) and all_type(arg.values(), np.ndarray) and np.all([len(arg[k].shape) == 1 and np.all(len(arg[k]) == len(list(arg.values())[0])) for k in arg]) ): = np.column_stack(tuple(arg.values())) self.column_headers = list(arg.keys()) else: self.metadata = arg.copy() def _init_imagefile(self, arg, **kargs): # pylint: disable=unused-argument """Initialise from an ImageFile.""" x = arg.get("x_vector", np.arange(arg.shape[1])) y = arg.get("y_vector", np.arange(arg.shape[0])) x, y = np.meshgrid(x, y) z = arg.image = np.column_stack((x.ravel(), y.ravel(), z.ravel())) self.metadata = copy.deepcopy(arg.metadata) self.column_headers = ["X", "Y", "Image Intensity"] self.setas = "xyz" def _init_pandas(self, arg, **kargs): # pylint: disable=unused-argument """Initialise from a pandas dataframe.""" = arg.values ch = [] for ix, col in enumerate(arg): if isinstance(col, string_types): ch.append(col) elif isiterable(col): for ch_i in col: if isinstance(ch_i, string_types): ch.append(ch_i) break else: ch.append(f"Column {ix}") else: ch.append(f"Column {ix}:{col}") self.column_headers = ch self.metadata.update(arg.metadata) if isinstance(arg.columns, pd.MultiIndex) and len(arg.columns.levels) > 1: for label in arg.columns.get_level_values(1): if label not in list("xyzdefuvw."): break else: self.setas = list(arg.columns.get_level_values(1)) def _init_load(self, arg, **kargs): """Load data from a file-like source. arg(str, PurePath, IOBase, bool): If arg is a str, PaurePath, ioBase then open the file like object and read. If arg is bool and False, provide a dialog box instead. """ if isinstance(arg, bool): if arg: raise ValueError("Cannot construct a DataFile with a single argument of True") elif isinstance(arg, pathlib.PurePath): arg = str(arg) copy_into(self.__class__.load(filename=arg, **kargs), self) def _init_list(self, arg, **kargs): """Initialise from a list or other ioterable.""" if all_type(arg, string_types): self.column_headers = list(arg) elif all_type(arg, np.ndarray): self._init_many(*arg, **kargs) else: raise TypeError(f"Unable to construct DataFile from a {type(arg)}") # ============================================================================================ ############################ Special Methods ############################################### # ============================================================================================ def __call__(self, *args, **kargs): """Clone the DataFile, but allowing additional arguments to modify the new clone. Args: *args (tuple): Positional arguments to pass through to the new clone. **kargs (dict): Keyword arguments to pass through to the new clone. Raises: TypeError: If a keyword argument doesn't match an attribute. Returns: new_d (DataFile): Modified clone of the current object. """ new_d = self.clone handler = [lambda *args, **kargs: None, new_d._init_single, new_d._init_double, new_d._init_many][ min(len(args), 2) ] handler(*args, **kargs) if kargs: # set public attributes from keywords myattrs = new_d._public_attrs for k in set(kargs.keys()) & set(myattrs.keys()): if isinstance(kargs[k], myattrs[k]): new_d.__setattr__(k, kargs[k]) else: if isinstance(myattrs[k], tuple): typ = "one of " + ",".join([str(type(t)) for t in myattrs[k]]) else: typ = f"a {type(myattrs[k])}" raise TypeError(f"{k} should be {typ} not a {type(kargs[k])}") return new_d def __deepcopy__(self, memo): """Provide support for copy.deepcopy to work.""" cls = type(self) result = cls.__new__(cls) memo[id(self)] = result for k, v in self.__dict__.items(): try: setattr(result, k, copy.deepcopy(v, memo)) except (TypeError, ValueError, RecursionError): setattr(result, k, copy.copy(v)) return result def __dir__(self): """Return the attributes of the current object. Augmenting the keys of self.__dict__ with the attributes that __getattr__ will handle. """ attr = dir(type(self)) col_check = {"xcol": "x", "xerr": "d", "ycol": "y", "yerr": "e", "zcol": "z", "zerr": "f"} if not self.setas.empty: for k, val in col_check.items(): if k.startswith("x"): if k in self._data._setas.cols and self._data._setas.cols[k] is not None: attr.append(val) else: if k in self._data._setas.cols and self._data._setas.cols[k]: attr.append(val) return sorted(set(attr)) def __getattr__(self, name): """Handle some special pseudo attributes that map to the setas columns. Args: name (string): The name of the attribute to be returned. Returns: Various: the DataFile object in various forms Supported attributes: - records: return the DataFile data as a numpy structured array - i.e. rows of elements whose keys are column headings - clone: returns a deep copy of the current DataFile instance Otherwise the name parameter is tried as an argument to :py:meth:`DataFile.column` and the resultant column is returned. If DataFile.column raises a KeyError this is remapped as an AttributeError. """ setas_cols = ("x", "y", "z", "d", "e", "f", "u", "v", "w", "r", "q", "p") if name != "debug" and self.debug: print(name) try: return super().__getattr__(name) except AttributeError: ret = self.__dict__.get(name, type(self).__dict__.get(name, None)) if ret is not None: return ret if name in setas_cols: ret = self._getattr_col(name) if ret is not None: return ret if name in self.setas.cols: ret = self.setas.cols[name] if ret is not None and ret != []: return ret try: col = self._data._setas.find_col(name) return self.column(col) except (KeyError, IndexError): pass if name in setas_cols: # Probably tried to use a setas col when it wasn't defined raise StonerSetasError( f"Tried accessing a {name} column, but setas is not defined and {name} is not a column name either" ) raise AttributeError(f"{name} is not an attribute of DataFile nor a column name") # def __reduce_ex__(self, p): # """Machinery used for deepcopy.""" # cls=type(self) # return (cls, (), self.__getstate__()) def __repr__(self): """Output the :py:class:`DataFile` object in TDI format. This allows one to print any :py:class:`DataFile` to a stream based object andgenerate a reasonable textual representation of the data.shape Returns: self in a textual format. """ if get_option("short_repr") or get_option("short_data_repr"): return self._repr_short_() try: return self._repr_table_() except (ImportError, ValueError, TypeError): return self.__repr_core__(256) def __setattr__(self, name, value): """Handle attempts to set attributes not covered with class attribute variables. Args: name (str): Name of attribute to set. Details of possible attributes below: - mask Passes through to the mask attribute of (which is a numpy masked array). Also handles the case where you pass a callable object to nask where we pass each row to the function and use the return reult as the mask - data Ensures that the :py:attr:`data` attribute is always a :py:class:`` """ if hasattr(type(self), name) and isinstance(getattr(type(self), name), property): super().__setattr__(name, value) elif len(name) == 1 and name in "xyzuvwdef" and self.setas[name]: self._setattr_col(name, value) else: super().__setattr__(name, value) def __str__(self): """Provide an implementation for str(DataFile) that does not shorten the output.""" return self.__repr_core__(False) # ============================================================================================ ############################ Private Methods ################################################# # ============================================================================================ def _col_args(self, *args, **kargs): """Create an object which has keys based either on arguments or setas attribute.""" return*args, **kargs) # Now just pass through to DataArray def _getattr_col(self, name): """Get a column using the setas attribute.""" try: return getattr(self._data, name) except StonerSetasError: return None def _interesting_cols(self, cols): """Workout which columns the user might be interested in in the basis of the setas. ArgsL cols (float): Maximum Number of columns to display Returns list(ints): The indices of interesting columns with breaks in runs indicated by -1 """ c = self.shape[1] if c > cols: interesting = [] last = -1 for ix, typ in enumerate(self.setas): if last not in (-1, ix - 1): interesting.append(-1) last = -1 if typ != ".": interesting.append(ix) last = ix if interesting and interesting[-1] == -1: interesting = interesting[:-1] if interesting: c_start = max(interesting) + 1 else: c_start = 0 interesting.extend(range(c_start, c)) if len(interesting) < cols: cols = len(interesting) if interesting[cols - 3] != -1: interesting[cols - 2] = -1 else: interesting[cols - 2] = c - 2 interesting[cols - 1] = c - 1 interesting = interesting[:cols] c = cols else: interesting = list(range(c)) col_assignments = [] for i in interesting: if i != -1: if self.setas[i] != ".": col_assignments.append(f"{i} ({self.setas[i]})") else: col_assignments.append(f"{i}") else: col_assignments.append("") return interesting, col_assignments, cols def __repr_core__(self, shorten=1000): """Actuall do the repr work, but allow for a shorten parameter to save printing big files out to disc.""" outp = "TDI Format 1.5\t" + "\t".join(self.column_headers) + "\n" m = len(self.metadata) = np.atleast_2d( r = np.shape([0] md = self.metadata.export_all() for x in range(min(r, m)): if != 2 or self.shape[1] == 1: outp += f"{md[x]}\t{[x]}\n" else: outp = outp + md[x] + "\t" + "\t".join([str(y) for y in[x].filled()]) + "\n" if m > r: # More metadata for x in range(r, m): outp = outp + md[x] + "\n" elif r > m: # More data than metadata if shorten is not None and shorten and r - m > shorten: for x in range(m, m + shorten - 100): if != 2 or self.shape[1] == 1: outp += "\t" + f"\t{[x]}\n" else: outp += "\t" + "\t".join([str(y) for y in[x].filled()]) + "\n" outp += f"... {r - m - shorten + 100} lines skipped...\n" for x in range(-100, -1): if != 2 or self.shape[1] == 1: outp += f"\t\t{[x]}\n" else: outp += "\t" + "\t".join([str(y) for y in[x].filled()]) + "\n" else: for x in range(m, r): if != 2 or self.shape[1] == 1: outp += f"\t\t{[x]}\n" else: outp = outp + "\t" + "\t".join([str(y) for y in[x].filled()]) + "\n" return outp def _repr_html_private(self): """Version of repr_core that does and html output.""" return self._repr_table_("html") def _repr_short_(self): ret = ( f"{self.filename}({type(self)}) of shape {self.shape} ({''.join(self.setas)})" + f" and {len(self.metadata)} items of metadata" ) return ret def _repr_table_(self, fmt="rst"): """Convert the DataFile to a 2D array and then feed to tabulate.""" if tabulate is None: raise ImportError("No tabulate.") lb = "<br/>" if fmt == "html" else "\n" rows, cols = self._repr_limits r, c = self.shape interesting, col_assignments, cols = self._interesting_cols(cols) c = min(c, cols) if len(interesting) > 0: c_w = max([len(self.column_headers[x]) for x in interesting if x > -1]) else: c_w = 0 wrapper = TextWrapper(subsequent_indent="\t", width=max(20, (80 - c_w * c))) if r > rows: shorten = [True, False] r = rows + rows % 2 else: shorten = [False, False] shorten[1] = c > cols r = max(len(self.metadata), r) outp = np.zeros((r + 1, c + 1), dtype=object) outp[:, :] = "..." ch = [self.column_headers[ix] if ix >= 0 else "...." for ix in interesting] for ix, (h, i) in enumerate(zip(ch, col_assignments)): spaces1 = " " * ((c_w - len(h)) // 2) spaces2 = " " * ((c_w - len(i)) // 2) ch[ix] = f"{spaces1}{h}{lb}{spaces2}{i}" if self.debug: print(len(spaces1), len(spaces2)) outp[0, 1:] = ch outp[1, 1:] = col_assignments outp[0, 0] = f"TDI Format 1.5{lb}index" i = 1 for md in self.metadata.export_all(): md = md.replace("=", "= ") for line in wrapper.wrap(md): if i >= outp.shape[0]: # pylint: disable=E1136 outp = np.append(outp, [[""] * outp.shape[1]], axis=0) # pylint: disable=E1136 outp[i, 0] = line i += 1 for ic, c in enumerate(interesting): if c >= 0: if shorten[0]: col_out = np.where(self.mask[: r // 2 - 1, c], "#####",[: r // 2 - 1, c].astype(str)) outp[1 : r // 2, ic + 1] = col_out col_out = np.where(self.mask[-r // 2 :, c], "#####",[-r // 2 :, c].astype(str)) outp[r // 2 + 1 : r + 1, ic + 1] = col_out else: col_out = np.where(self.mask[:, c], "#####",[:, c].astype(str)) outp[1 : len( + 1, ic + 1] = col_out return tabulate(outp[1:], outp[0], tablefmt=fmt, numalign="decimal", stralign="left") def _setattr_col(self, name, value): """Attempt to either assign data columns if set up, or setas setting. Args: name (length 1 string): Column type to work with (one of x,y,z,u,v,w,d,e or f) value (nd array or column index): If an ndarray and the column type corresponding to *name* is set up, then overwrite the column(s) of data with this new data. If an index type, then set the corresponding setas assignment to these columns. """ if isinstance(value, np.ndarray): value = np.atleast_2d(value) if value.shape[0] ==[0]: pass elif value.shape[1] ==[0]: value = value.T else: raise RuntimeError("Value to be assigned to data columns is the wrong shape!") for i, ix in enumerate(self.find_col(self.setas[name], force_list=True)):[:, ix] = value[:, i] elif isinstance(value, index_types): self._set_setas({name: value}) def _set_mask(self, func, invert=False, cumulative=False, col=0): """Apply func to each row in and uses the result to set the mask for the row. Args: func (callable): A Callable object of the form lambda x:True where x is a row of data (numpy invert (bool): Optionally invert te reult of the func test so that it unmasks data instead cumulative (bool): if tru, then an unmask value doesn't unmask the data, it just leaves it as it is. """ i = -1 args = len(_inspect_.getargs(func.__code__)[0]) for r in self.rows(): i += 1 r.mask = False if args == 2: t = func(r[col], r) else: t = func(r) if isinstance(t, (bool, np.bool_)): if t ^ invert:[i] = ma.masked elif not cumulative:[i] =[i] else: for j in range(min(len(t), np.shape([1])): if t[j] ^ invert:[i, j] = ma.masked elif not cumulative:[i, j] =[i, j] def _push_mask(self, mask=None): """Copy the current data mask to a temporary store and replace it with a new mask if supplied. Args: mask (:py:class:numpy.array of bool or bool or None): The new data mask to apply (defaults to None = unmask the data Returns: Nothing """ self._masks.append(self.mask) if mask is None: = False else: self.mask = mask def _pop_mask(self): """Replace the mask on the data with the last one stored by _push_mask(). Returns: Nothing """ self.mask = False self.mask = self._masks.pop() # pylint: disable=E0203 if not self._masks: # pylint: disable=E0203 self._masks = [False] def _raise_type_error(self, k): """Raise a type error when setting an attribute k.""" if isinstance(self._public_attrs[k], tuple): typ = "one of " + ",".join([str(type(t)) for t in self._public_attrs[k]]) else: typ = f"a {type(self._public_attrs[k])}" raise TypeError(f"{k} should be {typ}") # ============================================================================================ ############################ Public Methods ################################################ # ============================================================================================
[docs] def add_column(self, column_data, header=None, index=None, func_args=None, replace=False, setas=None): """Append a column of data or inserts a column to a datafile instance. Args: column_data (:py:class:`numpy.array` or list or callable): Data to append or insert or a callable function that will generate new data Keyword Arguments: header (string): The text to set the column header to, if not supplied then defaults to 'col#' index (index type): The index (numeric or string) to insert (or replace) the data func_args (dict): If column_data is a callable object, then this argument can be used to supply a dictionary of function arguments to the callable object. replace (bool): Replace the data or insert the data (default) setas (str): Set the type of column (x,y,z data etc - see :py:attr:`Stoner.Core.DataFile.setas`) Returns: self: The :py:class:`DataFile` instance with the additional column inserted. Note: Like most :py:class:`DataFile` methods, this method operates in-place in that it also modifies the original DataFile Instance as well as returning it. """ if index is None or isinstance(index, bool) and index: # Enure index is set index = self.shape[1] replace = False elif isinstance(index, int_types) and index == self.shape[1]: replace = False else: index = self.find_col(index) # Sort out the data and get it into an array of values. if isinstance(column_data, list): column_data = np.array(column_data) if isinstance(column_data, DataArray) and header is None: header = column_data.column_headers if isinstance(column_data, np.ndarray): np_data = column_data elif callable(column_data): if isinstance(func_args, dict): new_data = [column_data(x, **func_args) for x in self] else: new_data = [column_data(x) for x in self] np_data = np.array(new_data) else: return NotImplemented # Sort out the sizes of the arrays if np_data.ndim == 1: np_data = np.atleast_2d(np_data).T cl, cw = np_data.shape # Make setas setas = "." * cw if setas is None else setas if isiterable(setas) and len(setas) == cw: for s in setas: if s not in ".-xyzuvwdefpqr": raise TypeError( f"setas parameter should be a string or list of letter in the set xyzdefuvw.-, not {setas}" ) else: raise TypeError( f"""setas parameter should be a string or list of letter the same length as the number of columns being added in the set xyzdefuvw.-, not {setas}""" ) # Make sure our current data is at least 2D and get its size if len( == 1: = np.atleast_2d( if len( == 2: (dr, dc) = elif not = np.array([[]]) (dr, dc) = (0, 0) # Expand either our current data or new data to have the same number of rows if cl > dr and dc * dr > 0: # Existing data is finite and too short = DataArray(np.append(, np.zeros((cl - dr, dc)), 0), setas=self.setas.clone) elif cl < dr: # New data is too short np_data = np.append(np_data, np.zeros((dr - cl, cw))) if np_data.ndim == 1: np_data = np.atleast_2d(np_data).T elif dc == 0: # Existing data has no width - replace with cl,0 = DataArray(np.zeros((cl, 0))) elif dr == 0: # Existing data has no rows - expand existing data with zeros to have right length = DataArray(np.append(, np.zeros((cl, dr)), axis=0), setas=self.setas.clone) # If not replacing, then add extra columns to existing data. if not replace: columns = copy.copy(self.column_headers) old_setas = self.setas.clone if index ==[1]: # appending column = DataArray(np.append(, np_data, axis=1), setas=self.setas.clone) else: = DataArray( np.append([:, :index], np.append(np.zeros_like(np_data),[:, index:], axis=1), axis=1 ), setas=self.setas.clone, ) for ix in range(0, index): self.column_headers[ix] = columns[ix] self.setas[ix] = old_setas[ix] for ix in range(index, dc): self.column_headers[ix + cw] = columns[ix] self.setas[ix + cw] = old_setas[ix] # Check that we don't need to expand to overwrite with the new data if index + cw > self.shape[1]: = DataArray( np.append(, np.zeros(([0],[1] - index + cw)), axis=1), setas=self.setas.clone, ) # Put the data into the array[:, index : index + cw] = np_data if header is None: # This will fix the header if not defined. header = [f"Column {ix}" for ix in range(index, index + cw)] if isinstance(header, string_types): header = [header] if len(header) != cw: header.extend(["Column {ix}" for x in range(index, index + cw)]) for ix, (hdr, s) in enumerate(zip(header, setas)): self.column_headers[ix + index] = hdr self.setas[index + ix] = s return self
[docs] def columns(self, not_masked=False, reset=False): """Iterate over the columns of data int he datafile. Keyword Args: no_masked (bool): Only iterate over columns that don't have masked elements reset (bool): If true then reset the iterator (immediately stops the current iteration without returning any data)./ Yields: 1D array: Returns the next column of data. """ for ix, col in enumerate( if not_masked and ma.is_masked(col): continue if reset: return yield self.column(ix)
[docs] def del_column(self, col=None, duplicates=False): """Delete a column from the current :py:class:`DataFile` object. Args: col (int, string, iterable of booleans, list or re): is the column index as defined for :py:meth:`DataFile.find_col` to the column to be deleted Keyword Arguments: duplicates (bool): (default False) look for duplicated columns Returns: self: The :py:class:`DataFile` object with the column deleted. Note: - If duplicates is True and col is None then all duplicate columns are removed, - if col is not None and duplicates is True then all duplicates of the specified column are removed. - If duplicates is False and *col* is either None or False then all masked coplumns are deleeted. If *col* is True, then all columns that are not set i the :py:attr:`setas` attrobute are deleted. - If col is a list (duplicates should not be None) then the all the matching columns are found. - If col is an iterable of booleans, then all columns whose elements are False are deleted. - If col is None and duplicates is None, then all columns with at least one elelemtn masked will be deleted """ if duplicates: ch = self.column_headers dups = [] if col is None: for i, chi in enumerate(ch): if chi in ch[i + 1 :]: dups.append(ch.index(chi, i + 1)) else: col = ch[self.find_col(col)] i = ch.index(col) while True: try: i = ch.index(col, i + 1) dups.append(i) except ValueError: break return self.del_column(dups, duplicates=False) if col is None or (isinstance(col, bool) and not col): # Without defining col we just compress by the mask = ma.mask_cols( t = DataArray(self.column_headers) t.mask = self.mask[0] self.column_headers = list(ma.compressed(t)) = ma.compress_cols( elif isinstance(col, bool) and col: # Without defining col we just compress by the mask ch = [self.column_headers[ix] for ix, v in enumerate(self.setas.set) if v] setas = [self.setas[ix] for ix, v in enumerate(self.setas.set) if v] =[:, self.setas.set] self.setas = setas self.column_headers = ch elif isiterable(col) and all_type(col, bool): # If col is an iterable of booleans then we index by that col = ~np.array(col) new_setas = np.array(self.setas)[col] new_column_headers = np.array(self.column_headers)[col] =[:, col] self.setas = new_setas self.column_headers = new_column_headers else: # Otherwise find individual columns c = self.find_col(col) ch = self.column_headers = DataArray(np.delete(, c, 1), mask=np.delete(, c, 1)) if isinstance(c, list): c.sort(reverse=True) else: c = [c] for cl in c: del ch[cl] self.column_headers = ch return self
[docs] def del_nan(self, col=None, clone=False): """Remove rows that have nan in them. eyword Arguments: col (index types or None): column(s) to look for nan's in. If None or not given, use setas columns. clone (boolean): if True clone the current object before running and then return the clone not self. Return: self (DataFile): Returns a copy of the current object (or clone if *clone*=True) """ if clone: # Set ret to be our clone ret = self.clone else: # Not cloning so ret is self ret = self if col is None: # If col is still None, use all columns that are set to any value in self.setas col = [ix for ix, col in enumerate(self.setas) if col != "."] if not isLikeList(col): # If col isn't a list, make it one now col = [col] col = [ret.find_col(c) for c in col] # Normalise col to be a list of integers dels = np.zeros(len(ret)).astype(bool) for ix in col: dels = np.logical_or( dels, np.isnan([:, ix]) ) # dels contains True if any row contains a NaN in columns col not_masked = ma.logical_not(ma.mask_rows([:, 0]) # Get rows wqhich are not masked dels = np.logical_and(not_masked, dels) # And make dels just be unmasked rows with NaNs ret.del_rows(np.logical_not(dels)) # Del the those rows return ret
[docs] def del_rows(self, col=None, val=None, invert=False): """Search in the numerica data for the lines that match and deletes the corresponding rows. Args: col (list,slice,int,string, re, callable or None): Column containing values to search for. val (float or callable): Specifies rows to delete. Maybe: - None - in which case the *col* argument is used to identify rows to be deleted, - a float in which case rows whose columncol = val are deleted - or a function - in which case rows where the function evaluates to be true are deleted. - a tuple, in which case rows where column col takes value between the minimum and maximum of the tuple are deleted. Keyword Arguments: invert (bool): Specifies whether to invert the logic of the test to delete a row. If True, keep the rows that would have been deleted otherwise. Returns: self: The current :py:class:`DataFile` object Note: If col is None, then all rows with masked data are deleted if *col* is callable then it is passed each row as a :py:class:`DataArray` and if it returns True, then the row will be deleted or kept depending on the value of *invert*. If *val* is a callable it should take two arguments - a float and a list. The float is the value of the current row that corresponds to column col abd the second argument is the current row. Todo: Implement val is a tuple for deletinging in a range of values. """ if col is None: = ma.compress_rows( else: if isinstance(col, slice) and val is None: # delete rows with a slice to make a list of indices indices = col.indices(len(self)) col = list(range(*indices)) elif callable(col) and val is None: # Delete rows usinga callalble taking the whole row col = [r.i for r in self.rows() if col(r)] elif isiterable(col) and all_type(col, bool): # Delete rows by a list of booleans if len(col) < len(self): col.extend([False] * (len(self) - len(col))) =[col] return self if isiterable(col) and all_type(col, int_types) and val is None and not invert: col.sort(reverse=True) for c in col: self.del_rows(c) elif isinstance(col, list) and all_type(col, int_types) and val is None and invert: for i in range(len(self) - 1, -1, -1): if i not in col: self.del_rows(i) elif isinstance(col, int_types) and val is None and not invert: tmp_mask = self.mask tmp_setas = = np.delete(, col, 0) = np.delete(tmp_mask, col, 0) = tmp_setas elif isinstance(col, int_types) and val is None and invert: self.del_rows([c], invert=invert) else: col = self.find_col(col) d = self.column(col) if callable(val): rows = np.nonzero( [(bool(val(x[col], x) and bool(x[col] is not ma.masked)) != invert) for x in self] )[0] elif isinstance(val, float): rows = np.nonzero([bool(x == val) != invert for x in d])[0] elif isiterable(val) and len(val) == 2: (upper, lower) = (max(list(val)), min(list(val))) rows = np.nonzero([bool(lower <= x <= upper) != invert for x in d])[0] else: raise SyntaxError( "If val is specified it must be a float,callable, or iterable object of length 2" ) tmp_mask = self.mask tmp_setas = = np.delete(, rows, 0) = np.delete(tmp_mask, rows, 0) = tmp_setas return self
[docs] def dir(self, pattern=None): """Return a list of keys in the metadata, filtering with a regular expression if necessary. Keyword Arguments: pattern (string or re): is a regular expression or None to list all keys Returns: list: A list of metadata keys. """ if pattern is None: return list(self.metadata.keys()) if isinstance(pattern, _pattern_type): test = pattern else: test = re.compile(pattern) possible = [x for x in self.metadata.keys() if] return possible
[docs] def filter(self, func=None, cols=None, reset=True): """Set the mask on rows of data by evaluating a function for each row. Args: func (callable): is a callable object that should take a single list as a p[parameter representing one row. cols (list): a list of column indices that are used to form the list of values passed to func. reset (bool): determines whether the mask is reset before doing the filter (otherwise rows already masked out will be ignored in the filter (so the filter is logically or'd)) The default value of None results in a complete row being passed into func. Returns: self: The current :py:class:`DataFile` object with the mask set """ if cols is not None: cols = [self.find_col(c) for c in cols] if reset: = False for r in self.rows(): if cols is None: self.mask[r.i, :] = not func(r) else: self.mask[r.i, :] = not func(r[cols]) return self
[docs] def get_filename(self, mode): """Force the user to choose a new filename using a system dialog box. Args: mode (string): The mode of file operation to be used when calling the dialog box Returns: str: The new filename Note: The filename attribute of the current instance is updated by this method as well. """ self.filename = file_dialog(mode, self.filename, type(self), DataFile) return self.filename
[docs] def insert_rows(self, row, new_data): """Insert new_data into the data array at position row. This is a wrapper for numpy.insert. Args: row (int): Data row to insert into new_data (numpy array): An array with an equal number of columns as the main data array containing the new row(s) of data to insert Returns: self: A copy of the modified :py:class:`DataFile` object """ = np.insert(, row, new_data, 0) return self
[docs] @classmethod def load(cls, *args, **kargs): """Create a new :py:class:`DataFile` from a file on disc guessing a better subclass if necessary. Args: filename (string or None): path to file to load Keyword Arguments: auto_load (bool): If True (default) then the load routine tries all the subclasses of :py:class:`DataFile` in turn to load the file filetype (:py:class:`DataFile`, str): If not none then tries using filetype as the loader. loaded_class (bool): If True, the return object is kept as the class that managed to load it, otherwise it is copied into a :py:class:`Stoner.Data` object. (Default False) Returns: (Data): A new instance of :py:class:`Stoner.Data` or a s subclass of :py:class:`Stoner.DataFile` if *loaded_class* is True. Note: If *filetype* is a string, then it is first tried as an exact match to a subclass name, otherwise it is used as a partial match and the first class in priority order is that matches is used. Some subclasses can be found in the :py:mod:`Stoner.formats` package. Each subclass is scanned in turn for a class attribute priority which governs the order in which they are tried. Subclasses which can make an early positive determination that a file has the correct format can have higher priority levels. Classes should return a suitable exception if they fail to load the file. If no class can load a file successfully then a StonerUnrecognisedFormat exception is raised. """ from .formats import load # pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel filename = kargs.pop("filename", args[0] if len(args) > 0 else None) # Sort out the filetype, checking whether we've been passed a class or an instance first. filetype = kargs.pop("filetype", None) if isclass(filetype, metadataObject): filetype = filetype.__name__ elif filetype and isinstance(filetype, metadataObject): filetype = filetype.__class__.__name__ # If filetype is None, then we want to auto-load by default auto_load = kargs.pop("auto_load", filetype is None) # Fallback to ensure filetype is set filetype = "DataFile" if filetype is None else filetype if filename is None or not filename: filename = file_dialog("r", filename, cls, DataFile) if auto_load: # We're going to try every subclass we canA kargs.pop("filetype", None) # make sure filetype is not set else: kargs.setdefault("filetype", filetype) # Makre sure filetype is set ret = load(filename, *args, **kargs) if not isinstance(ret, DataFile): # autoload returned something that wasn't a data file! return ret for k, i in kargs.items(): if not callable(getattr(ret, k, lambda x: False)): setattr(ret, k, i) ret._kargs = kargs return ret
[docs] def rename(self, old_col, new_col): """Rename columns without changing the underlying data. Args: old_col (string, int, re): Old column index or name (using standard rules) new_col (string): New name of column Returns: self: A copy of the modified :py:class:`DataFile` instance """ old_col = self.find_col(old_col) self.column_headers[old_col] = new_col return self
[docs] def reorder_columns(self, cols, headers_too=True, setas_too=True): """Construct a new data array from the original data by assembling the columns in the order given. Args: cols (list of column indices): (referred to the oriignal data set) from which to assemble the new data set headers_too (bool): Reorder the column headers in the same way as the data (defaults to True) setas_too (bool): Reorder the column assignments in the same way as the data (defaults to True) Returns: self: A copy of the modified :py:class:`DataFile` object """ if headers_too: column_headers = [self.column_headers[self.find_col(x)] for x in cols] else: column_headers = self.column_headers if setas_too: setas = [self.setas[self.find_col(x)] for x in cols] else: setas = self.setas.clone newdata = np.atleast_2d([:, self.find_col(cols.pop(0))]) for col in cols: newdata = np.append(newdata, np.atleast_2d([:, self.find_col(col)]), axis=0) = DataArray(np.transpose(newdata)) self.setas = setas self.column_headers = column_headers return self
[docs] def rows(self, not_masked=False, reset=False): """Iterate over rows of data. Keyword Arguments: not_masked(bool): If a row is masked and this is true, then don't return this row. reset (bool): If true then reset the iterator (immediately stops the current iteration without returning any data)./ Yields: 1D array: Returns the next row of data """ for ix, row in enumerate( if not isinstance(row, DataArray): row = DataArray([row]) row.i = ix row.setas = self.setas if ma.is_masked(row) and not_masked: continue if reset: return yield row
[docs] def save(self, filename=None, **kargs): """Save a string representation of the current DataFile object into the file 'filename'. Args: filename (string, bool or None): Filename to save data as, if this is None then the current filename for the object is used. If this is not set, then then a file dialog is used. If filename is False then a file dialog is forced. as_loaded (bool,str): If True, then the *Loaded as* key is inspected to see what the original class of the DataFile was and then this class' save method is used to save the data. If a str then the keyword value is interpreted as the name of a subclass of the the current DataFile. Returns: self: The current :py:class:`DataFile` object """ from .formats.decorators import get_saver # pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel as_loaded = kargs.pop("as_loaded", False) if filename is None: filename = self.filename if filename is None or (isinstance(filename, bool) and not filename): # now go and ask for one filename = file_dialog("w", self.filename, type(self), DataFile) if not filename: raise RuntimeError("Cannot get filename to save") if as_loaded: if ( isinstance(as_loaded, bool) and "Loaded as" in self ): # Use the Loaded as key to find a different save routine as_loaded = self["Loaded as"] if isinstance(as_loaded, string_types) and (saver := get_saver(as_loaded, silent=True)): pass else: raise ValueError( f"{as_loaded} cannot be interpreted as a valid sub class of {type(self)}" + " so cannot be used to save this data" ) else: saver = get_saver("DataFile") # Get my saver # Normalise the extension to ensure it's something we like... filename = pathlib.Path(filename) if filename.suffix not in saver.patterns: filename = filename.parent / f"{filename.stem}{saver.patterns[0][0]}" return saver(self, filename)
[docs] def swap_column(self, *swp, **kargs): """Swap pairs of columns in the data. Useful for reordering data for idiot programs that expect columns in a fixed order. Args: swp (tuple of list of tuples of two elements): Each element will be iused as a column index (using the normal rules for matching columns). The two elements represent the two columns that are to be swapped. headers_too (bool): Indicates the column headers are swapped as well Returns: self: A copy of the modified :py:class:`DataFile` objects Note: If swp is a list, then the function is called recursively on each element of the list. Thus in principle the @swp could contain lists of lists of tuples """*swp, **kargs) return self
[docs] def to_pandas(self): """Create a pandas DataFrame from a :py:class:`Stoner.Data` object. Notes: In addition to transferring the numerical data, the DataFrame's columns are set to a multi-level index of the :py:attr:`Stoner.Data.column_headers` and :py:attr:`Stoner.Data.setas` values. A pandas DataFrame extension attribute, *metadata* is registered and is used to store the metada from the :py:class:1Stoner.Data` object. This pandas extension attribute is in fact a trivial subclass of the :py:class:`Stoner.core.typeHintedDict`. The inverse operation can be carried out simply by passing a DataFrame into the copnstructor of the :py:class:`Stoner.Data` object. Raises: **NotImplementedError** if pandas didn't import correctly. """ if pd is None: raise NotImplementedError("Pandas not available") idx = pd.MultiIndex.from_tuples(zip(*[self.column_headers, self.setas]), names=("Headers", "Setas")) df = pd.DataFrame(, columns=idx) df.metadata.update(self.metadata) return df